Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

Play It for Me 

Climb the ladder in Cactuar Plaza to find the first score

Then look in the small alleys west of Yusnaan Station

Finally, search around the gated square near The Slaughterhouse

Who you get it from: Morris, the young man playing a familiar Final Fantasy XIII tune. He can be found at the west ramp of near the Cactuar statue in Cactuar Plaza.

When you can obtain the quest: After the first day, between 11AM and 7PM. Note: A good time to pursue this quest would be during the ‘Friends Forever’ quest since you’ll treading over the same areas of the map.

Rewards for completion: 1500 gil, Crown of Youth x1, Max HP +80, Strength +8, Magic +4

Instructions for completion: Morris wants you to track down three music scores and he’ll give you the key to open the respective item containers. They’re easy to find since you’ll hear the Final Fantasy XIII theme when you’re close to each item. The first one is at the east end of Cactuar Plaza. Facing the fireworks, look for the Wanted sign to the left. To the left of that is a ladder. Climb it to find Nostalgic Score: Refrain.

Next, head over to the entrance of Yusnaan station (without entering it). To the west are a number of buildings with dead ends in between them. The Nostalgic Score: Coda can be found in one of the dead ends. Finally, go to the entrance of The Slaughterhouse. You’ll find the Nostalgic Score: Chorus by going around the gated square south of the entrance. Return to Morris to complete the quest.

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