Search between a gas station, soccer pitch and Stunt Mountain - Fortnite Season 5 Week 4 Challenge

This week's Fortnite Battle Pass Challenges ask you to Search between a gas station, soccer pitch and stunt mountain, for Season 5 Week 4, to find those free Battle Stars. 

So where are they? 

Search between a gas station, soccer pitch and stunt mountain

You're heading to C4 on the map for this Battle Pass challenge, just south of Pleasant Park. As you glide in, the stunt mountain shouldn't be hard to spot to the south west with the ramps on its side. And, as you get closer, you should be able to make out the little black roof of the gas station. 

Handily there's a big patch of brown dirt almost smack in the middle of the triangle formed by the gas station, soccer pitch and stunt mountain. The stars aren't exactly there but it's best landmark to head to as you come in. 

Search between a gas station, soccer pitch and stunt mountain Battle Star location

When you get to the dirt patch head to the south east most point and you should hear the sound of the stars. They're actually in the grass for a change and if you're having trouble head for this spot on the map: 

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

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