Every Fortnite shopping cart location

For Week 9, one of the Fortnite Battle Pass Challenges is to Use a Shopping Cart. Which is easy enough to do if you can find one. Here's a Fortnite shopping cart location guide and Fortnite map to help you find that ride.

Fortnite shopping cart location map

Junk Junction

There's a Fortnite shopping cart in the centre of Junk Junction, near the basketball court, as well as one near the buildings in the area to the North East.

You can find two Fortnite shopping carts around the outside of the motel to the north west of Lazy Links

Pleasant Park

Find the football pitch and head to the garage on the edge of it. There's a shopping cart hidden inside, next to a shelf with ammo on it. There might be one in the street sometimes as well. 

Haunted House, West of Pleasant Park

You find two shopping carts around the back of the spooky looking boarded up house in the forest west of Pleasant Park.

Loot Lake

There are a few locations in Loot Lake where you could find a Trolley. Check the piers near the factories, as well as generally around the one with the dance floor. There can also be some at wooden jetty and the house in the middle of the lake. 

Tilted Towers

There are loads of shopping carts in Tilted Towers for those brave enough to risk it. You can find them near the yellow buses, by the garages, the camper van, and in the south east area. 

Greasy Grove

Head to the centre shop in Greasy Grove with the canoes outside and you can potentially find several shopping carts scattered around outside

Flush Factory

There can sometimes be Fortnite shopping carts in Flush Factory's north west carpark. There are also some near what used to be the dance floor found at the buildings north east of Flush. 

The hill south west of Salty Springs

The hill south west of Salty Springs has a house on top with a basketball court. You'll occasionally find some shopping carts there. In Salty itself you'll sometimes find trolleys in the south east or north of town. 

Lucky Landing

There's a few possible shopping cart locations in Lucky Landing: in the West near some crates and a red car, the the north east near a dumpster, south west near a wall and outside the main area to the south near a rock. 

Salty Springs

In Salty Springs you can usually find shopping carts around the gas station to the north, as well as north of the blue house and near the ruined house to the south east.

Dusty Divot 

You can usually find a shopping trolley around what's left of the warehouse on the north most lip of dusty divot. 

Tomato Town

Tomato Town has a couple of places to try if you're looking for Fortnite shopping carts, mainly near the walls around the pizza place and the bridge to the east. 

Container Park

There's sometimes a shopping cart near the western side of Container Park, near the wall. 

Risky Reels

You can find a shopping cart on the hill south of Risky Reels where the RV is, near the willow tree. 

Retail Row

You'll find shopping carts in the middle and eastern side of Retail Row, outside Noms, near McGuffin's and the diner. 

Paradise Palms

You can find a trolley in the north east section of Paradise Palms, in between the Big Shots Expresso and the showroom with the tractor in the window.

Leon Hurley
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