BLASTERMIND Sci-Fi Goes Pop Quiz

Many, many, many rock and pop stars have tried their luck as thesping, with various degrees of success. And a lot of them seem to wind up in sci-fi and fantasy, presumably because they hope the FX will detract viewers from their acting (or in David Bowie’s case, because of the codpieces).

So, we have 20 images of rock and pop star appearances in sci-fi and fantasy. In each case there are two parts to the question, and a point for answering each correctly, but keep an eye on the captions beneath the pictures – occasionally there are clues, or different instructions.

This is just for fun and a feeling of enormous well being; there are no prizes. Please DO NOT posts your answers in the comments section below – though feel free to boast about how many you think you’ve got or admits which ones have got you stumped.

You can also use this forum thread to post answers invisibly (if you don’t know how, just ask – they’re very friendly on there).

Answers on Monday!

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.