No More Heroes walkthrough


~Final Boss--Henry~


The final battle takes place in the No More Heroes parking lot. And don't

think about running Henry over with the Schpeltiger--that thing's blocking

the exit and you're not boarding it.

Henry's first attack is a simple slice. He spins in place for this attack,

and it has short range. He's open to attack following his slice, so rush 

in and hit him. This attack can't be blocked.

Next, Henry can hold his beam katana above his head and shoot four energy

balls at you. Just Emergency Evade to the left/right to avoid this simple


One of Henry's most dangerous attacks is where he glows for a split second,

holding his beam katana behind him, before sliding midway across the 

parking lot. He often uses this at close range, and you'll need to react

quickly to avoid it. When you hear that charging sound effect, Emergency

Evade to the side. When Henry makes his slice after he misses you, strike

him several times.

Henry can also hold his sword infront of him, pointing it at the ground.

If you attack him he will counterslice you. Instead, hit him and Emergency

Evade immidiately backwards. Henry is vulnerable after his unblockable


Finally, there is Henry's absurdly long combo attack. He'll pull off a 

bunch of fancy slices and jumping slices, ending with a loud "Hee-ya!" and

unblockable jumping slice. You'll want to Dark Step this attack. There are

three points where it can be Dark Stepped, so keep rocking the control

stick left and right to Dark Step it and get a ton of free hits on Henry.

***There is a glitch with this battle. If you just booted up your Wii and

chose View Real Ending when you started up the game, you can't Dark Step

Henry using the control stick. To do so you'll need to Dark Step with the

D-Pad (instead of a left/right Emergency Evade you will pull off a Dark 

Step). There're only specific points in the combo where you can Dark Step 

him, and it often doesn't work because the window of opportunity is very

small. To earn the control stick Dark Step back, go do any Assassination 

Gig and pull off at least one Dark Step during that fight. When you return

to Henry you'll be able to Dark Step normally again. Obviously, turning off

your Wii again will force you to go through these steps again to regain the

control stick Dark Step.

If you want to do it with the D-Pad, the safest Dark Step is on his fifth

swing. He'll yell "Shwaaa" when he swings. As he yells it, hit left on the

D-Pad to Dark Step.

In any case, you can get him to do his long combo over and over again in

the battle. It won't always work, but it usually does, and it makes the

fight considerably easier on Bitter difficulty. After the Dark Step ends

Henry will often be reeling a bit (despite being invincible to attack).

Strike him once and you should hear a loud clanking sound, and Henry should

snap out of it being stunned right away. This makes him perform his combo 


You can also strike him after he becomes invincible after most of his other

attacks to make him restart the combo (only works if you hit him one time

when he's invincible, not several hits when he's invincible). And often 

during the Dark Step you will stun him. After performing the wrestling 

move you can strike Henry once to make him perform the combo again.

Remember, it's a single strike. The first strike will almost always give 

you a loud clank and make him start the combo again. Multiple strikes when

he's invincible will often do nothing and make him do some other attack, so

you'll have to wait for him to do the combo again to rack up tons of 


So, yeah, the entire battle is basically you abusing Henry's combo and Dark

Stepping him until he goes to hell.

But wait, there's more! Once you've whittled Henry's life halfway he gains

one new attack. He'll charge himself for several seconds, pointing his

sword behind him. It's pretty obvious to see when it happens. When he 

charges, get the hell away from him. Back off and move as far out of his

direct line of fire as possible. He'll dash 3/4ths the way across the 

parking lot. If he hits you, he performs the coolest instant kill 

animation in any video game. Ever. I actually ADVISE you to see it at least

once. It's that cool.

...but other than that attack it's not an insanely hard fight. Just a

tedious one. Sure, you can get hit with an attack every now and then (and

you probably will). But you'll want to avoid that. Henry lasts so long that

all of the hits on you add up, and eventually you can die from being too

careless. Don't forget about the extra health restore in the parking lot.

Bitter Advice--You're in for a long fight. It'll take around 600-900 hits

to kill Henry (it depends on the amount of wrestling moves you can get in).

Abuse the combo attack as I made definite note of in my description of him.

Oh, and avoid getting hit at all. Henry's attacks do a lot of damage, and

since the fight lasts around 20 minutes on average, the battle is 

prolonged to the point where getting hit every few minutes will actually

kill you eventually. Though, he only has a few attacks, and all of them

are easy to see coming except for his quick charge-dash. Just learn to

Emergency Evade whenever he glows. It's a good strategy.



                            ~10.Side-Job Guide~


Santa Destroy has plenty of odd side-jobs you can perform at the Job

Center. A new one is available after every ranked match, so keep checking

back for odd money making opportunities.


Side Job 1--Coconut Collector

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs per coconut delivered

Gold Rank--7 Coconuts

In this minigame your goal is to bring as many coconuts as you can back to

the coconut vendor. After talking with the vendor the game will begin. You

will be making coconuts drop from the palm trees all around the vendor 

instead of buying them from a store. That's crazy! To make the coconuts

fall, walk near trees. When you see the A button flash above Travis's head,

that will tell you it is a tree that contains coconuts. 

Press the A button several times to punch and kick the tree until coconuts

fall. 1-3 coconuts will fall from each tree. Walk over to each coconut and

press the A button to pick it up. Travis can carry a maximum of three

coconuts. He walks rather slow when he is holding them, so keep pressing 

the A button to make him waddle faster. Walk to the front of the vendor's

table to deliver the coconuts.

This process will repeat for the duration of the three minutes. Be careful,

though. Occasionally the falling coconuts will conk Travis on the head and

stun him for several seconds. Try to avoid that as much as possible by

standing still and waiting for the coconuts to fall down (and even then

they will still occasionally hit you).



Side Job 2-Lawn Mowing

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Pay--$300 LBs per acre cut (100 acres, maximum of $30,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Cut 80 acres

This is a pretty simple minigame, and goes faster than the previous side-

job. The control scheme is easy to understand. Hold A to move the lawn

mower forward, hold B to go in reverse, tilt the Wiimote left or right to

turn in the respective direction, and hold Z to do a fancy 90 degree turn.

There are a total of 100 acres of grass, but you don't need to cut them all

(infact, it's quite a bit hard to do so in the time limit).

Make use of the reverse button. It'll come in handy for the smaller patches

of grass. And don't forget to pull off 90 degree turns with the Z button,

especially when you are stuck against a wall. They can be extremely useful.

The pay for the minigame is quite good, but later assassination missions

completely overshadow the maximum amount you can earn from this. A measely

$30,000 LBs isn't going to get you far later in the game.

The best strategy for cutting the grass is start with the outside layer, 

then slowly make your way inside. Cut through the middle and work in lines

once you have finished circling around the outside. When you get to about

80 acres of grass cut, you'll be running low time and the remaining grass

patches are likely spread out all over the field. Use the reverse function

to best use. You'll need a decent amount for a Silver rank to get those new

assassination missions.



Side Job 3-Garbage Collection

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$1,000 LBs for each piece of trash

Gold Rank--Collect 25 pieces of trash

You'll be thrown out onto the streets of Santa Destroy, and there is a lot

of cans and other assorted trash to pick up. Obviously, if you have the

Memory of Child you can just run to each piece of trash, saving not only

time but allowing you to pick up nearly twice as much twice as you could

without the ability. 

You're not allowed to use the Schpeltiger here, but that won't be a 

problem. Trash will be scattered all around the surrounding area. Walk up

to a piece of trash and press the A button. When the camera focuses on the

piece of trash, flick the Wiimote upwards to scoop it up. That's it. There

isn't much complications here. Don't worry about running out of trash--it

infinite respawns. Use the three minutes to the fullest. Collecting at

least fourty pieces of garbage is quite simple, so this side-job pays off




Side Job 4--Gas Stand

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs per car filled up

Gold Rank--15 cars filled

This is an extremely simple minigame. Travis won't need to be moving 

anywhere as he fills up cars with gasoline. Basically, cars will drive up

to you one by one. Once they stop, hold the B button to pump gas into the

car, paying attention to the meter on the right side of the screen. You

want to stop when the lights reach the yellow arrow near the top of the

meter. You can go over and still succeed, but if you let go too early or

hold it so long all the lights fill up, the car won't count.

This isn't a very good side-job to earn cash, sadly. Earning between 20 to

25 cars isn't a huge challenge, but that pay isn't very much. Have fun 

holding the B button down in the only side-job that requires this little

amount of thought.



Side Job 5--Mine Sweeping

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs for each mine removed

Gold Rank--10 mines cleared

This mission is irritating as hell. You will slowly walk with the metal 

detector, and you need to find the landmines in the ground. When the 

detector is beeping, it's a sign that you are close to a mine. Walk slowly

forward, panning left and right. If you see the A button flash above 

Travis's head, press it to destroy the mine. If the beeping stops, turn

around and walk back until the beeping continues, then spin in place to

find the mine or a spot where the beeping gets a bit faster.

I can't really say much more about this stupid game. It took me over an 

hour to get a Gold rank. A word of advice--all of the mines spawn near your

starting location. Don't go wondering too far or you'll find nothing and

end up wasting time. Also, you can walk onto the mines themselves. They

will explode and count for the total, but if you get hit several times then

the game is over. Try to not do that. Also, after destroying a mine, often

you can find another mine nearby. Keep the sweeper on the destroyed mine 

and pause to see if you can hear some beeping. Most of the time this will

happen, but occasionally it won't. This game boils down to luck if you can

or can't find any mines.



Side Job 6--Graffiti Cleaning

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs for each graffiti cleaned (Maximum of $20,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--10 graffitis cleaned

Yeah, that's right. This is the worst paying side-job in the game. Also,

to earn a Gold rank, you MUST have the Memory of Child in order to run to

each destination. Bascially, ten walls in Santa Destroy have been covered

with graffiti and you need to clean them up. All of the spots are marked on

your mini-map with a yellow dot. Two are close to you at the start, so

begin with those.

From there, just move from dot to dot. Regardless of the order you choose,

if you have the Memory of Child you should be able to clear all ten within

the time limit. If you can't, pick a different order by starting with the

ones closest to you and branching out. 



Side Job 7--Meow Meow

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$3000 LBs for each cat picked up

Gold Rank--10 cats picked up

This side-job takes place in a small neighborhood in Santa Destroy. A bunch

of cats have escaped and you need to rescue as many of them as you can in

the time limit. The cats are marked with white faces on the mini-map, so

run towards those. When you reach a cat (all of them are white, so they

stand out on the grass but can be difficult to see on the sidewalks), press

the A button to lean near it.

You'll need to wave the Foxtail grass several times to distract the cat.

Shake it following the arrow prompts the game gives. You'll need to go

through one to ten arrows to distract the cat. Once you have done it 

enough, a button will appear above the cat. Press it to pick it up. If you

press the wrong button or wait too long the cat will run away.

The cats infinitely respawn, so have fun with this cute minigame. It's not

too challenging and the pay is decent.



