Call of Duty: Warzone zombies move again, slowly covering the entire map

Call of Duty Warzone
(Image credit: Activision)

Call of Duty: Warzone continues its zombies on the move event, with the official Twitter account confirming the undead have moved to the Bank in the Financial District.

That makes the fourth Call of Duty: Warzone Verdansk location that the zombies have been spotted since Warzone and Black Ops Cold War Season 2 began. At first they were at the new Shipwreck location, then moved to Prison, then skipped over the Bank area and were in Hospital. They've now doubled back south and are at Acropolis National Bank - and I don't think it's because they're opening up a new bank account.

Looks like the protocol remains the same as it's been at the other three locations: let the zombies out, kill 'em, and grab as much loot as your heart desires. It's unclear if a future zombies event will come with a new gameplay requirement, but it would certainly be cool to try and play an entire Warzone match with zombies swarming the entire map...

According to the official Call of Duty blog, a Containment Protocol has been engaged across Verdansk, but interestingly they have not raised protocol level while it remains in the southern part of the map. This could mean that if the zombies move deeper into the map, the Warzone nuke event we've been waiting for could be activated, resulting in Verdansk's demise. A recent Warzone leak points to a Zombie event that will destroy Verdansk, so expect these map movements to lead into a major Warzone event.

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Alyssa Mercante

Alyssa Mercante is an editor and features writer at GamesRadar based out of Brooklyn, NY. Prior to entering the industry, she got her Masters's degree in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Newcastle University with a dissertation focusing on contemporary indie games. She spends most of her time playing competitive shooters and in-depth RPGs and was recently on a PAX Panel about the best bars in video games. In her spare time Alyssa rescues cats, practices her Italian, and plays soccer.