Around the Internet - 1080 vs.720, current vs. next-gen visual comparison, and more

Every week we round up articles on all of the most popular topics and put them all in one place for your reading pleasure. This week, check out what other Mario spin-off genres Nintendo should make next, get a video comparison of Call of Duty: Ghosts on current-gen and next-gen, and much more. Click on the links below and check them out.

The Koalition

5 New Genres for Mario Spinoffs

Recap: Snake

The Co-op Podcast 62: 720p vs 1080p - Can You Really Tell The Difference?

God is a Geek

Video: Call of Duty: Ghosts – PlayStation 4 vs PlayStation 3 Comparison

Call of Duty: Ghosts Review

Rayman Fiesta Run Review

Brutal Gamer

Battlefield 4 (PC/360) Review

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Xbox 360) Review

Welcome to the Adult Zone, You’re Gonna Cry...

GamesRadar+ was first founded in 1999, and since then has been dedicated to delivering video game-related news, reviews, previews, features, and more. Since late 2014, the website has been the online home of Total Film, SFX, Edge, and PLAY magazines, with comics site Newsarama joining the fold in 2020. Our aim as the global GamesRadar Staff team is to take you closer to the games, movies, TV shows, and comics that you love. We want to upgrade your downtime, and help you make the most of your time, money, and skills. We always aim to entertain, inform, and inspire through our mix of content - which includes news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.