Side Job 8--Scorpion Extermination

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$3000 LBs for each scorpion picked up

Gold Rank--15 scorpions picked up

First of all, you have no chance of getting a high score, let alone 

surviving the full three minutes, without the Memory of Child. With that

said, your goal is similar to Garbage Collecting--pick up as many scorpions

as you can. Except here, the scorpions will be walking around when you get

near them. Scorpions spawn all over the Atomic Drop Ward, but near the

entrance is an area where very often a dozen or so spawn at the start of

the game. Get them all first.

When you are close to a scorpion press the A button to bend down near them,

then flick the Wiimote upwards to scoop it up. There's one catch to this

mission. See, if you touch a scorpion you get stung. You will need to head

back to the employer and talk to him before the secondary time limit runs

out, or else you die and fail the minigame. Yeah. See, this is why Memory

of Life is critical.

There are four different colored scorpions, but all of them score one

point when scooped up. Black ones are the most common and often just spin

in place. Touch one and you'll have 30 seconds to reach the employer. Red

ones often move a bit when you get near them, usually if you run up to 

them. Walk when near them to scoop them up. You'll have 20 seconds to reach

the employer if stung by a red scorpion.

Yellow scorpions are actually pretty rare. These guys give you only 10 

seconds to reach the employer. Touch one and you're screwed--they spawn 

far away from the employer. Ignore them as they just aren't worth the risk.

Finally there's the blue scorpion. This guy is extremely rare to be 

spawned--and that's a damn good thing. Blue scorpions are quite big and

easily visible from a distance. It runs very quickly in random directions,

and catching it is a pain. If you see one, avoid at all costs! If this

thing touches you its an instant failure of the minigame. You can catch it,

but it's not worth running the risk of getting stung.

Overall, it's a good paying game if you can avoid getting stung. 20

scorpions isn't too hard of a goal for a decent payday.



Side Job 9--Bike Jump

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--??? (Maximum of $50,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Jump more than 2000 yards

This is the easiest side-job. Cool. From your employer, hop on the

Schpeltiger and follow the yellow cones to the straightaway leading to the

ramp at Iron Claw Point. Your goal is to jump as far as possible. Once you

hit the grey pavement, hold the boost all the way to the ramp. When the

front wheel touches the ramp, flick the Wiimote upwards quickly to perform

a jump off the ramp. If done correctly, you will soar about 2500 yards,

earning a Gold rank and maximum pay.



                        ~11.Assassination Gig Guide~


Here's the descriptions for each of the Assassination Gigs, as well as

how to obtain a Gold rank on each of them. Happy killing!


Assassination Gig 01--Pizza Butt

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$30,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in 15 seconds or less

Head back over to the Job Center. Avalanche Hold is a parking garage

located next door to the Job Center, making it pretty easy to find. Once

you enter, you'll be confronted with a group of grunts. Your goal is not to

kill everyone, but rather the CEO himself. The CEO is behind his wall of

grunts and is labeled with "Target" above his head, making him easy to pin


None of the grunts have weapons, so they are all fairly easy to dispose of.

The problem is that the CEO is armed with a pistol, and will constantly

fire at you. Defeat a few grunts to clear a path to the CEO, then rush him.

I advise not using the lock-on for this fight when going for the CEO

because you might target a regular grunt by accident, wasting time. You 

only have one minute to kill the CEO. Failure to do so will result in no

pay whatsoever. 

Gold Rank Notes--It's extremely hard to Gold rank this at the beginning of

the game. Wait for a stronger Beam Katana (or the final one. The Tsubaki

Mk-III rips through enemies) and spam the down charge a few times. Rush for

the CEO and kill him quickly. If you're lucky, a Death Blow from one enemy

may have enough range to kill the CEO if he's nearby. By the way, the 

tenths of a second are irrelevent. If you finish in 15.86 seconds, it's 

still a Gold rank.



Assassination Gig 02--Snake Hall

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (15) until you die

Pay--$2,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $30,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory in under 1 minute

This mission takes place in the same parking garage as the first 

assassination gig. This mission is far more fun because you're just flat

out killing people instead of one specific target. All of these enemies

group up on your right from the start, so just go in swinging. A left/right

Death Blow is likely to kill several other enemies with its range

(especially if you use the Triangle Death Blow). There's only 15 enemies.

The last few will spawn towards the end, and they are armed with beam

katanas. They have more health than the regular grunts, so take them out

quickly and dodge their charge attacks.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing too hard. It's easily finished in about 30-45

seconds, so a Gold rank isn't insanely challenging. The main problem can be

a lack of doing much damage. Come back later after some training with

Thunder Ryu, or upgrading Beam Katanas a little later, for a much easier

shot at the Gold rank.



Assassination Gig 03--Hooligans Parade

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (15) using ONLY wrestling moves

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $45,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all 15 enemies

This mission takes place at Destroy Stadium. The entrance is the stadium's

gates. This mission can be quite difficult because you are limited to only

wrestling moves. You can't swing your Beam Katana. What you need to do is

simple to understand, but irritating to pull off. Use Charged Beat Attacks

on every enemy, then grab them while they are stunned and pull off a 

wrestling move. It will always be an instant kill, no matter what. The 

problem is getting off Charged Beat Attacks.

If you attract the attention of one enemy, you can be sure several others

will follow him. While performing the beat attack, your move can be 

cancelled out if you take damage. And with several foes surrounding you,

that is likely. The good thing is that one Charged Beat Attack, especially

the low ones, can stun multiple enemies at once, allowing for a long string

of kills.

Once the first group of nine enemies are killed, six more spawn on the

outside of the field. They all rush you at once. Get several Charged Beat

Attacks in on the first one or two foes that reach you and try to take them

about before it gets too crowded. After that, Emergency Evade to a side and

try to line them all up, making it easier to take down only one at a time.

Gold Rank Notes--Killing every enemy in the time limit can be very 

annoying, so you'll need to work quick. Focus on one enemy at a time. If 

you focus on more, you risk getting hurt more, wasting time as you keep

trying to pull of Charged Beat Attacks. Focus on lone enemies and you'll

finish before the time limit expires.



Assassination Gig 04--Baseball Battle

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$4,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $40,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all 9 enemies

Remember the baseball throwing minigames during the Dr. Peace level? This

assassination gig is that exact same thing. You have three chances to kill

as many enemies as possible. The ball move pretty slowly in this one, so

the timing isn't too hard to get right. 

The strength put into the ball is based on two factors--how fast you swing,

and your change from a high stance to a low stance. If you can swing hard

from high to low, you are ensured a large amount of kills (usually 

resulting in all of the enemies getting killed in one go). If you only kill

8 in the first or second balls, the last enemy can be hard because the ball

is thrown from such a long distance. It'll take about five full seconds

before it reaches you, so be patient.

Gold Rank Notes--I don't really have any. All you need to do is kill all

nine enemies. If you're having trouble smacking the ball hard enough,

change how you hold the Wiimote. Swing hard, moving it from point upwards

to pointing slanted downwards a bit for best results.



Assassination Gig 05--Pizza Butt Returns

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$50,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in 15 seconds or less

Everybody in this mission is now holding a pistol. You aren't likely to

finish this quickly if you try killing all of the CEO's guards, so rush

straight for him instead and wail on him. Perform an Emergency Evade here

and there to avoid being hit by bullets, but other than that there is 

nothing special about this mission.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing else to say. Really, just rush the CEO. Remember

that you can finish in, for example, 15.55 seconds and it will still be a

Gold Rank (so...technically you have 16 seconds to finish the mission). Eh.

All the same, kill and make it quick!



Assassination Gig 06--Sword Master

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill as many as you can (15) within the time limit

Pay--$4,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $60,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory in 1 minute or less

You'll be fighting in the area you fought Shinobu, which may lead you to

think that this fight against fifteen enemies will be annoying. Rest

assured, though, that there is a catch. See, all the enemies trigger a 

Death Blow after just one hit. I'm not sure why this is, but hey, makes the

mission really simple. Completion should be fairly easy from there. Of

course, you're likely to get into weapon clashes with almost every axe

wielding foe, and that chews up some time. Two minutes is quite generous,


Gold Rank Notes--Finishing in under one minute is insanely simple. It may

come down to a little bit of luck if you are constantly wasting time with

weapon clashes, but other then that simple one hit kills make finishing in

less than a minute a breeze. Or you can spam low charge attacks if you

still can't finish in time. Those always work.



Assassination Gig 07--Death Match 100

Time Limit--5 Minutes

Goal--Kill all 100 enemies

Pay--$90,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory

Damn this is a crazy battle. You will fight in one of the filming studios,

so watch out for the pillars while you fight. You will fight a total of,

obviously, one hundred enemies. The catch here is that just like the 

previous assassination gig, everyone triggers a Death Blow on one strike.

You will get into a lot of weapon clashes, that's for sure. A variety of

weapons are used, including axes, stop signs, regular hand combat, and

beam katanas. Focus on beam katana wielders first because they can hurt you

while you try killing foes. Really, just keep the Z button held down and

slash away. Try not to get too blinded by the shower of blood that will

constantly be covering the screen.

Gold Rank Notes--As far as I can tell, you get a Gold rank regardless of 

the time taken to finish. So, uh, just beat the mission. It can easily be

done in four minutes due to how much the enemies love to group together.



Assassination Gig 08--Baseball Battle Round 2

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$5,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $49,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all nine enemies

Remember the previous batting gig? This one is exactly the same. The only

difference here is that you will be paid a bit more, as well as the balls

thrown will be much faster. The first ball may take you by surprise, but

the timing isn't terribly difficult to learn once you see it. Swing hard 

and kill all nine enemies for the best payout. If you don't, well, at least

you'll earn something.

Gold Rank Notes--Kill everyone. This may take a few tries based on how good

your timing is. If you have superb timing, this will be fairly simple for 

you. Otherwise, just try to swing a bit harder to hit those last few

enemies. Nothing much to say here.



Assassination Gig 09--Dark Side Battle

Time Limit--1 Minute 30 seconds

Goal--Kill all enemies within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill

Gold Rank--Kill at least 20 enemies

Damn. This is one fun fight. Cranberry Chocolate Sundae will be activated

for the entire fight, so you're going on one invincible killing spree. If

you've never activated Cranberry Choclate Sundae before, basically it's 

Travis's coolest looking Dark Side move. Move towards an enemy and the

screen will freeze with a button above Travis's head. Press it to kill the

foe. Press the wrong button and Travis will waste a few seconds taunting.

Keep doing that until time runs out. The enemies infinitely respawn, so go

nuts killing everyone in a fashionable style.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing more to say here. This is a very easy mission, and

the most fun, so you'll likely Gold rank it on your first try. If you 

don't, you probably wasting too much time taunting. Take your time pressing

the buttons. 20 enemies is pretty easy to reach.



