Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

Fireworks for a Steal 

This is what a Skata’ne looks like

Who you get it from: Look for Funicula, a fireworks enthusiast in the Glutton’s Quarter. He’s sitting near a downward path near his storefront-in-progress. He’s wearing a yellow tank top and a red feather hat.

When you can obtain the quest: You first need to trigger Main Quest 2-2, ‘The Legend of the Savior’. Funicula can be found between 7PM and 3AM. You must complete this mission before completing Main Quest 2-2.

Rewards for completion: 1300 gil, Vanguard Headdress x1, Max HP +80, Strength +8, Magic +4

Instructions for completion: After your conversation, go along the downward path to Road to War, the narrow tunnel that connects Glutton’s Quarter with the Champion’s Quarter. There you’ll find the Skata’ne, a dancing monster that took Funicula’s fireworks. Defeat the beast to get the fireworks and give them to Funicula. Follow him to his storefront to claim your reward.

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