Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

Faster Than Lightning 

Lamont is easy to spot because of the flag on his back.

Who you get it from: Lamont, a boy with a narrow flag (a sashimono) on his back. He can be found in the Saint’s Hill area of The Residences.

When you can obtain the quest: Between 10AM and 3PM, after completing the first two side quests.

Rewards for completion: 200 gil, Gold Medal, Max HP +30, Strength +6

Instructions for completion: Lightning must beat Lamont in a foot race. He’ll announce the destination at the start of the race, which will either end at North Station or the East Graveyard Entrance. If you’ve visited these areas in the past, then beating him shouldn’t be a problem, especially since Lightning can sprint. You’ll know when you’ve reached the finish line when you hear audio fanfare. If Lamont doesn’t catch up, it’s because he doesn’t have the smartest pathing AI. Should that happen, retrace your steps and when you’re close, Lamont should be able to resume his run. Talk to him when he gets to the finish line.

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