Skyline Is Not Independence Day 2

That’s what co-director Greg Strause promises in the latest SFX

Skyline has one of the coolest trailers in a long time, and on that belies the movie’s minuscule budget and guerilla film-making tactics. But you can’t help feeling it looks a little familiar. Not so, says co-director Greg Strause (who shot the movie with bro’ Colin). Despite the big spaceship, the big tenacles and LA setting, this is not Independence Day 2 , he tells Red Alert in SFX 202 .

“I can’t tell you how different it is. The genre is definitely well-travelled territory, but we worked it as more of an alien abduction film than an invasion film. This is more about the rapture, the aliens showing up and carrying out a mass abduction. And we also throw in some big 60-foot tall creatures to have fun with.”

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.