How to earn Legendary Marks in Destiny

With the coming of The Taken King, Bungie has changed many of the systems it had in place for Destiny's swath of 'Year One' content. Before, there were different types of Marks to collect: Vanguard Marks allowed you to purchase Vanguard items and weapons from your respective class vendor or weapon vendor in the Tower, while Crucible Marks were the currency used to purchase unique PvP gear from the Crucible NPCs. But things have changed, and now everything falls under an all-new, all-encompassing currency: the Legendary Marks.

Like the old Crucible and Vanguard Marks, there are multiple ways to collect Legendary Marks. To make things easier, here's a checklist of activities that reward you with precious Marks:

  • Disassemble Year 2 Legendary weapons and armor to earn 3 to 5 Legendary Marks
  • Complete Daily Story Chapters to earn 15 Legendary Marks
  • Complete Daily Crucible activities to earn 15 Legendary Marks
  • Some story quests reward you with Legendary Marks.

Other things to consider

There's no limit to how many Legendary Marks you can earn in a week, but the max number of Legendary Marks you can hold is 200 across all of your characters.

Your current Vanguard and Crucible Marks will be exchanged for Commendations, which can be used to earn reputation at your desired Faction vendor. Make sure you load up on the current Vanguard and Crucible Marks so you can have the maximum number of Commendations when The Taken King goes live.

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