Best cooperative board games 2024: Team up with these suggestions

cooperative board games
(Image credit: Fantasy Flight / Z-Man Games / Ravensburger / Libellud)

If you're not a fan of how competitive things can get around the table, cooperative board games will be a breath of fresh air. Besides emphasizing teamwork and good communication, they also have a pretty wholesome vibe you'd struggle to find anywhere else. You win or lose as one, and that has a habit of bringing you all together.

The trouble is, there's a lot to choose from. That's why our experts have gotten their heads together to form this list of the best cooperative board games. If you ask us, these should be on everyone's shelf. In fact, a few of them rank amongst the best board games overall – they stand out in a very crowded field.

Wondering how we settled on these recommendations? Our team has had hands-on experience with all of them, and we've reviewed more than a few for this site. Basically? If we don't think it's the best of the best - and we wouldn't be happy spending our own money on it - it's not getting into the list. That's not to say this guide to co-op board games won't change, though. We update it every month with both classics that are worth revisiting and new favorites. 

Written by
Benjamin Abbott, Tabletop & Merch Editor at GamesRadar
Written by
Benjamin Abbott

Benjamin's been reviewing and writing about board games for more than five years. However, he's played them from the moment he was old enough to understand "collect $200 when you pass Go."

Quick list

Best cooperative board game overall

Pandemic board, cards, and tokens on a wooden table

(Image credit: Future)
A must-have


Players: 2 - 4
Ages: 10+
Difficulty: Hard
Lasts: 60 mins

Reasons to buy

Team-focused mechanics
Superb sense of tension
Incredibly replayable

Reasons to avoid

Occasionally unfair
A touchy subject now
Buy it if:

You want a gripping co-op game: Squabbling over first place can be a drag, particularly if the other players are very competitive. That's why Pandemic's emphasis on teamwork is so welcome – communication and strategizing together is essential if you want to win.

You're looking for a challenge: This isn't an 'easy' game by any means, so it feels incredibly satisfying to beat. If you want a challenge, don't miss Pandemic.

Don't buy it if:

You don't like pressure: Tension is a key component of Pandemic as you struggle against the odds, so those who don't cope well with pressure may not have as much fun.

You want something easy: Pandemic can be a challenge to win (as gratifying as that is), so it's not for anyone wanting an easy, breezy experience.

What you need to know: If you want the ultimate co-op experience, this is where you should start. Although the theme hits closer to home nowadays, Pandemic remains one of the best cooperative board games ever made thanks to how essential teamwork and strategizing are. Defeat is always a possibility here, and victory hinges on your ability to communicate well.

How it works: With four deadly diseases having broken out across the globe, your job is to cure and eradicate them before civilization becomes overwhelmed. Unfortunately for us, those illnesses – represented by little cubes placed on city spaces around the board – spread faster than you can say "hazmat suit." They also grow more dangerous with each passing turn because too many will cause a domino effect, so Pandemic quickly turns into a race against time in which every decision counts.

Speaking of which, the hardest choice you'll have to make from turn to turn is whether you research a cure by collecting cards (which eventually stops new cubes for that disease being placed) or removing infection cubes to avoid an outbreak spilling over into the next space.

Gameplay: Yes, this is a pressure-cooker situation. But luckily, the result is a blast from start to finish. With a laser-focus on strategy and coordination, Pandemic is the definition of good teamwork. There are no awards or pats on the back for individual players; it's all for one, and one for all.

It's true that the game is difficult, and a little stressful at times. Getting unlucky with the cards you draw can, on a rare occasion, mean early defeat that isn't your fault. Yet Pandemic is also engrossing in a way few other co-op board games manage to be. It keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
Pandemic has been going strong for a couple of decades now, and that's not surprising when you consider how tight its mechanics are. There's no wasted space in terms of gameplay.

Few co-op board games are able to match how closely – and how well – teamwork is tied into the experience, either. The two are inextricable, and Pandemic is all the more memorable for it.

Read more: Pandemic review

Best cooperative board games: For adults


(Image credit: Future)
Who do you trust?


Players: 3 - 6
Ages: 14+
Difficulty: Hard
Lasts: 2+ hrs

Reasons to buy

Awesome traitor gameplay
Top-notch worldbuilding
Brilliantly handled paranoia

Reasons to avoid

Lots of systems to learn
Takes a long time to finish
Buy it if:

You love deception games: If you're a fan of bluffing games like Werewolf, you'll get on well with Unfathomable. Being able to fly under the radar – or sniff out traitors – is a key part of the experience that's baked into its DNA.

