Tweets Of The Week

The Twitter illuminati give their verdict on the new Doctor Who and Damon Lindelof rails against Easter…

Matt Smith’s debut as the Doctor in “The Eleventh Hour” seemed to go down well with SF’s Twitterers last week: “I am 8 years old again,” Tweeted Ashes To Ashes 's Matthew Graham. “Love Matt, love Karen, love theme tune, love NewDaddyMoff, love Doctor Who!”

“Watched Dr Who 11th Hour with @maddyg44 and 3 of her male friends,” added Neil Gaiman. “Result = 1 horribly embarrassed daughter, 3 new Dr Who fans.”

And TV’s Charlie Brooker, not the easiest TV critic to impress, was lovin’ it too: “Just caught up on Dr. Who. Matt Smith seems set to make a f**king great Doctor. V exciting!”

Jonathan Ross too was enraptured: “We all LOVED the new Doctor Whooooo – felt real twinge when former Drs flashed by – especially Mr D Tennant esq.”

The comedian Mitch Benn however noticed one small gaffe: “Amy Pond is the first companion since Leela whose EYES CHANGE COLOUR. Little Amelia has blue eyes, grown-up Amy has greeny brown eyes!” Oops.

Moon director Duncan Jones last week asked the question of what the plural is for a gang of nerds: “Was on a mission last night to come up with an appropriate word for a group of nerds. Came up with ‘cache of nerds.’ any suggestions?” “I think a cache is a small group. You call a large group of nerds a borg,” was one response. “An awkward of nerds?” was another. One last Twitterer then suggested, “A Wheaton of Nerds”. That's our favourite.

So, what else have our Twitterers been up to? Brian Bendis had been to see Kick Ass : “the old people in the audience were gasping. it’s nice to hear people gasp. Very happy for mark and jr jr. it looks like jr jr
drew it. almost surreal.”

Leonard Nimoy finally joined Twitter with the words “I’m really here” (wonder if he’ll follow it up with, “I’m not really here” when he gets fed up with the recognition, only to follow that up with “I’m really here” again when he learns to embrace Twittering?)

Damon Lindelof was getting angry about Easter (“Conspiracy Theory #751: Easter as mass consumer holiday was invented by Hallmark, The U.S. Egg Council and Bing Crosby. I have DOCUMENTS!”) and Brent Spiner took his cue from Jim Carrey and made an important announcement: “Because I consider you among my closest friends, I would like to announce that I, too, have ended my relationship with Jenny McCarthy.”

Steve O’Brien

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