Prince of Persia 2: New screens

Prince of Persia 2 is looking to take the first game's great looks and gameplay to new heights with its often subtle but significant tweaks. We have five new screenshots of the matured, gritty Prince in action.

We loved the job Ubi Soft done with Prince of Persia - bringing it bang up to date but not loosing the essence of the original - and what we've seen up-close and personal of this sequel gives us confidence that it's going to be even better. Hopefully, this time around the gaming public will be more discerning as POP didn't shift anywhere near as many copies as it deserved... especially when you consider some of the ropey titles that charted above it.

For more on this got-to-be-hot title, check out Edge's excellent .

Prince of Persia 2 is scheduled to appear on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and PC in the autumn