A weekly rummage in the attic of sci-fi

No, not the first issue of 2000 AD, but the second - the one that unleashed grim-jawed future lawman Judge Dredd on an unsuspecting populace. You'll find no mention of him on the cover, mind. Even the rebooted Dan Dare takes second place to those funky Biotronic Man stickers, which allowed kids all over Britain to fool thickie grown-ups into believing they were semi-human cyborg death machines. Ah, innocent days.

Nick Setchfield
Editor-at-Large, SFX Magazine

Nick Setchfield is the Editor-at-Large for SFX Magazine, writing features, reviews, interviews, and more for the monthly issues. However, he is also a freelance journalist and author with Titan Books. His original novels are called The War in the Dark, and The Spider Dance. He's also written a book on James Bond called Mission Statements.