Blogger Steven Gaythorpe

Here are the answers from blogger Steven Gaythorpe

1/ What first got you into SF?
Star Wars - not A New Hope, but STAR WARS!

2/ Who was your first geek crush?
Princess Leia.

3/ If you were a spaceship from a TV show or movie, which would you be (and why)?
New Battlestar Galactica - I'm feeling a bit battered today!

4/ If SFX were to run a convention, which guest would you most like to meet there?
Ronald D Moore, Bryan Fuller, Steven Moffat, Alan Ball.

5/ What's the most exciting thing to happen to you (SF wise) in 2009 so far?
Being an SFX blogger!

6/ What feature would you most like us to add to this website?
A more regular schedule - it's a bit ad hoc at the moment. And more blogs...

7/ What SF character has most inspired you in your life?
Jesus (only joking - it's Chewbacca).

8/ What's always your number one book or DVD recommendation to a friend?
My Neighbour Totoro.

9/ If you were the boss of SFX magazine for a day, what would be your first command?
Get the staff dressed up in full costume and get them to re-enact the entire original Star Wars Trilogy!

10/ Who'd win in a fight, a caveman or an astronaut?
Caveman, he'd be more agile.

SFX Magazine is the world's number one sci-fi, fantasy, and horror magazine published by Future PLC. Established in 1995, SFX Magazine prides itself on writing for its fans, welcoming geeks, collectors, and aficionados into its readership for over 25 years. Covering films, TV shows, books, comics, games, merch, and more, SFX Magazine is published every month. If you love it, chances are we do too and you'll find it in SFX.