You enjoy cosmic horror: Seeing as Unfathomable takes place in Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos (which means it ties into the Arkham Horror series), it's perfect for fans of incomprehensible monsters from the deep.

Don't buy it if:

You're short on time: This game's runtime is as monstrous as its villains, so Unfathomable may not be for you if you don't fancy spending three to four hours at the table.

You want something straightforward: There's a lot to learn here, so you'll need to spend time learning to get the most out of Unfathomable. It's a great co-op board game, but won't be for everyone as a result.

What you need to know: If you want to make sure everyone stays on the edge of their seat, throw some traitors into the mix. Unfathomable does this to great effect, and the result is good. Monstrously good, you could say.

How it works: The year is 1913, and some very incredibly unlucky passengers have booked onto the SS. Atlantica on a voyage across the ocean. A couple of days from port, things go horribly wrong; bug-eyed sea creatures rise from the ocean and attack, directed by eldritch behemoths. Your objective is to keep the ship afloat, survive these monsters scrambling on-board, and reach safety before it's too late. Well, for most people it is. Although the majority of players are bog-standard humans trying to fix damaged parts of the ship or fend off these 'Deep Ones,' others are secret human-Deep One 'hybrids' hell-bent on sabotaging their efforts. 

They do this by scuppering 'crisis' challenges that are randomly drawn each turn. All of these have a target number and consequences should you fail to meet it, so players must contribute numbered cards from their hand to a central pool. Because this is done anonymously, traitors can add a dud card to tank the whole effort before playing innocent. The humans can't trust anyone as a result, and thanks to teamwork being your only hope of keeping this vessel running, it's a juicy Catch 22.

Gameplay: This is the spiritual successor to an excellent, now-out-of-print Battlestar Galactica board game from the 2000s, and even though it's set in the Arkham Horror universe these days, Unfathomable keeps hold of the same fantastic gameplay. Traitors must stay undetected while they mess with rivals, and humans have to sniff them out as they juggle monster-fighting with white-knuckle repairs. Despite resulting in rules overload and a ballooning run-time, it's a worthy trade-off if you've got patience. 

For one thing, it's a thrilling test of nerve and communication as you juggle an eternally-growing to-do list. Plus, there are enough crises included in the game to keep things fresh and encourage return visits. However, the best bit is how Unfathomable balances the strategic depth of board games for adults with the cheeky glee of undermining your friends. It's a winning mix.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
Despite being massive in scope and a little daunting, Unfathomable is worth the investment. This is a cooperative board game cut from the same cloth as Pandemic thanks to edge-of-your-seat gameplay, but is spiced up with a heady dose of deception.

Sure, it's not going to be for everyone. But Unfathomable is a great choice if you have a regular board game group looking for a new challenge they can keep coming back to.

Read more: Unfathomable review

Best cooperative board games: Strategy

Cards on a blue table from The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet

(Image credit: AEG)


Players: 2 - 7
Ages: 14+
Difficulty: Hard
Lasts: 90 mins

Reasons to buy

Juggling mechanics is a fun balancing act
Genuinely challenging
Evocative, memorable art-style

Reasons to avoid

Big learning curve
Not too beginner-friendly
Buy it if:

You want a challenge: This game isn't messing around. It can be genuinely hard if you don't play your cards right (and even if you do, depending on the difficulty level), so players with a tactical mind will find plenty to get their teeth into.

You love tower defense games: Boil it all down and you'll find an incredibly well-made tower defense exercise propping this game up. Does that sound like your idea of fun? If so, you'll appreciate this.

Don't buy it if:

You want to switch off your brain: Dangerous Planet requires lots of brainpower to overcome. Want a quiet, chilled-out night in? This isn't the one for you.

You get frustrated easily: Seeing as this co-op board game can be tricky, those without much patience may struggle to find all that gold under the surface.

What you need to know: It's a well-known fact that Star Trek redshirts are doomed, but they're your only chance of survival in The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet. As the franchise's third installment, it builds on the existing formula in clever, compelling ways. But don't think you need to have played its predecessors (The Captain is Dead and The Captain is Dead: Lockdown) to enjoy yourself. Thanks to push-your-luck mechanics and a generous amount of depth, this is one of the best cooperative board games from the last few years if you're a fan of strategy.

How it works: As the name would suggest, the commander of your away-mission has been killed in action. (Boo.) Now you've got to complete their quest and gather as many alien artifacts as possible before you're overwhelmed by the planet's bug-like inhabitants. (Yay?) Naturally, there's also a catch – those artifacts are hidden deep in bug-infested tunnels. Want to collect 'em all? You'll need to venture further into enemy territory. 

