God of War II strategy guide

XLVII. Before the Loom
Run into the next circular room, and climb the column in front of you. You can use the ceiling to get onto the platform on the far side, and there are chests to the right and left (which you access by gliding off the platform). Run forwards in the next corridor until you reach the end. Smash the wall to your right, and run through. You're now on a ramp down to the Loom Chamber. Here you will face four main swarms of enemies. First the mace-wielding ogresand soldiers. Second the Gorgons and Sirens. Third the Minotaurs and, and finally, some Cyclopes. Keep your health topped up at all times, and if in doubt, use either your rage or your Quake attack to beat the groups. It's very tough, so make sure you plan ahead when using magic and rage.

Once you reach the bottom, save, then slap the hands on the door to reveal the locks. Open the locks and step through the door.

XLVIII. The Loom Chamber,part1
Sprint past the swinging blades and into the first area. You'll see two areas to your right and left containing broken stairs and chubby little arms sprouting out. First, head left. Batter the arm until it limps down, and then use the lever to open the grill above your head. Run back to the stairs, jump off, and you'll make it to the chamber with the chest in it. Open it up, then climb the wall, and work your way round to the right hand side, and clear the corpses off the grill. Drop down and repeat the process with the lever. You can now rope up and head up to the next part of the level.

Puzzle focus
When you emerge you're greeted with a complex looking puzzle. Don't worry. It's an easy one really. Run left (avoiding the arms) until you reach the lever that opens the trap door. Pull it, then bash the nearest arm until it dangles down into the trap. Shut the trap. Now move to the next arm, which should be by a raised platform with a lever on it. Batter the arm, climb the rope, activate the lever. Now go back to where you disabled the first arm, and start to drag the device along the side. When you reach the slot before the final arm, leave it there, cripple the arm, then quickly drag it past until you get to the final slot. You'll see a brief cutscene. Drag the device back a notch and batter the final arm until it gets speared. You can now climb the rope into the top level of the Loom Chamber

XLIX. The Loom Chamber, part2

You're now looking the hideous third sister in the eye. Slow down time and batter both her arms until they're useless. Activate the two levels by the edge of the arena, and it'll bring up a couple of corpses. Head to the right hand side and climb the wall by the door, until you spot another couple of corpses hanging on the railing. Clear them, then drop down and hack at Fate's arms again. Now move the level across the edge of the platform until it lines up with the chain in the middle. Yank up the blade. Fate will probably gain use of her arms again, so return to them and make them limp once more. Now return to the blade, rotate it to face the creature, then get behind it and pull it back. Let go, and you'll enter a Quicktime sequence, where you ram the blade through her head.

Puzzle focus
You're now free to enter the rooms behind her. Run around until you get to the balcony above her with the large mirror on the wall. Pull the level to bring up the threads of fate, and save your game. Run back down and pull up the thread by pressing Circle. Now, you have to be quick. Run round a little and freeze time before heading back up to the large mirror. You should get there in time, and when you do, jump through the mirror.