This bugged Diablo 4 chest looks like an infinite loot fountain: "It feels kinda wrong but I can't stop"

Diablo 4 battle pass
(Image credit: Blizzard)

A Diablo 4 player has stumbled upon an extraordinarily fruitful treasure chest that seemingly drops loot without end.

A Redditor recently shared a video capture of what appears to be an infinite loot drop in the form of a clearly bugged treasure chest, allowing the player to fill their inventory with Legendary items before the 30-second video ends.

A commenter asked how long the loot shower went on for, and the Redditor who shared the video revealed, "It hasn't stopped!"

Check it out:

Erm... from r/diablo4

A typical Diablo 4 treasure chest will drop a few piles of coin and a handful of items, and if you're lucky you'll get a Legendary something or other. On higher tiers, players can hope to find an Uber Unique - Diablo 4's rarest type of item - but it looks like this particular player isn't leveled up enough to get something like that. Still, you can clearly see they were able to bag an impressive number of Legendary items just in the short length of the video.

It's unclear how widespread this sort of thing is, but if Blizzard gets word of it, which it almost certainly will now, it'll no doubt patch out whatever bug is causing it to happen. What I'm saying is, if you're lucky enough to find a chest like this in Diablo 4, it's probably best to fill your pockets, because you likely won't find another. The studio was quick to fix the bugged Helltide chests that caused an absolute loot rush last week, but at least it let all of the players keep their loot.

Diablo 4 hasn't even hit Season 1 yet and players are already hitting for billions in one attack.

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.