Avatar Extended

Avatar could possibly get an early rerelease, with extra scenes added

Apparently Fox also feels that the film had more 3D legs in it, when it was forced off of 3D screens by Alicce In Wonderland .

According to the article, there is about 40 minutes of material that could be put back into the film, though a lot of that would need major work to get it cinema ready. Cameron has told Fox that he has 10-12 minutes of extra scenes that he cut that could be quickly shunted through postproduction to be ready to for a director’s cut for the cinema or as an extra on the DVD release. Another complication is that there is a time limit on movies shown in IMAX cinemas (wonder why?) of 170 minutes, so since the original Avatar was about 160 minutes, it seems likely we'd only get about 10 minutes of extra footage.

Which leaves another 30 minutes for a special “Director’s Cut Of The Extended Version” DVD… presumably.

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.