Battlefield 3 details leaked?

Oct 10, 2007

The first details on Battlefield 3, the third "proper" installment in EA's multiplayer big battle series, seem to have leaked to the net via a fan site.

The details are based around a "leaked" PDF file supposedly intended for EA investors, which indicates that the next game will be officially announced in January 2008 for a release later that year.

According to the document, the third game returns to the near-future setting of Battlefield 2 and runs on a modified Bad Company engine, called Frostbite DX - the "DX" supposedly referring to DirectX 10.

Eight maps and support for up to 40-players per team (40v40!) is touted, along with five familiar classes; Sniper, Assault, Engineer, Medic and Support. There's even talk of an MMO-style "soldier" system which lets you create and customize your own avatar.

A beta test is listed for next summer, though EA's still sitting firmly on the "no comment" bandwagon. We'll keep you posted on any more evidence that might pop up.

Source: DigitalBattle

Courtesy of CVG.