Spider-Man PS4 player clears Olympus base without touching the ground

One extraordinarily coordinated Spider-Man PS4 player managed to beat an entire Olympus Hideout without ever touching the ground, and thankfully they got the whole thing on video for our viewing pleasure.

The player spends over 7 minutes swinging from point-to-point, pulling baddies up from the ground to beat them, and somehow avoiding touching ground despite numerous close calls. It's actually incredibly tense just to watch, because it feels like the chain of combos is set to break any moment.

All in all, Reddit user LobokVonZuben performed a 309x combo streak to clear the entire base. The player attributes their success to a move that lets you grab bad guys from the ground and pull them up, all while swinging through the air. "The whole reason this video is even possible is because of the "Air Yank" move that allows Spider-Man in mid-air to pull people on the ground up to him with his webs," LobokVonZuben wrote.

I've been seeing more and more of these kinds of videos cropping up, probably because of all the staying home. While I haven't seen as many for Spider-Man PS4, there are plenty of people doing insane things in Breath of the Wild. Most recently, someone beat the entire main campaign in Breath of the Wild without Link walking.

Spider-Man PS4 was definitely one of the highlights of 2018 - now let's look at the most exciting upcoming games of 2020 (and beyond).

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.