Spurious Awards Of The Week

Hoofer Of The Week

Kirby in Being Human shows why he should win Let’s Dance For Sports Relief with this spectacular routine, that audaciously combines such disparate influences as Saturday Night Fever , Bugsy Malone , the dancing baby from Ally McBeal and a man who’s just released a ferret into his undergarments.

Game Of The Week

We want this installed in the office now: Greek Myths-Themed Table Football. Either that, or it’s the DVD release of Immortals on Monday.

New Superpower Of The Week

Is it just us or has Steve Rogers been taking on some of Hank Pym’s Giant-Man potion?

Grown Up Kids Of The Week

It’s got Nathan Fillion in it. What more do you want?

Fashion Statement Of The Week

We usually like to keep these awards topical, but occasionally somebody makes an archaeological find that’s too good not to pass on. Though quite what our Rob was Googling for when he discovered these is probably best left a mystery. These Alien-inspired high-heels were created by the late Alexander McQueen in 2010 but they were never commercially available. Possibly because they look about as uncomforatble as they do cool. [via neatorama.com ]

Lateral Thinking Of The Week

[via The Daily Geek ]

Horrifying Truth Of The Week

[via Dorkly ]

More Spurious Awards on the next page…

X-Factor Hopefuls Of The Week

The Dalek Supremes, courtesy of The Daily Dalek , one of the most browsably silly websites we’ve found in a long time.

Discovery Of The Week

This “leaked” footage from a “source” as game developer Day 1 Studios has been popping up in various places round the net this week, but SiliconEra was where we discovered it, so we’ll give them the link. Using the 1989 comic Gotham By Gaslight as inspiration, this was a planned (but never released) steam-punky vision of Batman set at the end of the 19th century, with the Dark Knight on the trail of Jack The Ripper. Are you finding the cape as oddly hypnotic as we are?

Critic Of The Week

Men In Black 3 director Barry Sonnenfeld can’t seem to make his mind whether he like his own film or not in the latest Empire : “We knew starting the movie that we didn’t have a finished second or third act. Was it responsible? The answer is, if this movie does as well as I think it will, it was genius. If it's a total failure, then it was a really stupid idea.”

Teaser Of The Week

Paint us teased.

Packaging Of The Week

We are in awe. This is the packaging for the 31-disc Harry Potter Wizards Collection , a box set featuring all eight films and a whole load more. It’s available for pre-order now from Amazon in the States for a whopping $349.99, though no release date is mentioned. No sign of it on UK Amazon either. There’s over five hours of all-new material and multiple specially-produced, collectable memorabilia items, including concept art and a Map of Hogwarts. But as pretty as it looks, let’s hope it’s a little more robust than some “elaborate” DVD box-set packaging we could mention ( …Doctor Who Series One TARDIS box… grumble… moan… Has anyone got one of those on which the door magnet still works?).

Olympic Sport Of The Week

We discovered this literally seconds after posting last week’s Spurious Awards, but we think you’ll agree, it’s worth the wait. Kind of Scott Pilgrim Versus The Wiff Waff .

Glassware Of The Week

And finally this week, an object of rare beauty. Yep, that’s a stained glass TARDIS you’re looking at, created by Crafster user (and stained glass student) Xandrigirly, who says, “I was originally planning on a lantern type thing, but I changed my mind and decided this would be a box to keep my ever growing candy stash! And since I’m a dork, it had to be a TARDIS!” [via geeksaresexy ]

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.