Due to newly-hatched bugs scuttling toward you each and every turn, you'll have to set up defenses unless you want a particularly short match; they'll wound your characters and destroy your shuttle should they break through. This results in a ticking clock, especially thanks to bugs moving faster when you've collected more artifacts.

Gameplay: Dangerous Planet has plenty in common with the best cooperative board games, and that's no bad thing. It boasts a randomized board and objective placement like Betrayal at House on the Hill (albeit with less flashy tiles), so you'll always have to dream up new plans of attack. It gets harder the further you go as well, just like Pandemic. 

And boy, can it get difficult. Thanks to 'alert' cards arranged by color and severity, these random events occur at the end of your turn and are designed to keep you on your toes. This means you'll be walking a tightrope-thin line between victory and defeat, so engineering a cunning strategy or outmaneuvering this devious game feels like an achievement. We'll admit that there are some stumbling blocks via hard-to-absorb rules and a few confusing cards, but these niggles are a small price to pay.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
This game is as deep as the tunnels beneath its titular planet. There are many, many different ways to go about it, and a wealth of options stop this threequel from becoming stale. It's tricky enough that winning is a legitimate thrill, too; Dangerous Planet is hard, though not in an annoying way.

Tongue-in-cheek nods to Star Trek will delight fans as well. This co-op board game clearly adores the series yet will poke gentle fun at its quirks, so it should always put a smile on your face even if you're being beaten to a pulp by bugs.

Read more: The Captain is Dead: Dangerous Planet review

Best cooperative board games: For 2 players

Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar board and pieces

(Image credit: Future)

4. Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar

They really did spare no expense


Players: 2 - 4
Ages: 10+
Complexity: Moderate
Lasts: 90+ mins

Reasons to buy

You get to build your own dino-park
Replayable legacy mechanics are great 
Mini-games keep things interesting

Reasons to avoid

Needs commitment
Some won't like permanently changing their board
Buy it if:

You want a collaborative game with consequences: Because this is a 'legacy' co-op board game, your choices don't cease to matter once the session is over. Instead, they carry into the next game and beyond. Changes you make are permanent, so the experience is uniquely yours.

You enjoy Pandemic or Horrified: For anyone that loves two of the best cooperative board games out there, take note – this cribs bits of both for something incredibly compelling.

Don't buy it if:

You can't commit to multiple sessions: Legacy games can take a long time to finish, so don't think of this as a 'one and done' sorta deal.

You don't like the pressure of permanently changing your board: If altering your board with stickers makes your skin crawl, be warned – there's a lot of that in Legacy of Isla Nublar.

What you need to know: Most of us have probably made a joke at some point or another about how terrible the security is at Jurassic Park. After all, it can't be that hard to stop your star attractions from breaking out of their pens and eating everyone. Can it? Well, this team game lets you put that to the test by running the dino-park yourself. And even though it's still brilliant with more people, running it as a 2-player board game is much better – you get more choice, and it's easier to leave your mark.

How it works: At its most basic, Legacy of Isla Nublar lets you play through the story of each movie (and a few scenarios set between them) and try to do things better than the characters on-screen. Your first priority? Keeping guests safe if and when dinos run amuck.

Making sure they stay in line isn't easy. For starters, your prehistoric residents will do their best to break through any barriers you've erected. Secondly, predators will make a beeline for anything on two legs… and you've got to protect those poor saps while completing objectives that are probably going to drag you in the opposite direction. When combined with legacy mechanics that allow you to erect permanent structures on the board or create your own dinosaurs with gene-splicing, this Jurassic World spin-off elicits the same excitement we feel when seeing those park gates open (complete with that score) for the first time.

Gameplay: This is the kind of board game where things can go wrong fast, and it's gloriously chaotic. As an example, we were cornered once by a T.rex while organizing the gift shop as geriatric park founder John Hammond, and all we had to fight it off was a measly cattle prod. It was ridiculous and wonderful at the same time, and Legacy of Isla Nublar is stuffed with emergent gameplay like that. You'll always have to compromise as well, because your objectives deliberately make you choose between the mission and saving civilians. 

