Cosmic horror Soulslike Lords of the Fallen gets gruesome extended story trailer

Lords of the Fallen, the forthcoming successor to the 2014 action-RPG of the same name, has a new and very violent extended story trailer.

For clarity, there's no actual gameplay in the new Lords of the Fallen trailer, but there is plenty of cinematic action showing just how gruesome this Soulslike can be. Within seconds of the trailer starting, some poor guy is impaled by an utterly ghastly cosmic horror-inspired monster, lifted off the ground, and then decapitated. Later in the trailer we see a two-headed dragon-looking creature torch some warriors before taking a spear in the leg. 

In between these two events is even more combat between mythical creatures and humans, including one fight that looks to me a little like the Tree Sentinel battle at the beginning of Elden Ring.

Anyway, since this is a story trailer after all, it's worth touching on what's happening in Lords of the Fallen. The story is a sequel to the original game and is set 1000 years afterward, starring a new hero navigating a world inhabited by malevolent deities. The new trailer introduces a rather evil-sounding god named Adyr, who has some very anti-human beliefs. "Of all the time mankind have had to shape their own destiny, see what the have made of it. War, greed, hatred, suffering, chaos," he growls. "Now you will know darkness, brother.

It's unclear if Adyr is the main antagonist of the story, but at the very least you can expect to face off against him at some point in Lords of the Fallen. It's also safe to assume you'll do a lot of dying in the game, at which point you'll be transported to the underworld, and if you die there, you're dead for good. For more on that, check out our hands-on Lords of the Fallen preview.

Lords of the Fallen launches on October 13 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Here are some games like Elden Ring to play until then.

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.