Assassination Gig 10--Tiger Hall

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all the enemies (21) within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $63,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

This mission has a variety of enemies that will attack you on Body Slam

Beach. There aren't many to start with, but as you progress up the beach

you will find that a lot of enemies will spawn from under the sands. For

the majority of the mission you will be surrounded by two or three enemies.

The majority of them will be using axes, but a few carry pistols. Watch out

for those enemies.

Towards the end of the level you will face off against enemies with machine

guns. Emergency Evade out of their way and rush up to them. Finish the

mission as quickly as you can.

Gold Rank Notes--Getting a Gold rank here is fairly simple. Just kill all

21 foes. You're probably going to want to do that anyways because that's

how you get maximum pay, so, yeah. Pretty simple. Just try to avoid wasting

a ton of time with weapon clashes and blocking machine gun hits. That 

really wastes time.



Assassination Gig 11--Pizza Butt: The Finale

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$75,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in less then 15 seconds

This mission is simply impossible without the Tsubaki Mk-III and its

Energy Saver. If you get anywhere past the starting point of the level, 

nearly a dozen guards (who I believe respawn from what I can tell), all

holding beam katanas, rush you. With the fully upgraded Tsubaki Mk-III, a

low charge will kill almost everyone in the room, including the CEO. 

Without this I am incapable of even completing the mission at all. If you

can do it without the Tsubaki Mk-III, best to you.

Gold Rank Notes--Well, like I advised, just spam the Tsubaki Mk-III's low 

charge attack for a quick and effective victory. Just try to minimize how 

many guards are attacking you. I hate beam katana wielders as much as I 

know you do.



Assassination Gig 12--Pro-Wrestling Contest

Time Limit--2 Minutes 30 Seconds

Goal--Kill only using wrestling moves

Pay--$5,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $75,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

Good paying mission and not too difficult of one. All of the enemies are

wielding a variety of weapons, but since all you can do is kick, it isn't

much of a concern. The first group of enemies don't wield weapons, so kick

them without fear of retaliation. The second group of five enemies do have

weapons, though, as well as two pistol users mixed in the bunch. Wait for

the pistol users to shoot, then run to them as they run away from you and

perform the Charged Beat Attack to perform a wrestling move.

The final group of five has a machine gunner at the very back. Save him

for last and lure the first four alone. A few more Charged Beat Attacks

will end this mission.

Gold Rank Notes--2:30 seems like a lot of time, but since wrestling moves

don't stop the clock, you will need to work quickly. Try to avoid getting

hit as you use Charged Beat Attacks. Kill quickly to finish in time. 

Without much effort I can easily finish with 30 seconds left, and that was

with luring many enemies at me at once. Even if you don't do that you 

should still finish fast.



Assassination Gig 13--Underground

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all the enemies (10) within the time limit

Pay--$5,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $50,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within one minute and thirty seconds

Another extremely easy mission, but the reward shows. It's not that good.

you will fight on the subway train in this mission. There are one to three

enemies per car, and the door to the next car won't open until all the

enemies in the current car have been killed. Nothing tricky about this

mission, especially if you have upgraded Beam Katanas.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing special. Just beat the crap out of each enemy. 

There's only ten and defeating them all quickly is a sinch.



Assassination Gig 14--Baseball Battle Round 3

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $63,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

The final baseball match. These nine foes are all ready to die in the name

of baseball. Well, as you may guess from the previous round, the ball is

thrown extremely fast. The timing for it is quite wonky, and if the ball

gets thrown from far away then you likely aren't going to have the 

reaction time to even hit the ball. Swing hard and don't be patient. 

Hesitation will result in a miss.

Gold Rank Notes--Kill everyone. Easier said then done. It's best to kill

all of them in one go instead of killing a few and having the ball be

thrown from far away. Not cool. It makes hitting it, and therefore Gold

ranking the mission, much hard. So with that said, just kill them all with

one ball if you can.



Assassination Gig 15--Extreme Fight

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (10) with a special condition

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $70,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within 1:30

This is exactly the same as the Underground gig, except for one catch--the

screen will be upsidedown. Since the battle is across several train cars,

there's not much reason to need to turn left or right. The enemies are

insanely quick to kill with an upgraded katana, and there's only ten of

them, making this gig a complete joke. The only hard enemy is the beam

katana wielder at the end, but even he goes down quickly to a few swings.

Gold Rank Notes--This shouldn't even take more then a minute to complete.

Even if it does, you'd need to screw around for a long time in order to

waste over 90 seconds on this mission. Simply kill them all quickly.



Assassination Gig 16--Armed Hoods

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (12) within the time limit

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $84,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within two minutes

Another simple mission, also taking place on the subway. There's another

set of ten enemies here, and killing them all is little challenge. There's

some variety, though. Half of them are holding axes or using brawling

combat techniques while everyone else is using pistols or machine guns. 

There are only a few of each, and there's never more than one to a car.

Basically, its an easy mission. 

Gold Rank Notes--Again, shouldn't take very long to complete this mission.

Kill the pistol users quickly so you don't waste time taking hits or 

blocking their shots. Doing that several times can actually waste enough

time to miss the Gold rank.



Assassination Gig 17--Speed Jack

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (15) within the time limit

Pay--$5,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $82,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within 1:30

This mission takes place on one of Santa Destroy's busses. You will need to

fight a bunch of crowbar wielding purple vested enemies. The camera angle

shouldn't hamper you're ability to kill off everyone in a quick amount of

time. You can use low charged swings to kill a bunch at once, or a sideways

Death Blow which will do the job just well. Overall, not a difficult 

mission, and it makes a ton of money.

Gold Rank Notes--There's nothing special about this mission and its Gold

rank. Just murder as quickly as possible. If you're having trouble, get the

Tsubaki Mk-III and spam the low charge attack to kill everyone very, very




Assassination Gig 18--Gamble Fight

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill as many enemies as you can

Pay--$1,500 LBs per kill

Gold Rank--Kill at least 65 enemies

You will fight in the small Gold Town alley for three minutes where 

enemies infinitely respawn. This is the best way to earn money in the game,

especially with the Tsubaki Mk-III and its Energy Saver. Even without it,

getting near 100 kills is still possible. Your objective is simply to kill

until the timer runs out. 

All of the enemies wield axes, crowbars, or hand-to-hand combat. Nothing

too hard with this mission, hence why it's so good for earning cash. 

Gold Rank Notes--Quite hard on Bitter due to the high vitality of foes. On

Sweet or Mild getting over 100 isn't a challenge. Rankings carry over from

New Game + to New Game + regardless of difficulty accomplished, so do it

on Sweet if you can't on the harder difficulties. Or just spam the Tsubaki

Mk-III's low charge attack.



Assassination Gig 19--Single Strike

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (10?) without taking a hit

Pay--$10,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $100,000 LBs?)

Gold Rank--Kill at least seven enemies

The hardest Assassination Gig because it acts just like some of the final

Free Fight missions. A single hit ends the mission. The pay is huge, but

getting even a single kill is impressive. Every enemy uses a machine gun.

The best way I found to beating this mission is using the jumping slice

learned from Lovikov (shake the Nunchuk) to knock each foe down, then 

perform a down attack on the foe. Just make sure nobody is shooting at 


This method works fine up until enemy six where three to five enemies spawn

at once and all shoot at you practically simultaneously. If you can, use a

low charge swing to at least kill two of them. I can't offer much more 

advice because I can't find a way to get past these enemies. There's

probably only ten enemies. Maybe. If you can kill everyone, good for you.

This is an insane mission.

Gold Rank Notes--You only need to kill seven enemies. The first five are

the easiest. Once the fifth is dead, prepare a low charge shot. When the

next two spawn near eachother, take them both out and hopefully you will

satisfy the requirements for a Gold rank. It's hard. Very hard.



Assassination Gig 20--Batting Killing Centre

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (30) within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $90,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory within 1:30

You will be facing the same enemies you fought with during the Bad Girl

fight. The enemies spawn in groups of seven. If you rush at them all you

can probably hit more than one with each slice. A sideway Death Blow will

likely kill the entire group at once. There are thirty of these enemies,

but they are all fairly easy to kill and don't have powerful melee attacks.

Gold Rank Notes--Just kill everyone really fast. They spawn in groups,

which actually makes this mission much easier to finish. Just get a few

Triangle Death Blows to knock out each group at once and you'll easily

finish within the Gold rank time limit.



                       ~12.Free Fight Mission Guide~


If you get a Gold rank on a side-job you will unlock a Free Fight mission,

with the exception of Free Fight Mission 03 which is unlocked by beating

Shinobu. Free Fight Missions are where you have to kill every enemy in the

time limit to earn the cash prize. The catch is that you can't take a 

single hit or you'll fail immidiately. They're called Free Fights because

the blue M's marking them spawn in the city without you needing to talk to

anyone to activate the event. Just head to the M to start the fight.

Whether you win or lose, the M won't respawn for about 15 minutes. Go do

some other missions until then if you want to play again. Beating a mission

will always result in a Gold rank.


Free Fight Mission 01

Location--Northwest corner of Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$30,000 LBs

This Free Fight mission is hard because of the erratic spawning of enemies.

The first group is a mere three grunts. None of them should pose much of a

threat. The second group spawns after the last one dies. These next three

grunts are armed with crowbars, and they all have a charge attack they like

to spam. It's unblockable--ergo, if it connects with you, you fail the

mission (since you'll take damage and all that...). Spam Emergency Evades

and Dark Step whenever possible. They occasionally strike combos on you--

that's the time to Dark Step for a possible free kill.

The final group of enemies is the worst. Six will spawn, and I ensure at 

least one will be behind you. These are the same grunts as when the mission

started, but being swarmed by six of them at once, and not a single hit is

allowed on you, can make it a bit irratating. If possible, run away from

all of them and perform a low charge attack to decimate at least half the

group. That should make finishing the mission rather simple.



Free Fight Mission 02

Location--Basketball Court in Northern Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$35,000 LBs

The mission starts with three grunts spawning just ahead of you. All three

of them are easy to take down as none of them have weapons. Just play it

safe and Emergency Evade whenever you're afraid you will take damage. Never

can be too safe in these Free Fight missions.

Once the beginning trio is killed off, five more enemies will spawn, all 

of them wielding crowbars. Run away and focus on killing one at a time,

trying to Dark Step any combo that they unleash on you. All of them can

perform charged attacks--instant death in these missions. Remember the 

time limit. Be quick, but don't rush it to the point where you will be 


After those five are dead, two final enemies will drop down. One holds a

crowbar, the other a beam katana. Kill the crowbar wielder first before

taking on the man with the beam katana. Attack him like you would all beam

katana wielding foes--block his combo attack and try to Dark Step it, and 

avoid his charge attack. Cautiousness will earn you a victory here.



Free Fight Mission 03

Location--Parking Garage adjacent to the Job Center

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$40,000 LBs

This Free Fight Mission is unlocked after defeating Shinobu. You face off

against ten students right away. No more will (thankfully) spawn. Eight of

them wield crowbars while the two in the back use beam katanas. From the

start, use a low charge attack and kill the first three enemies that rush

you. Afterwards, try and attract the attention of only a few more. Strike

rapidly, and don't be afraid to Emergency Evade whenever you think an enemy

is charging an attack (which, as usual, kills you).

