Dokapon Kingdom Cheats

Although its party-game-meets-hardcore-RPG concept is commendably innovative, Dokapon fails to live up to its potential due to its lack opportunities for players to interact with each other.

Dokapon Kingdom Unlockables

  • Wii | Submitted by Jonka

    Gallery Mode

    After you beat the game, save your data. the Gallery will now be selectable from the title screen.

Dokapon Kingdom Hints

  • Wii | Submitted by ertersdfgsdfgsdfgsdga

    Unlockable Jobs

    Acrobat - Get a Casino Ticket
    Alchemist - Master Magician and Thief
    Cleric - Master 1 of the Starter Jobs
    Monk - Master Priest
    Ninja - Master Warrior and Thief
    Spellsword - Master Warrior and Magician