Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

Suspicious Spheres 

Finding the first sphere is easy, real easy. It’s right next to Virgil.

The second sphere can be found in the Warehouse District.

Look for the two couches (benches?) to find the third sphere.

Who you get it from: Virgil, in the Plaza of Prayers section in The Residences

When you can obtain the quest: Between 8AM and 5PM, after completing the first two side quests.

Rewards for completion: 300 gil, Millionaire’s Mustache, Max HP +40, Strength +4, Magic +2

Instructions for completion: This mission involves opening three item spheres emitting red auras. The first one is right next to Virgil. Then go to the alleys of The Warehouse District, where you’ll find the second sphere. Finally, head to South Station and look for a set of benches facing opposite Chocolina and the Canvas of Prayers bulletin board. After opening that last sphere, return to Virgil.

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