You can probably finish this quite fast. Once you get down to the beam

katana foes, use a low charge attack on each of them to kill them quickly,

or at least weaken them and making a setup for a quick Death Blow. This

mission is only hard if you attract too much attention at once.



Free Fight Mission 04

Location--Santa Destroy High School (center of southern Santa Destroy)

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$40,000 LBs

This Free Fight Mission can be pretty easy if you know what you're doing.

Start off by using low charged attacks to kill the three students infront

of you. There's a fourth infront of the school entrance, so charge and 

walk into his range. Head down the left path to find a trio of enemies. 

Repeat the process of charging, getting only one foes' attention, kill him,

and repeat for another foe. Pretty simple. On the right side of the school

will be four final enemies. Two of them hold beam katanas, and a charge

attack will only knock off half of their health. Use Dark Steps if you can

to safely kill both of them. The other two enemies near them are easy to

kill normally or with charge attacks.



Free Fight Mission 05

Location--Northwest corner of northern Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$50,000 LBs

This is an insanely hard fight. All of the enemies are spread out, 

fortunately, but if you attract the attention of more than one you are 

likely going to be hit. One will rush you right from the start. Kill him

quickly. To the left is a beam katana wielding foe, so take caution around

him. Half a dozen foes are in the center of the lot, and getting only one

foe's attention at a time works best here. You don't have much time, so 

you'll need to get their attention quick and beat them up.

Continue doing this and fight your way through the center of the truck lot.

Once you've cleared the center of enemies, you can find a few more, 

including more beam katana wielding foes, on the right. Exercise caution

with these guys and take them out slowly. Dark Steps will easily take down

their low vitality. Take your time through this battle, fight one at a 

time, and spam low charge attacks when necessary to prevail.



Free Fight Mission 06

Location--Northwest corner of northern Santa Destroy (same as Free Fight 1)

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$50,000 LBs

At the beginning there will be three basic enemies that aren't very hard

to kill off safely. Once they have been killed off, the second group of

enemies will drop down. These guys all have crowbars, so watch out for 

their charged attacks. They don't use them very often, but nonetheless you

should single them out to avoid getting hit from behind.

The final two enemies appear at the back of the lot. One has a pistol, the

other a beam katana. Take on only one at a time. There's no way you can

avoid damage from both of them if both are attacking you at once. Try to

take down the pistol first. Dark Step or Emergency Evade around him, then

strike him down. Do so quickly before he has a chance to shoot you.



Free Fight Mission 07

Location--Body Slam Beach

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$60,000 LBs

The first trio of enemies in this mission are easy to dispatch of, and they

don't attack you until you come very close to you. The fourth wields a gun,

and if you can't kill him before he runs away near other foes then you have

no chance of finishing this mission before getting hit. 

Infact, the remaining groups of enemies that spawn are like this. The foe

on the left wields a stop sign, and the one on the right has a pistol. You

will need to work very carefully through this Free Fight mission. You have

a huge three minutes to get through it, so there's nothing wrong about 

taking your time.



Free Fight Mission 08

Location--Northwest corner of Santa Destroy (next to Free Fight Mission 05)

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$70,000 LBs

Ten enemies start in the area. Six are waiting in the center, one behind

the truck infront of where you start, one to the left, and two on the far

right. Two enemies will rush you at the start, so try to kill the one

closet to you quickly before the one behind you can strike. Circle around

the truck and kill the foe there if he hasn't already walked around the

truck to attack you. 

Walk near the middle of the lot and try to attract the attention of the 

enemies one by one. Everyone wielding a katana has a long range of attack,

so try Dark Stepping them or attacking after they finish their own attack.

Don't forget the enemies on the far right who work the same way.

Once the first ten are dead, two more drop down in the middle of the lot.

One is a pistol user, the other a beam katana wielder. Annoying combo. 

Again, try to get the beam katana user out first by luring him away from 

the pistol user. That's the easiest way to finish off these foes without

getting hit.



Free Fight Mission 09

Location--Rolling Cradle Bus Station

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$80,000 LBs

By far one of the hardest Free Fight Missions in the game. There are few

enemies in this area, but you'll be wanting every second to take them down

one by one. All of the purple suited enemies have a pistol. Obviously, you

can only attack one at a time because while you're beating another there

could be a second enemy from behind you shooting, and you'd be defenseless.

You need to take your time to win. The Tsubaki Mk-III with its Energy Saver

is the easiest way to finish this mission. Basically, every enemy begins by

kneeling down and won't get up slowly until you get very close to them.

During this time, slowly walk over with a fully low charge attack then

unleash and keep pressing the A button to annihilate the foe.

Basically, go around the bus on the right first, killing foes one by one.

Repeat for the left half of the arena. If you are afraid of attracting

attention, hide behind a bus while locked on to a foe to have them slowly

walk over to you, and away from other enemies you might attract. Just be

sure to use low charged attacks when its safe. You have a perfect chance

every six rounds of shots (foes need to reload during this time, use it


If you want to try it with a weaker Beam Katana, then lure enemies out by

hiding behind buses. When they shoot, Emergency Evade and rush at their

sides. They can't shoot while you hit them, so as long as another foe's

attention isn't directed at you as well you can finish with a weaker katana

by working slowly. I can't stress enough how slow you need to work in order

to finish. Unless you get lucky, going in swinging will get you killed. 




Free Fight Mission 10

Location--Rolling Cradle Bus Station

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$90,000 LBs

The enemy placement is exactly the same as Free Fight Mission 09. This 

time, though, enemies are using machine guns. You need to have the Tsubaki

Mk-III's Energy Saver or you'll have no chance at this mission. Start with

the enemy behind the bus to the left. Be careful not to draw attention to

yourself with the enemy infront of the same bus. Use Emergency Evades to

get near him and strike when enemies stop to reload. 

You'll need to work quickly in order to kill every enemy within the time

limit. The same technique of spamming low charge attacks still works well

here. For several enemies, though, you have no chance of pulling that off

by getting close enough. Hurry and kill each enemy and then move on to the

next. Work in a clockwise pattern and you should be able to finish before

time runs out.



                        ~13.Lovikov Ball Locations~


After speaking with Lovikov in Gold Town's bar, a ton of orange dots will

be marked on the map. These are the locations of Lovikov Balls. There are

49 total, and for every seven you collect you can trade them to Lovikov

for new abilities. Also, after talking with Lovikov, the balls give off a

loud humming noise when you are close to them. That's a good way to find

them. Also, purchase Memory of Child first. Please, it'll make finding the

remaining 42 much, much easier.

Well, where does one find a Lovikov Ball? Almost all of them are hidden in

small alleyways within Santa Destroy, rarely lying out in the open. When 

you see a ball, just walk into it to collect it. Simple enough.

But you may not be able to find them all on your own because the dots are

very tiny, and the pixelated map is hard to look at. Not to mention several

Free Fight missions actually cover up Lovikov Ball dots, making them 

impossible to find unless you conveniently run into them while cruising the


So, here's the list of all 49 Lovikov Ball locations. There's just one

problem--almost nothing in the city is a unique landmark. This makes

describing ball locations somewhat...difficult. I list them in a unique 

way, hopefully making it easier for you to figure out. I start with the

northernmost ball, then my listed #2 will be the second northernmost ball,

and so on until ball 49, the southernmost ball. If two balls are about

parallel with eachother, I'll do the one on the left first. 

Also, plot of lands refer to areas with buildings. See how everything on

the map is surrounded by streets, and that areas with buildings look like

small islands? I consider those plots of land. I refer to them a lot in my


And because it can never be stressed enough, get the Memory of Child with

your first seven balls.


Lovikov Ball #1

Location--At the very northernmost point of Santa Destroy. Follow the

northern border until you pass what appears to be entrance to a shipping

storage yard, blocked off by two lowered gates. The ball is infront of the

one on the right.



Lovikov Ball #2

Location--Near the northenmost point of Santa Destroy, along the left side.

You can find an open lot with a blue and brown semi-truck parked in it. The

ball is to the right of the brown truck.



Lovikov Ball #3

Location--In northern Santa Destroy, look at the map for a triangle-shaped

plot of land near the northernmost point. Two semi-trucks without cargo 

boxes on their backs are parked at the point of the triangle. The ball is

behind one of the trucks.



Lovikov Ball #4

Location--Close to the northeastern most point of Santa Destroy on a plot 

of land looking like a clock hand pointing at 1-o'-clock. There is an 

alleyway left of the dumpster that is grated on the right side. Take a

right at the end of the alleyway to find the ball.



Lovikov Ball #5

Location--In northern Santa Destroy. It is at the northwestern most point 

of a plot of land that looks exactly like your right hand making a thumbs-

up sign. The ball is infront of parking gates leading to the open lot, near

a group of palm trees.



Lovikov Ball #6

Location--In northern Santa Destroy there is a large lot in around the

center that is surrounded by a large red, and occasionally grey, wall. 

There are only two entrances to it. Use the one in the north and walk

towards the top left corner of the lot to find the ball hiding behind a

large red crate.



Lovikov Ball #7

Location--In northern Santa Destroy there is a large lot in around the

center that is surrounded by a large red, and occasionally grey, wall. 

There are only two entrances to it. Use the one in the southeast. Dead 

ahead of the entrance is a building that's to the right of a red crate.

Behind the building in an alley is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #8

Location--Head to the plot of land in northern Santa Destroy where Free

Fight Mission 02 is located. At the northern end of the plot of land is a

spacing between two buildings. The ball can be found on the pavement 

between the buildings.



Lovikov Ball #9

Location--Head to the M where Free Fight Mission 02 is located. It's on a

basketball court in northern Santa Destroy. Right behind the M is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #10

Location--Head for the plot of land northeast of the motel. Use the 

entrance at the southwest corner to enter a lot with a bunch of colored

crates and a semi truck. The ball is next to the semi.



Lovikov Ball #11

Location--Head to Naomi's Lab. There are a bunch of colored crates infront

of the entrance to the lab. Walk behind them to find the ball.



Lovikov Ball #12

Location--Walk down the stairs of the No More Heroes motel. Head left from

them to see a small alleyway touching the left edge of the motel. The ball

is sticking out right there (infact, the humming is immidiately noticable

when you exit the hotel room!).



Lovikov Ball #13

Location--In northern Santa Destroy. Start on the red bridge in the west.

Walk north from the left side of the bridge. You will pass three openings

on your way north. Enter the third opening (there are two dumpsters near

the fencing where you should be entering). There's an alleyway in the back

of this area, so head right to find the ball.



Lovikov Ball #14

Location--Head north from the red bridge in the west. Just past the second

set of traffic lights is an opening into a vacant lot on the right. The 

ball is in the center of this area.