No matter how you go about it, tackling Legacy of Isla Nublar as a pair makes for a more satisfying time. Because you'll be permanently altering the board with barrier stickers, buildings, and more, limiting head-count affords you greater agency when it comes to those decisions. This does mean commiting to a long-term campaign for the full effect, but sticking with it provides a unique board for use in an endgame mode you can revisit over and over again. Few other legacy games do this, and fewer still have mini-games to keep things interesting, so that's a tick in the 'win' column right away.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
This game breaks out plenty of ideas we've seen before (hidden mechanics that are unlocked as you go, branching upgrade trees, and board changes), but they're all executed to perfection. Additions like spot-on theming and incredible production values cement it as a worthwhile addition to your collection too, even if your shelves are packed enough to give off 'board game cafe' vibes.

Crucially, taking it on with just one other person results in a more satisfying experience if you ask us – you have more say in those changes.

Best cooperative board games: For families

An Articulate box against a cream background

(Image credit: Drumond Park)

5. Articulate!

An essential brain-teaser


Players: 4 - 20+
Ages: 12+
Difficulty: Moderate
Time to play: 30 - 60 mins

Reasons to buy

Fast-paced and competitive
Can have 20+ players
Hundreds of cards included

Reasons to avoid

You may feel under pressure
Puts you under the spotlight
Buy it if:

You have loads of players: You can get 20 or more people involved with Articulate, so it's ideal for parties or if you have a lot of family that want to play.

You want a game anyone can play: You don't need to be a trivia master to get on with Articulate – it focuses on more general knowledge and is kind of like charades, which means most of us can fumble our way through.

Don't buy it if:

You want strategy or depth: There aren't any tactics behind Articulate – it does what it says on the tin and is pretty casual.

You struggle under pressure: Each player has 30 seconds to describe as many cards as they can, and that's surprisingly intense. If you don't want to be in the spotlight, you won't like this.

What you need to know: Looking for good co-op board games that you can play en-masse? This is an excellent choice. Up to 20 people can take part in Articulate so long as you've got even team numbers, and plenty of gamers (not to mention non-gamers) have been enjoying the brain-teasers that follow since 1992. Better yet, it doesn't really go 'out of date' in the way its competition does.

How it works: After dividing into teams, a representative of one will draw a card. They then have 30 seconds to describe the item listed on it as best they can without using those exact words. (So for 'potato' you might say "you make fries with it!") If their teammates guess what the original word was, whoever's reading them out can take another card – and so on – until their time is up. You then move your token that many spaces along the board.

That board is where things get interesting. Each space has a different category on it for you to tackle (from Nature to People), and some actually give you bonus moves… or let you push rivals back a space.

Gameplay: The biggest draw for Articulate is that anyone can play. There's no need to be a font of obscure facts here, because it's all about general knowledge (which is why it stays relevant, incidentally). That means everyone is able to get involved, no matter how much experience they have with board games. 

You'd be right to say that it's not high-octane, or especially strategic. But Articulate's simplicity is in its favor. You can pick it up with ease at any point, and you won't spend an age setting things up. Additionally, it has so many cards with so many categories that you're unlikely to learn them all.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
It can be tricky to find cooperative board games that everyone can play, but Articulate fits the bill. It doesn't require specialist knowledge, the tactical prowess of a general, or half an hour to explain the rules. It's elegantly straightforward instead.

Anyone can get involved too, so it's something of a one-size-fits-all for get-togethers. Perfect if you've got teams ranging from granny to grandkids, in other words.

Best cooperative board games: For kids

Zombie Kidz Evolution

(Image credit: Scorpion Masque)
A grand adventure


Players: 2 - 4
Ages: 7+
Complexity: Low
Lasts: 15mins per match

Reasons to buy

Evolves over time
Really encourages teamwork
Sticker achievements

Reasons to avoid

Components might not last
Better for older kids
Buy it if:

Your kids want something a bit more involved: This 'legacy' style game is a real step up in terms of complexity (and fun, let's be honest) over staples such as Monopoly, Sorry, and Clue.

You don't want a five-minute novelty: Players are constantly leveling up in Zombie Kidz and unlocking new abilities, so your children will keep coming back to it rather than getting bored after a couple of matches.

Don't buy it if:

You have very young children: Due to the more complex nature of Zombie Kidz Evolution, very young players will have a hard time getting to grips with it.

You think the zombie theme may be too scary: Even though it's all very silly and there's a distinct lack of brain-eating, this may be too much for kids who are scared of zombies in the first place.

What you need to know: This cooperative board game might have one of the best elevator pitches on this list. Zombies have invaded your school, and you've got to fend them off to avoid eternal detention with the undead. It's quirky, light-hearted, and keeps players hooked with a steady stream of secret upgrades. 

How it works: Zombie Kidz Evolution challenges you to lock down your school by defeating these shambling monsters and keeping each of the four entrances locked down. If all zombies enter the board, it's game over.

