Just Cause 3 Di Ravello tape locations guide

Just Cause 3 Di Ravello tape locations guide

The Just Cause 3 Di Ravello tapes are collectibles that contain information concerning the evil dictator who controls the islands, so by finding them you can learn more about Sebastiano Di Ravello. By tracking down all 71 of these audio tapes across Medici you'll not only improve your knowledge, but also unlock the Diary of the Madman achievement or trophy into the bargain. To make this task a whole lot easier, I've listed the coordinates for all of the Di Ravello tapes in Just Cause 3, along with a screenshot to identify the location.

Insula Fonte Di Ravello tapes


Coordinates: 40.756, 45.198

Found on a balcony along the northernmost row of houses in Manaea.

Lacos #1

Coordinates: 40.954, 44.178

This is on the ground by some patio furniture, in the middle of Fortalessa.

Lacos #2

Coordinates: 40.686, 43.524

Check the northeastern house in Alba. This is in the backyard.

Lacos #3

Coordinates: 40.066, 43.714

Head for the little border town at the southeast edge of the province. The tape is on a balcony here.

Lacos #4

Coordinates: 40.166, 42.762

On a balcony in central Colle Salrosa.

Lavanda #1

Coordinates: 41.841, 42.342

Head to the gas station at the eastern edge of Lantuina. Check behind the building for this.

Lavanda #2

Coordinates: 41.945, 41.589

On a balcony in central Rondella.

Feno #1

Coordinates: 42.420, 42.028

Check the balconies at the eastern edge of Albeto Pero to find this.

Feno #2

Coordinates: 42.365, 42.863

There’s a yellow house smack dab in the middle of the province. Check its balcony.

Feno #3

Coordinates: 42.876, 43.002

Found on a balcony in northern Babica.

Feno #4

Coordinates: 42.731, 43.295

Also found in Babica, atop a hotel in the resort area to the east.

Plagia #1

Coordinates: 42.504, 43.947

Grapple up to the flight control tower at the airstrip immediately south of Guardia Plagia II. This sits near a window up there.

Plagia #2

Coordinates: 42.467, 44.196

Check the western end of Surpicco. This tape is found on the ground near a dumpster.

Plagia #3

Coordinates: 42.356, 44.374

Now check the eastern end of the city. There’s another tape in a yard, by some scrap cars.

Plagia #4

Coordinates: 42.248, 43.784

There’s a small town near the central border between Plagia and Feno. Check the yard of the easternmost house to find this in the grass by the garage.

Plagia #5

Coordinates: 41.581, 44.677

At the gas station by the Plagia/Baia border.

Sirocco Nord #1

Coordinates: 39.288, 42.867

On a balcony on the western edge of Costa Del Porto.

Sirocco Nord #2

Coordinates: 38.947, 42.661

Beside the gas station in Costa Di Ravello.

Sirocco Sud #1

Coordinates: 38.647, 42.654

Found in Laguna Del Sol. Check by the statue near the water in the northwestern part of town.

Sirocco Sud #2

Coordinates: 38.393, 42.367

Head to the beach in Cirilla. You’ll find a tape by one of the houses there.

Insula Dracon tapes begin on the next page!

More Just Cause 3 guides

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Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for GamesRadar+. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.