Lovikov Ball #15

Location--Just north of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy you will 

find a car dealership lot. The ball is located near the southern area of




Lovikov Ball #16

Location--Head north from the red bridge in western Santa Destroy. At the

first traffic light turn right. At the next light get off the Schpeltiger

and look left to find some fencing infront of a white building. The ball is

just around the fencing.



Lovikov Ball #17

Location--immidiately after the red bridge in western Santa Destroy you can

find an alleyway to the left. Follow it and head right to find the ball

straight away.



Lovikov Ball #18

Location--From the entrance of K-Entertainment look straight north to find

an opening between two buildings leading to a parking lot. At the left end

of the lot you can find the ball.



Lovikov Ball #19

Location--From the street infront of K-Entertainment, head west. Past

the second set of traffic lights is a group of four buildings arranged in

a square. Between the two buildings infront of you is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #20

Location--Slightly north of Body Slam Beach is Iron Claw Point where a 

large red ramp lies. Right infront of the ramp is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #21

Location--From the entrance of K-Entertainment, face the street. Head down

it to the left. At the second traffic light, turn left. At the next light

turn right. Pay attention to the names of the stores on the left. Enter an

alleyway just past the "Music Store" and turn right at an intersection in

the alleyway to find the ball.



Lovikov Ball #22

Location--Head to the plot of land north of the Atomic Drop Ward. It's a

lot with several semi-trucks that is right infront of a tall billboard with

"Orange Orange Orange" written on it. The ball is behind one of the trucks.



Lovikov Ball #23

Location--Head to the Luchaco Gas Station at the center of Santa Destroy.

On the plot of land south of it is a parked car and a dumpster. In an

alleyway next to them is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #24

Location--Stand south of Luchaco Gas Station, facing it. Walk west one

street and at the tip of a trapezoidal plot of land you should find a 

store called "Lobster Lovers". Behind the blue parked car is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #25

Location--Head to the plot of land directly southwest of Luchaco Gas

Station. At the southwest corner of this plot of land near the entrance to

an alley is the ball.



Lovikov Ball #26

Location--Just south of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy are two

parallel plots of land that are large rectangular neighborhoods. The ball

is next to the left wall of the southernmost house of the left plot of 




Lovikov Ball #27

Location--Just south of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy are two

parallel plots of land that are large rectangular neighborhoods. The ball

is next to the left wall of the southernmost house of the right plot of 




Lovikov Ball #28

Location--In midwestern Santa destroy there are two parallel plots of land

that act as neighborhoods. To the right of the right plot of land are two

more plots of land. The southern one has a ball near an alleyway.



Lovikov Ball #29

Location--Next to Area 51 is a parking lot. The ball is at the end of an

alleyway near the orange car. 



Lovikov Ball #30

Location--Head left of Area 51 to find a thin alley somewhat close to the

entrance. When the path opens up, head right. The ball is next to the




Lovikov Ball #31

Location--Go to the entrance of Area 51 and face the building. Walk 

straight right and you will walk across the street into an empty lot with

the ball (it's next to a store called "A Stroke of Genius").



Lovikov Ball #32

Location--Head to the plot of land south of Area 51. The ball can be found

near three dumpters behind "Tyrannomarket Rex".



Lovikov Ball #33

Location--Go to the two parallel plots of land that are neighborhoods. On

the plot of land south of it you can find the ball in an alleyway near the

north point of the plot of land.



Lovikov Ball #34

Location--Stand between the Job Center and the parking garage to the right

of it and face north. You should see an alleyway. The ball is in the center

of this alley.



Lovikov Ball #35

Location--There are three plots of land to the right of Santa Destroy

High School. On the middle one you can find the ball in an alley near a




Lovikov Ball #36

Location--There are three plots of land to the right of Santa Destroy High

School. On the souther one you can find the ball in a parking lot in the

northeast corner behind a black car.



Lovikov Ball #37

Location--There are three plots of land to the left of Santa Destroy High

School. From the "M" marking the Free Fight Mission at the parking garage

you can follow an alley on the right. At the end of the alley make a 180

degree turn to see a ramp. At the top is an empty lot with the ball at

the center.



Lovikov Ball #38

Location--Head to the plot of land southwest of Santa Destroy High School.

At the northeastern point is a lot with a blue semi-truck. Infront of the

truck is a small alley with the ball at the end.



Lovikov Ball #39

Location--Head to the plot of land southwest of Santa Destroy High School.

Follow the uphill curved road on the left side of the plot of land until

you pass a store called "Angelica Autiloba". To the left of the store is a

path leading behind the store where the ball is being kept near a dumpster.



Lovikov Ball #40

Location--To the left of Santa Destroy High School are three plots of land.

On the southern one you can find the ball in an alley just at the top of

the hill.



Lovikov Ball #41

Location--Head to Rolling Cradle Bus Station. The ball is behind a building

in the north of the station in an alley.



Lovikov Ball #42

Location--In Rolling Cradle Bus Station you can find this ball near the 

back of one of the busses.



Lovikov Ball #43

Location--Head to Destroy Stadium's parking lot. Follow the lot all the way

behind the stadium. The ball is in the middle of the path midway towards

the end. 



Lovikov Ball #44

Location--Head to Destroy Stadium's parking lot. This time, follow the path

all the way to the very end. You'll find the ball there.



Lovikov Ball #45

Location--Head to the plot of land to the right of Destroy Stadium. The

ball is on the east side of the plot of land, near a dumpster.



Lovikov Ball #46

Location--In southern Santa Destroy there is a highway overpass. The ball

can be found on a sidewalk that goes under the left side of this overpass,

near a street leading to Destroy Stadium.



Lovikov Ball #47

Location--In the southernmost plot of land, search the alleyways to find

the ball infront of a dead end.



Lovikov Ball #48

Location--In the southermost plot of land you can find a parking lot in the

southeast corner. The ball is behind the blue car.



Lovikov Ball #49

Location--Drive to the very southeastern most point of Santa Destroy to

find the Mexican border. Infront of a building left of the border is an

empty lot next to an alley. At the end of the alley is the ball.



                           ~14.Dumpster Locations~


You may notice that all over Santa Destroy you can find dumpsters. Walk

next to one and press A to kick it open. Usually you'll earn cash from it,

but some of them hold T-Shirts you can only find in dumpsters. With so many

dumpsters you can turn quite a profit with a little time searching through

the city. There are 89 dumpsters, and like my Lovikov Ball location guide I

will list these starting with the northernmost dumpster and work to the



Dumpster #1

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--At the southwest corner of the northernmost plot of land.



Dumpster #2

Contents--T-Shirt 86

Location--In the middle of the plot of land southwest of the northernmost

point of Santa Destroy.



Dumpster #3

Contents--T-Shirt 88

Location--Near the northernmost point of Santa Destroy is a plot of land 

with several semi-trucks at the left end, and the middle has a bunch of

different colored crates. The dumpster is near those crates.



Dumpster #4

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--In the northeastern corner of Santa Destroy. It's in a small

parking lot.



Dumpster #5

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--From the red bridge in western Santa Destroy, pay attention on

the right side of the road. Head to the third plot of land on the right

(take the left street) and look for an alley on the third plot of land.

The dumpster is there.



Dumpster #6

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #5.



Dumpster #7

Contents--T-Shirt 99

Location--Around the center of northern Santa Destroy is a large lot with

several semi-trucks in it. The dumpster is in the top-right corner.



Dumpster #8

Contents--T-Shirt 98

Location--Around the center of northern Santa Destroy is a large lot with

several semi-trucks in it. The dumpster is in the top-left corner, behind

a truck carrying a yellow crate.



Dumpster #9

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Around the center of northern Santa Destroy is a large lot with

several semi-trucks in it. The dumpster is in the center of the lot.



Dumpster #10

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near the eastern edge of northern Santa Destroy is a plot of land

with a ton of colored crates you can't access. On the left side of the land

is an open area with the dumpster, though.



Dumpster #11

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near the center of Santa Destroy is a lot with several semi-

trucks. The dumpster is in the east, near these trucks.



Dumpster #12

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near the center of Santa Destroy is a lot with several semi-

trucks. The dumpster is in the south, away from these trucks.



Dumpster #13

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near the center of Santa Destroy is a lot with several semi-

trucks. The dumpster is in the south, away from these trucks.



Dumpster #14

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--A little south of the center of northern Santa Destroy is a lot

with five red buildings that look like college dorms. The dumpster is near

the middle.



Dumpster #15

Contents--T-Shirt 66

Location--A little south of the center of northern Santa Destroy is a lot

with five red buildings that look like college dorms. The dumpster is near

the bottom end.



Dumpster #16

Contents--T-Shirt 68

Location--Head north from the red bridge in western Santa Destroy and you

will quickly see a blue roofed building that looks like a mall. Behind it

is a small parking lot with the dumpster.



Dumpster #17

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the first plot of land left of the red bridge, look towards

the middle to find the dumpster. 



Dumpster #18

Contents--T-Shirt 78

Location--Next to Dumpster #17.



Dumpster #19

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--There's a small nook on the plot of land south of Free Fight

Mission 02 with the dumpster.



Dumpster #20

Contents--T-Shirt 77

Location--Head to the second plot of land right of the red bridge. There's

a dumpster at the southern edge of the land.



Dumpster #21

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Head to the plot of land northeast of the motel. The dumpster is

at the top-right corner.



Dumpster #22

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--In the middle of the plot of land with the motel is a group of

dumpsters. This is one of them.



Dumpster #23

Contents--T-Shirt 87

Location--Next to Dumpster #22.



Dumpster #24

Contents--T-Shirt 82

Location--In an alley near Dumpsters #22 and 23.



Dumpster #25

Contents--T-Shirt 83

Location--Next to the entrance to Naomi's Lab. 



Dumpster #26

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--At Naomi's Lab, it's near the garbage pile on the side of the




Dumpster #27

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--In an alley in the north end of the plot of land with the motel.



Dumpster #28

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land southeast of the motel. It's at the top-right




Dumpster #29

Contents--T-Shirt 97

Location--Next to Dumpster #28.



Dumpster #30

Contents--T-Shirt 75

Location--On the plot of land southeast of the motel. It's at the bottom-

right corner.



Dumpster #31

Contents--T-Shirt 76

Location--Near Dumpster #30.



Dumpster #32

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land southwest of the motel.



Dumpster #33

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land northwest of K-Entertainment.



Dumpster #34

Contents--T-Shirt 93

Location--Near Dumpster #33.



Dumpster #35

Contents--T-Shirt 94

Location--Near Dumpster #33.



Dumpster #36

Contents--T-Shirt 65

Location--On the second plot of land west of K-Entertainment (when facing

away). It's at the north end.



Dumpster #37

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #36 (behind the wall to the south)



Dumpster #38

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Third plot of land to the left of K-Entertainment (when facing

away). It's at the south end.



Dumpster #39

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--To the left of the Luchaco Gas Station is two plots of land. On

the northern one there are four dumpsters in alleyways. This is one of 




Dumpster #40

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #39



Dumpster #41

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #39



Dumpster #42

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #39



Dumpster #43

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Right next to Thunder Ryu's Gym.



