Games to overtake libraries on 'National Gaming Day'

It turns out people who play video games aren't stupid, socially inept plebeians after all, despite what you may have heard from crusty old politicians. With that in mind, hundreds of libraries across the country are joining in a neat initiative called National Gaming Day.

OnNovember 13th, the American Library Association (ALA) will sponsora nationwide event which includes interactive game sessions, educational gaming showcases, board games,andbloody bouts ofGrand Theft Auto. Oh, wait, apparently that last one has been scrapped.

Seriously, though, it's always good to see games getting representation in places other than Comic-Con and Blizzcon. According to the ALA, the initiative will help inspirekids and adults alike to use other library services:

"Why celebrate gaming? Studies of adult gaming found that patrons who attended gaming events at the library were more open to using other library services. Also, libraries report young users who have come to the library to play games come back to use other free resources, such as homework help programs."

Above: Libraries, boring? Come on, look at that action!

This is the first nationally organized video game-related event the ALA has ever produced, but individual libraries have had similar activities, like game nights, before.

The ALA says patrons who want more information on National Gaming Day should contact their local library.

Oct 08, 2010

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