This is basically a 'my first legacy game' too. Thanks to unlockable abilities that carry over from session to session (not to mention stickers for tracking it all), Evolution should stay interesting for the long haul. Considering how some of these changes involve 'Super Zombies' with gnarly powers and weird new abilities for players, it shouldn't get boring any time soon.

Gameplay: The mechanics holding up this version of Zombie Kidz are easy and breezy. The core objective is always the same (defeat zombies and shore up your defenses so they don't overwhelm you), and that means young players should pick it up quickly. Indeed, the unlockable abilities are more of an enhancement than a breaking of the wheel; they keep you on your toes when the dust has started to settle.

It's not scary either, so don't worry about this freaking out your children. It adds some fun to the apocalypse with a cartoon artstyle, vibrant colors, and no mention of brain-eating anywhere. When you add in 'weapons' that are Nerf blasters and toy lightsabers, Evolution feels more like it's happening in the kids' imagination than real life. It's a shame that the game's components aren't as sturdy as those toys (a must for all board games for kids), but that's the only complaint we have.

Should you buy it?

🏆 GamesRadar+ verdict
If your children are ready for something a bit more involved, Zombie Kidz Evolution really hits the spot. Its legacy mechanics keep things fresh for as long as possible, while straightforward mechanics mean it's easy to understand.

Despite not being scary, though, this will probably go over the heads of younger kids. Bear that in mind before adding it to your collection!

Read more: Zombie Kidz Evolution review

Co-op board games - FAQ

What is a co-op board game?

A co-op board game has you working as a team (either with all players or just some of them) rather than alone. Usually, you'll win or lose as a group. 

The majority of the time, co-op board games challenge you with gaining more points than a rival group - as seen in Articulate - or completing a certain task before your time is up, as per games such as Pandemic.

What is an example of a cooperative board game?

There are many cooperative board games weighing down shelves right now, but the best ones have teamwork baked into their DNA. Pandemic is a great example. This race against time challenges you to save the world from disease, so it's vital that you communicate and strategize about what to do next together – otherwise, you'll be overwhelmed. Lone wolves are almost guaranteed to lose, for instance.

That's what good co-op board games are all about: working as a team to overcome a challenge you couldn't tackle alone.

What makes a good cooperative board game?

In our opinion, the best cooperative board games don't just revolve around teamwork; they wouldn't work without it. In fact, their core mechanics should be built upon strategies that encourage communication and force players to work as a unit.

What is the best co-op board game?

If you put a gun to our head and asked us to choose only one co-op board game, it would be Pandemic. This modern classic (which you can get for roughly $45 at Amazon) is beloved for a reason; it's edge-of-your-seat stuff that hinges on the strength of your teamwork and forward planning. In other words, it exemplifies everything great about the best cooperative board games – there's no way of going it alone, meaning your team has to divide and conquer in order to win.

The answer really depends on the kind of experience you're looking for

 However, this is obviously subjective. The answer really depends on the kind of experience you're looking for. Want a good party game that lots of people can get involved in? Quiz game Articulate (retailing at around $27 at Amazon) is perfect thanks to straightforward rules and the ability to play with 20 or more people.  Would you prefer something more thoughtful for a quiet evening in, on the other hand? It's worth considering Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective (available for approximately $58 at Amazon). You can really get your teeth into its mysterious cases, and it's a bit like a tabletop escape room.

Where will I find co-op board game deals?

Co-op board games can be expensive, but it is possible to find good discounts if you know where to look. You can see our top picks based on region below, or head to our dedicated page of board game deals for individual offers we think are worth your time.

Amazon: Usually best for board game discounts and variety overall
- Best Buy: Offers surprisingly eclectic deals, including niche hobby games
- Walmart: Excellent for board games aimed at kids or families
- Target: Offers variety and occasional price cuts for hobby games

Amazon: Traditionally the most reliable for variety and price-cuts
- Very: Solid (if modest) discounts on a wide range of games
- Wayland Games: Great for niche titles and wargames
John Lewis: Good for classic family board games

If you're preparing for a get-together, don't miss our guide to the very best party board games. Want something a little more traditional, on the other hand? Have a browse through these classic board games.

Benjamin Abbott
Tabletop & Merch Editor

As the site's Tabletop & Merch Editor, you'll find my grubby paws on everything from board game reviews to the latest Lego news. I've been writing about games in one form or another since 2012, and can normally be found cackling over some evil plan I've cooked up for my group's next Dungeons & Dragons campaign.