Dumpster #44

Contents--T-Shirt 73

Location--On the plot of land south of Thunder Ryu's Gym.



Dumpster #45

Contents--T-Shirt 74

Location--Next to Dumpster #44.



Dumpster #46

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land south of K-Entertainment.



Dumpster #47

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #46.



Dumpster #48

Contents--T-Shirt 69

Location--On the plot of land south of K-Entertainment, at the bottom.



Dumpster #49

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land southeast of K-Entertainment.



Dumpster #50

Contents--T-Shirt 72

Location--Next to Dumpster #49.



Dumpster #51

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--At the Luchaco Gas Station.



Dumpster #52

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #51.



Dumpster #53

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Left of Luchaco Gas Station are two plots of land. On the 

southern one you can find this dumpster.



Dumpster #54

Contents--T-Shirt 85

Location--On the plot of land southeast of Luchaco Gas Station in a small,

hard to see nook on the left side of the land.



Dumpster #55

Contents--T-Shirt 95

Location--On the plot of land south of Luchaco Gas Station.



Dumpster #56

Contents--T-Shirt 90

Location--On the plot of land southwest of Luchaco Gas Station, towards

the southeast corner.



Dumpster #57

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land southwest of Luchaco Gas Station, towards

the northeast corner.



Dumpster #58

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #57.



Dumpster #59

Contents--T-Shirt 67

Location--On the plot of land southwest of Luchaco Gas Station, towards

the northwest corner.



Dumpster #60

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--One plot of land south and two west of Luchaco Gas Station. It's

near the north end of the plot of land.



Dumpster #61

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #60.



Dumpster #62

Contents--T-Shirt 70

Location--Around the corner from Dumpster #61.



Dumpster #63

Contents--T-Shirt 71

Location--On the plot of land north of Santa Destroy High School.



Dumpster #64

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--On the plot of land with Area 51, towards the northwest corner.



Dumpster #65

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #64.



Dumpster #66

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near the center of the plot of land with Area 51.



Dumpster #67

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--In an alley touching the parking lot next to Area 51.



Dumpster #68

Contents--T-Shirt 89

Location--In a nook on the right side of the plot of land with Area 51.



Dumpster #69

Contents--T-Shirt 84

Location--On the plot of land to the right of Area 51.



Dumpster #70

Contents--T-Shirt 79

Location--To the right of Santa Destroy High School are three plots of

lands. On the northern one you can find this dumpster.



Dumpster #71

Contents--T-Shirt 81

Location--Next to Dumpster #70.



Dumpster #72

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #70.



Dumpster #73

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--To the left of Santa Destroy High School are three plots of land.

The middle one has this dumpster near the top-right corner.



Dumpster #74

Contents--T-Shirt 64

Location--To the right of Santa Destroy High School are three plots of 

land. The middle one has this dumpster.



Dumpster #75

Contents--T-Shirt 80

Location--Near Dumpster #74.



Dumpster #76

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #74.



Dumpster #77

Contents--T-Shirt 62

Location--To the right of Santa Destroy High School are three plots of 

land. The lower one has this dumpster.



Dumpster #78

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #77.



Dumpster #79

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #77.



Dumpster #80

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Near Dumpster #77.



Dumpster #81

Contents--T-Shirt 63

Location--Inside Rolling Cradle Bus Station.



Dumpster #82

Contents--T-Shirt 91

Location--Follow Destroy Stadium's parking lot to the very end to find

this dumpster.



Dumpster #83

Contents--T-Shirt 92

Location--Next to Dumpster #82.



Dumpster #84

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--To the southwest of Santa Destroy High School is a plot of land

with this dumpster.



Dumpster #85

Contents--T-Shirt 59

Location--To the right of Destroy Stadium is a plot of land with this




Dumpster #86

Contents--T-Shirt 60

Location--Near Dumpster #85.



Dumpster #87

Contents--T-Shirt 61

Location--Near Dumpster #85.



Dumpster #88

Contents--T-Shirt 96

Location--On the southernmost plot of land is this dumpster. It's just past

the overpass and is the smaller or the two southernmost plots of land.



Dumpster #89

Contents--$2,000 LBs

Location--Next to Dumpster #88.



                            ~15.Clothing Guide~


Simply put, this is the guide for all of the clothing. Prices are

included. If the piece of clothing is found in a dumpster, that will be 






Sunglasses 001--Sunflower

Price--Default sunglasses

Description--Sunflower colored sunglasses that brighten up your

surroundings even on the gloomiest days.



Sunglasses 002--Orange

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--Orange colored sunglasses, a color that allows the outline of

objects to clearly be seen.



Sunglasses 003--Cobalt Blue

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--Cobalt blue is the color to wear when you want to be cool and




Sunglasses 004--Dark Gray

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A dark gray, your stalwart guardian against the harshest




Sunglasses 005--Peony Purple

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--Peony purple, for when you want to see the world a little







Jacket 001--Red Hot

Price--Default jacket

Description--A dyed red leather jacket. Years of use gives it a worn,

appreciated look.



Jacket 002--Skeletal Tiger

Price--$29,800 LBs

Description--A matte black jacket with a large tiger skull printed on the




Jacket 003--Nature

Price--$29,800 LBs

Description--A jacket of kangaroo skin decorated with Indian patterns. 

Finished with suede, it is smooth and soft to the touch.



Jacket 004--Tiger

Price--$49,800 LBs

Description--Has a tiger printed on the back. Only 10 of these including 

the "Zebra" jacket are on sale in Santa Destroy.



Jacket 005--Zebra

Price--$49,800 LBs

Description--Has a zebra printed on the back. Only 10 of these including 

the "Tiger" jacket are on sale in Santa Destroy.



Jacket 006--Mt. Fuji

Price--$49,800 LBs

Description--A jacket printed with an image of Mt. Fuji, the tallest

mountain in Japan. Designed to appeal to tourists.



Jacket 007--Grizzly Bear

Price--$49,800 LBs

Description--A hardcore design, dark brown quilting leather covered with

zippers and countless studs.



Jacket 008--Crush Star

Price--$79,800 LBs

Description--A navy blue leath jacket. The Santa Destroy star mark symbol

is printed on the back.



Jacket 009--

Price--$177,000 LBs

Description--A python styled leather jacket. The scaled pattern and unique

luster are all its selling points.



Jacket 010--Bizarre Jelly

Price--$258,000 LBs

Description--A blinding pink "Pure White Liver Bizarre Jelly" jacket. Only

made to order.






T-Shirt 000--Tattoo

Price--Already in closet




T-Shirt 001--Naked

Price--Already in closet

Description--Remove T-shirt.



T-Shirt 002--Bizarre Jelly

Price--Default T-shirt

Description--A T-shirt of Japanese anime Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly. 

Purchased over the net from Akihibara.



T-Shirt 003--NMH 11 Blue

Price--Already in closet

Description--"No More 11 Heroes" T-shirt, in dark blue.



T-Shirt 004--Ninja Killer

Price--Already in closet

Description--A simple and powerful design.



T-Shirt 005--Head Spin

Price--Already in closet

Description--A unique design based on the brake dancing head spin move.



T-Shirt 006--King of Beetles

Price--Already in closet

Description--Summer is the time for catching insects, and what better for 

your collect than a stag beetle? With that hard, glittering black body, he 

truly is the king of beetles.



T-Shirt 007--Gorgon

Price--$900 LBs

Description--The famouns snake-headed monster from Greek mythology. Now a

T-shirt. A simple color with a print of the fearsome head of the lady




T-Shirt 008--Eat

Price--$900 LBs

Description--A black background set with a bold red print. The mouth and

tongue image is both distubring and erotic.



T-Shirt 009--Warning: Radioactive

Price--$900 LBs

Description--Blinding yellow color and the radioactive symbol make for the

ultimate impact.



T-Shirt 010--Viva! Lucha Libre

Price--$900 LBs

Description--Merchandise for the Mexican pro-wrestler "Lucha Libre". Keep

out of sight of pro-wrestling fans or it may start a riot.



T-Shirt 011--NMH 11 Red

Price--$900 LBs

Description--"No More 11 Heroes" T-shirt, in dark red.



T-Shirt 012--Tigers

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--The Tigers baseball uniform printed on a T-shirt.



T-Shirt 013--Rose and the Skull

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--A bold design placing a rose and skill print over a tie-dye

base. The rose is carefully embroidered, making for one gorgeous T-shirt.



T-Shirt 014--Tengu

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--The Tengu, a mythical Japanese creature with a red face and a

long nose.



T-Shirt 015--Giraffe

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--A print patterned like a giraffe. A special process makes it 

feel just like real skin...but it isn't real, right honey?



T-Shirt 016--Strawberry

Price--$24,800 LBs

Description--The strawberry T-shirt from Japanese anime Pure White Lover

Bizarre Jelly. Special bonus with the first print run of DVD vol.1.



T-Shirt 017--Cranberry

Price--$24,800 LBs

Description--The cranberry T-shirt from Japanese anime Pure White Lover

Bizarre Jelly. Special bonus with the first print run of DVD vol.2.



T-Shirt 018--Blueberry

Price--$24,800 LBs

Description--The blueberry T-shirt from Japanese anime Pure White Lover

Bizarre Jelly. Special bonus with the first print run of DVD vol.3.



T-Shirt 019--Miami Bass

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A blinding T-shirt that uses pastel colors and a provocative

print. Sold mainly to tourists.



T-Shirt 020--Riddle

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--The metallic gold print glitters from the purple background.

Simple, yet it makes you feel like a celebrity.



T-Shirt 021--Skull

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A giant skull printed on black. The simple black and white

design makes a striking statement of existence.



T-Shirt 022--Lightning Bolt

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--Bares a lightning bolt print that slices down the body. A 

somple but powerful design.



T-Shirt 023--Dogfight Yokozuna

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt printed with fighting dogs from Japan. "Yokozuna"

is the title given to the strongest of fighting dogs.



T-Shirt 024--Hara-Juku

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--Harajuku is where the youth of Tokyo gather. Big Japanese

lettering makes a bold impression.



T-Shirt 025--Viva! Mexico

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--Merchandise for the Mexican pro-wrestler "Lucha Libre". The

blue mask print drives fans wild.



T-Shirt 026--680K Calories

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt produced by Burger Suplex, the burger shop. Their

popular Tiger Suplex Burger contains a filling 680 kilocalories.



T-Shirt 027--Sniper Victim

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A military design with a sniper's crosshair aiming for the

chest. Offers a simple message: "Running away only means you'll die 




T-Shirt 028--Love Tits

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--A blinding T-shirt trhat uses pastel colors and a provacative

print. Sold mainly to tourists.



T-Shirt 029--Jah

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A brillitan, bold t-shirt in Rasta colors. Let the world know

you love reggae.



T-Shirt 030--Anarchy

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--Black, the color of anarchism. A striking symbol printed on

top. Very punk.



