Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII side quest guide

Dog, Doctor, and Assistant 

Meet Thirteen and Tilda, the gals of this quest

Here’s what a Dayring Blossom looks like

Defeat more Triffids for some Goopy Goos

While you started the quest at the Research Camp, you’ll have to complete it at Canopus Farms by talking to Thirteen

Who you get it from: Assistant Thirteen and Tilda, the two young women in the Research Camp.

When you can obtain the quest: Any time after completing the Main Quest 3-1.

Rewards for completion: 500 gil, Orange Newsboy Cap x1, Animal Potion x1, Max HP +40, Strength +2, Magic +4

Instructions for completion: This is another ingredient collection mission. You need 4 Dayring Blossoms (daytime flowers found throughout The Wildlands), 2 Moonsoul Blooms (nighttime flowers found throughout The Wildlands), and 5 Goopy Goos (item drops from defeating Triffids). Give these to Tilda, which she’ll use to heal the dog, Clove. Tilda will also give you an Animal Potion, which you can replenish any time by giving her the same quest ingredients plus a 200 gil fee. Thirteen, aka. Claudia can now be found in Canopus Farms. Talk to her to complete the mission.

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