The Best, Worst & Funniest Iron Man Cosplay

Zombie Mark 2

Less stylised zombie Iron Manning, but at least it makes up for it with the gore.

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Good Tony Stark

You'd think that, as above, looking like Tony Stark would be pretty easy to pull off. However...

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Bad Tony Stark


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We're not going to admit we understand it, but we're on board.

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Who knew Star Wars and Iron Man were such a good fit?

Stark Stormtroopers!

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Iron Black Widow

If Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) donned the suit...

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At least you tried

It's all about the taking part, remember?

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Really tried

Iron Man isn't all about having a six pack, you know.

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Really, really tried

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Literal Iron Man

We see what you did there.

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