T-Shirt 031--Moon Walk

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A lime base color overlaid with a monotone photo print. Has

purple neck accents.



T-Shirt 032--Bare Knuckle

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--Features the print of a curles fist. A simple design in

vibrant red colors.



T-Shirt 033--I Love Chainsaw

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt for the 1983 splatter movie The Chainsaw Man. (Known

as Devil's Killer in Asia.) The same T-shirt the killer wore in the movie

can now be yours!



T-Shirt 034--Psycho

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--For the pink and fluffy psycho in all of us. The letters are

slightly raised.



T-Shirt 035--Control Disorder

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A simple design of white on black. Uses a cool, military font.



T-Shirt 036--Taka-Ken

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt sold in china town. Uses yellow for the Shoalin 

Temple, a taunting pose and bold Chinese lettering!



T-Shirt 037--Raw Meet

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt created to promote the Santa Destroy Eight Hour

Stamina Meat Festival. A printing error was discovered, so the shirt where 

not used.



T-Shirt 038--Route 666

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--Unofficial T-shirt for the road movie "Route 666". Maker




T-Shirt 039--Pinhole Kun

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt featuring a print of Punhole Kun, designed by the

Japanese manga author Shigeru Mizuki.



T-Shirt 040--Grasshopper Wrestling

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt promoting the wrestling club formed by Grasshopper

Manufactuerer. The club currently has three members. This includes the CEO.



T-Shirt 041--NMH Macabro

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--A shining yellow print on a white background. The lines of the

neck are accented. A simple, timeless design.



T-Shirt 042--Killer Lodge

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--One of the principles of horror movies, the hockey masked 

killer. Now on a T-shirt.



T-Shirt 043--Black Satans

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Official T-shirt of the Santa Destroy death metal band "Black




T-Shirt 044--Manga

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A combonation of the logo for Japanese mange culture magazine

Megahertz and their catchphrase "Are you reading manga?" So...Are you?



T-Shirt 045--Robodam

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A somehow familiar looking anime T-shirt design, but with

Hangul lettering. Obviously made in Korea.



T-Shirt 046--Big Boombox

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--The spreakers of this cassetter player are peace signs! "Music

will save the world".



T-Shirt 047--Catfight

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A T-shirt celebrating the Catfight Tournament held in 1999. 

Was severely criticized and attacked by cat lovers. The second tournament 

has yet to be scheduled.



T-Shirt 048--War w/o Honor

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Merchandiseing released to coincide with Japanese yakuza 

movies that are beginning to be imported into the US.



T-Shirt 049--Pimpin'

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A fresh T-shirt that features neon pink letters on a lime

green back.



T-Shirt 050--Star Record

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--The official T-shirt of the Santa Destroy record label Star

Records. Buy a record from this company and you'll always get a free




T-Shirt 051--Rubber Disc

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--The popular "Rubber Disc" print from the T-shirt maker Sunday

Echo. Cute color combonation.



T-Shirt 052--Denki Bosatsu

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--Denki Bosatsu, a fine Japanese sake. This T-shirt celebrates 

its intitial release.



T-Shirt 053--Star

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A bold white print on a black background. At first look, it 

has a simple design. But further investigation reveals the somewhat 

unsettling reversed star.



T-Shirt 054--Holdup Man

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A strikin T-shirt that puts everyone on the wrong end of a 

sun. Bold monotone print really catches the eye.



T-Shirt 055--Retarded

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A simple T-shirt, blue printed on white. Neck is accented.



T-Shirt 056--Fudo

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A striking T-shirt from which Acaia, one of the Buddhist 

deities, glares menacingly. The contrast between the black and red is very 




T-Shirt 057--Movie Star

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A movie T-shirt featuring some oddly familiar faces. The 

original reference and maker remain unclear, however.



T-Shirt 058--Spartan

Price--$19,800 LBs

Description--A blood red shirt with a monotone print of a helmet. 

Communicated silent, brooding strength.



T-Shirt 059--Holland

Price--Found in Dumpster 85

Description--A simple T-shirt based on the Dutch national footbal strip

and flag. The colors of the Dutch flag accent the base orange color.



T-Shirt 060--Brasil

Price--Found in Dumpster 86

Description--A T-shirt based on the Brazilian national football strip and 

flag. The simple yellow base design is accented by the green at the neck.



T-Shirt 061--Shifty Eye

Price--Found in Dumpster 87

Description--Seven shifty eyes printed on a shocking pink base. The pupils

of the eyes are raised.



T-Shirt 062--TTTT

Price--Found in Dumpster 77

Description--Official T-shirt of the Taco Twins, a tag-team fornmed by the 

Mexican professional wrestlers, the Garcia Twins.



T-Shirt 063--Stinkin' Beer

Price--Found in Dumpster 81

Description--A T-shirt for the Stinkin' Beer '67 renewal campaign.



T-Shirt 064--Destroyman

Price--Found in Dumpster 74

Description--A T-shirt for Destroyman, a self-financed movie with a cult

following. Unbelievably rare.



T-Shirt 065--Glastonbury

Price--Found in Dumpster 36

Description--A T-shirt featuring the Japanese anime "Pure White Giant




T-Shirt 066--Luchaco

Price--Found in Dumpster 15

Description--An original T-shirt featuring a print of "Luchaco", the gas

stand mascot.



T-Shirt 067--Fire

Price--Found in Dumpster 59

Description--A black base overlaid with a red hot fire pattern. For the

fiery type.



T-Shirt 068--Such is Life

Price--Found in Dumpster 16

Description--Military style woodland camouflage. The logo on the chest

sets it off.



T-Shirt 069--The Great Mustache

Price--Found in Dumpster 48

Description--From the Bearded Sun series. Mustache version. Night black.



T-Shirt 070--Bubbles

Price--Found in Dumpster 62

Description--Bubbles rising in a melon soda. Vivid colors and pure, crisp

design is great for those long summer days.



T-Shirt 071--Giant Squid

Price--Found in Dumpster 63

Description--A T-shirt printed with a giant squid. The deep blue base

color depicts the ocean where this monster makes his home.



T-Shirt 072--Red Devil

Price--Found in Dumpster 50

Description--Has a smiling red devil printed across the chest. A simple yet

effective design.



T-Shirt 073--Yeti

Price--Found in Dumpster 44

Description--The Yeti, legendary inhabitant of the Himalayas. His shaggy 

face is prined wide across the front.



T-Shirt 074--Wave Motion

Price--Found in Dumpster 45

Description--Printed with a pattern of waves on the front, based on the 

image of water glittering in the dusk.



T-Shirt 075--Santa Destroy

Price--Found in Dumpster 30

Description--Design features one of the famous spots in Santa Destroy, Big

Flag. Always on sale at tourist traps.



T-Shirt 076--Crocodile

Price--Found in Dumpster 31

Description--The entire front of the shirt features a bold print of a 

crcodile's belly. A gift from Australia.



T-Shirt 077--X-Ray

Price--Found in Dumpster 20

Description--This X-ray literally makes you bad to the bone! The print uses

fluorescent paint that glows slightly in the dark.



T-Shirt 078--The Great Beard

Price--Found in Dumpster 18

Description--From the Bearded Sun series. Beard version. Lemon yellow.



T-Shirt 079--No More Heroes

Price--Found in Dumpster 70

Description--A "No More Heroes" monochrome T-shirt. The idea for this

mysterious character, boldly depicted, is said to have come from a 

scribbled drawing during the intial planning phase.



T-Shirt 080--Loop

Price--Found in Dumpster 75

Description--A design based on the Earth and the Moon circling it.



T-Shirt 081--High Score

Price--Found in Dumpster 71

Description--A retro T-shirt featuring a nostalgid 8-bit print.



T-Shirt 082--SOHS Fencing Team

Price--Found in Dumpster 24

Description--The "Santa Destroy High School Fencing Team" uniform as a




T-Shirt 083--Keine Helden Mehr

Price--Found in Dumpster 25

Description--T-shirt with "No More Heroes" printed in German.



T-Shirt 084--Glaston 1

Price--Found in Dumpster 69

Description--Merchandise from the Japanese anime Pure White Giant 

Glastonbury. T-shirt features a print of Glaston 1.



T-Shirt 085--GHM

Price--Found in Dumpster 54

Description--Official T-shirt of the Japanese game developer "Grasshopper

Manufacturer". Sold on their home page.



T-Shirt 086--Torabisu

Price--Found in Dumpster 2

Description--A brilliant silver color, printed with a tiger and than

"Travis" in Japanese. How's that for a coincidence?



T-Shirt 087--Grid

Price--Found in Dumpster 23

Description--A super retro T-shirt featuring a green grid pattern.



T-Shirt 088--Glaston 2

Price--Found in Dumpster 3

Description--Merchandise from the Japanese anime Pure White Giant

Glastonbury. T-shirt features a print of Glaston 2.



T-Shirt 089--Glaston 3

Price--Found in Dumpster 68

Description--Merchandise from the Japanese anime Pure White Giant

Glastonbury. T-shirt features a print of Glaston 3.



T-Shirt 090--Looker

Price--Found in Dumpster 56

Description--Features a bold print of the monster from the horror movie,

Looker. No cheap knock off, the embossed print gives a real feel for the

texture of the monster.



T-Shirt 091--Tank Top White

Price--Found in Dumpster 82

Description--A simple white tank top.



T-Shirt 092--Tank Top Black

Price--Found in Dumpster 83

Description--A simple black tank top.



T-Shirt 093--Famitsu No.01

Price--Found in Dumpster 34

Description--Weekly Famitsu T-shirt Design 



T-Shirt 094--Famitsu No.02

Price--Found in Dumpster 35

Description--Weekly Famitsu T-shirt Design 



T-Shirt 095--Famitsu No.03

Price--Found in Dumpster 55

Description--Weekly Famitsu T-shirt Design 



T-Shirt 096--Famitsu No.04

Price--Found in Dumpster 88

Description--Weekly Famitsu T-shirt Design 



T-Shirt 097--Famitsu No.05

Price--Found in Dumpster 29

Description--Weekly Famitsu T-shirt Design 



T-Shirt 098--Famitsu No.X-1

Price--Found in Dumpster 8

Description--T-shirt designed by Radio Wada.



T-Shirt 099--Famitsu No.X-2

Price--Found in Dumpster 7

Description--T-shirt designed by "Keigo Toyoda', editor of Weekly Famitsu.



