Play Super Street Fighter IV with GamesRadar!

Super Street Fighter IV hits Europe on Friday the 30th of April. And lo, life will be good. Just imagine being given the best birthday present ever when you thought you already had everything you wanted. We’re getting ten new fighters. We’re getting new Ultra moves across the board. We’re getting the return of foot-based car devastation in the bonus rounds, and we’re getting a stack of new online modes that fix all the first game’s deficiencies in that area. We’ve been playing it in the office for a while now, so trust us when we tell you that basically, it’s going to be brilliant.

So when the big day arrives, we want to make it even bigger. So we’re organising a bunch of online fights with any of you who have the game and want to join us. Radar UK Street Fighter honcho Dave H will be hitting the lobbies for a few hours, and he’ll be bringing his mighty Bison and stunningly adequate Juri with him. The fights will start at 5PM GMT, and anyone who wants to join the fun, play with some Radarites, and smash up an Editor is welcome.

Above: Dave has been Hadokened by the game's Producer, so he knows the true face ofbattle

We’ll be publishing format and connection details nearer the time, but for now, mark the time and date in your fight diaries. It’s on.

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.