T-Shirt 100--GHM No.01

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #0 Orange



T-Shirt 101--GHM No.02

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #1 Red



T-Shirt 102--GHM No.03

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #2 Gold



T-Shirt 103--GHM No.04

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #3 White



T-Shirt 104--GHM No.05

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident $4 Olive Green



T-Shirt 105--GHM No.06

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #5 Black



T-Shirt 106--GHM No.07

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident #! Charcoal



T-Shirt 107--GHM No.08

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--FSR Logo T-shity Black and Silver



T-Shirt 108--GHM No.09

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--FSE Logo T-shirt White and Red



T-Shirt 109--GHM No.10

Price--$3,800 LBs

Description--FSR Logo T-shirt Red and White



T-Shirt 110--GHM No.11

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 01




T-Shirt 111--GHM No.12

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 02 Pink



T-Shirt 112--GHM No.13

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 03 Lime



T-Shirt 113--GHM No.14

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 04 Gold



T-Shirt 114--GHM No.15

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 05 Deep




T-Shirt 115--GHM No.16

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 06 Black



T-Shirt 116--GHM No.17

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 07 Grey




T-Shirt 117--GHM No.18

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 08 Lemon



T-Shirt 118--GHM No.19

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 09 




T-Shirt 119--GHM No.20

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--2002 Christmas Version; Bubble Gum Graffiti T-shirt 10 Red



T-Shirt 120--GHM No.21

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--ghm Football Home & Away 



T-Shirt 121--GHM No.22

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--ghm Football Home & Away 



T-Shirt 122--GHM No.23

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--ghm T-shirt 



T-Shirt 123--GHM No.24

Price--$5,800 LBs

Description--ghm T-shirt 



T-Shirt 124--GHM No.25

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--ghm T-shirt 



T-Shirt 125--GHM No.26

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--Hopperman T-shirt 



T-Shirt 126--GHM No.27

Price--$7,800 LBs

Description--Hopperman T-shirt 



T-Shirt 127--GHM No.28

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 128--GHM No.29

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 129--GHM No.30

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 130--GHM No.31

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 131--GHM No.32

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 132--GHM No.33

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Silver Incident 25th Section T-shirt 



T-Shirt 133--GHM No.34

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--2007 T-shirt 



T-Shirt 134--GHM No.35

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--2007 T-shirt 



T-Shirt 135--GHM No.36

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--2007 T-shirt 



T-Shirt 136--GHM No.37

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--2007 T-shirt 



T-Shirt 137--GHM No.38

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--Let's Rock!






Jeans 001--Tiger 510

Price--Default jeans




Jeans 002--Black Mamba

Price--$9,800 LBs

Description--Boot cut black jeans. Make a simple, striking silhouette.



Jeans 003--Kangaroo

Price--$14,800 LBs

Description--Jeans with a hint of purple color and a cargo style pocket on

the hip.



Jeans 004--Goshawk

Price--$14,800 LBs

Description--Jeans with white paint splashes added.



Jeans 005--Leopard

Price--$14,800 LBs

Description--Everyone knows adding flames to something makes it cooler, so

give it a try with these red hot jeans.



Jeans 006--Donkey

Price--$28,800 LBs

Description--Crash jeans given a deliberately damaged, worn-out, used look.



Jeans 007--Snapping Turtle

Price--$28,800 LBs

Description--Navy blue boot cut jeans. The diagonal scratch damage adds




Jeans 008--Coyote

Price--$48,800 LBs

Description--Crash jeans practically soaked in red paint, giving it a

"bloody" look.



Jeans 009--Firefly

Price--$48,800 LBs

Description--Crash jeans deliberately "fixed" along its length with major

wear & tear.



Jeans 010--Toucan

Price--$88,800 LBs

Description--High stylized jeans with amplified creases.



Jeans 011--Rock Python

Price--$88,800 LBs

Description--Jeans painted with an indian python design. Looks great when

worn with the "Rock Snake" jacket.



Jeans 012--Pure White Lover

Price--$108,800 LBs

Description--A pretty fancy pair of white jeans with a big back pocket

and heart marks on the side. Only one pair exists and it was ordered along

with the Bizarre Jelly Jacket.






Belt 001--Lizard

Price--Default belt

Description--A leather belt overlaid with iguana skin. Tough and durable,

especially considering the price. This lizard will last longer than you.



Belt 002--Black Boa

Price--$6,800 LBs

Description--A hard belt. Seven millimete wide leather with added snake

skin. Makes a real fashion statement.



Belt 003--Silver Serpent

Price--$6,800 LBs

Description--A lucky white snake belt, said to increase your chances of

becoming rich. Eays to use.



Belt 004--Salamander

Price--$6,800 LBs

Description--A leather belt imprinted with a snake motif and then dyed red.

Treated with oils to make it flexible and water resistant.



Belt 005--Viper

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A belt created by carefully tanning the skin from a 

beautifully patterned python. Made to order. You'll have to wait a while 

for your order to be filled.



Belt 006--Santa Destroy

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A belt inspired by the flag of Santa Destroy. It's red, white,

and blue colors are quite eye catching.



Belt 007--Ophidian

Price--$12,800 LBs

Description--A double holed belt using green dyed leather. It looks bigger

than it actually is.



Belt 008--Flower

Price--$18,800 LBs

Description--A belt with flower styled studs using antique leather. It 

creates a hard and sturdy yet flamboyant look.



Belt 009--Metal Scale

Price--$18,800 LBs

Description--A sharp and wild studded belt for that hard and heavy look.



Belt 010--Pink Bomb

Price--$24,800 LBs

Description--A pastel colored belt that uses pink on white. It's part of

the Bizarre Jelly set.



                         ~16.Trading Card Locations~


In each boss level you are capable of finding five Trading Cards that can

be viewed in the motel room by choosing the "Cards" option. On your first

playthrough you can only obtain the first fifty cards--five in each boss

level. On the New Game + you can collect any missed cards, but you can also

search for an additional 100 cards.

These new cards aren't pointless pictures of wrestler masks. They contain

concept art of characters, boss assassins, facial concepts, old art of the

game, and a lot more. These are actually worth your time to collect.

You can also find some of these cards in boss levels. Each boss level will

now have between three to seven new cards. All of the cards found in the

boss level pertains to concept art, facial expressions, and weapon designs

of the boss in the same level. 

Also, a ton of cards can be found around Santa Destroy in the ground. They

appear as pink dots on the map. They're found just like money in the 

ground--walk to the dot and follow the vibrating Wiimote to the treasure. 

When it shakes violently, stab the ground to make the card pop out. These

cards in the ground contain art for various side characters (like Lovikov)

and concept art for various things in the game like the Pure White Lover

Bizarre Jelly anime characters and the Schpeltiger. Cards 91-135 and 

148-150 are found through digging.

Remember, all of the non-digging cards are found in red chests that are

easily destroyed with a single attack.


Trading Card 001

Location--Death Metal's level. After ascending the spirial staircase, look

for a side hallway on the left. The card is at the end of it.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL EXTREMO'"



Trading Card 002

Location--Death Metal's level. In the room with the second major fight 

against enemies, this card is found infront of the desk in plain sight.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA GUERRA JR.'"



Trading Card 003

Location--Death Metal's level. In the large room with many pillars in the

second area of the level you will face a bunch more grunts. In the back-

left end of the room is the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA VERDAD'"



Trading Card 004

Location--Death Metal's level. After clearing the large room with pillars,

a gate to the left will open to a thin hallway. When you enter the hallway,

going right leads to enemies, but looking left leads to a dead end with

the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'TRES ESTRELLA'"



Trading Card 005

Location--Death Metal's level. Next to the bathroom.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'SUPER FUERZA'"



Trading Card 006

Location--Dr. Peace's level. At the beginning, head left. At the end of

the hallway is the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'ULTIMO VUELO'"



Trading Card 007

Location--Dr. Peace's level. After the hallway with the first group of

enemies you need to kill in the batting minigame, the card is along the

left wall.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA CRUZ'"



Trading Card 008

Location--Dr. Peace's level. The card is in the second chest in the hallway

with the second group of enemies in the batting minigame.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA CRUZ JR.'"



Trading Card 009

Location--Dr. Peace's level. In a room with a bunch of enemies right after

the second batting minigame.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA OSCURIDAD'"



Trading Card 010

Location--Dr. Peace's level. Right before the double doors that open to the

hallway where Sylvia calls you is the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL BOSQUE'"



Trading Card 011

Location--Shinobu's level. From the beginning of the level, head right. 

Defeat the group of enemies to find the card nearby.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL SALVAJE'"



Trading Card 012

Location--Shinobu's level. Once you enter the school head right in the 

hallway to find the card at a quick dead end.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'SAMURAI GATO'"



Trading Card 013

Location--Shinobu's level. At the last staircase in the level that leads

to Sylvia's call, walk behind it to find the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA MARIPOSA'"



Trading Card 014

Location--Shinobu's level. As soon as you leave the gym, look left to find

the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'ULTIMATENESS'"



Trading Card 015

Location--Shinobu's level. The card is right near the bathroom.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'VENGANZA''



Trading Card 016

Location--Destroyman's level. At the entrance of the subway station, just

past the first ! leading towards the inner area of the station.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL COLMILLO'"



Trading Card 017

Location--Destroyman's level. The card is near the ! you use to board the


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'CABALLERO 1'"



Trading Card 018

Location--Destroyman's level. After leaving the train, turn around to spot

this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'CABALLERO 2'"



Trading Card 019

Location--Destroyman's level. Found near the bathrooms on the first floor

of the second station. It's before the ! leading to next ! that leads

outside the station. 

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'AS CASCO'"



Trading Card 020

Location--Destroyman's level. When you're outside between studios one and

two, the card is on the left. 

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA PLATA'"



Trading Card 021

Location--Holly Summers' level. At the far end of the beach near the

entrance are two chests. One has this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'SALTAMONTES'"



Trading Card 022

Location--Holly Summers' level. Near the blue battery crate in the second


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'VICTORIA ROJO'"



Trading Card 023

Location--Holly Summers' level. In the third area is a bunch of enemies

using machine guns. Near the electric fence is the chest.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'VICTORIA AZUL'"



Trading Card 024

Location--Holly Summers' level. In the fourth area is several large 

minefields. The card is in plain sight in the second field.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'TERREMOTO'"



Trading Card 025

Location--Holly Summers' level. At the end of the level is a large wooden

cabana. On its lookout balcony is the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL FUEGO'"



Trading Card 026

Location--Letz Shake's level. As soon as you have control of Travis, turn

around to find this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'MUERTE 00'"



Trading Card 027

Location--Letz Shake's level. When you walk down the stairs, turn around to

find this card on the left.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'MUERTE 99'"



Trading Card 028

Location--Letz Shake's level. When you walk down the stairs, turn around to

find this card on the right.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL MARINO'"



Trading Card 029

Location--Letz Shake's level. Right before Sylvia calls you, you can find

this impossible to miss card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL MARINO JR.'"



Trading Card 030

Location--Letz Shake's level. You can find this right before facing the


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'X CUERNO'"



Trading Card 031

Location--Harvey's level. Near the bathrooms at the beginning of the


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LUZ DE LA LUNA'"



Trading Card 032

Location--Harvey's level. At the end of the first station's platform.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL INFIERNO'"



Trading Card 033

Location--Harvey's level. Turn around after leaving the train to find this


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL FANTASMA'"



Trading Card 034

Location--Harvey's level. On the first floor of the second train station is

this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LMR. SUMO'"



Trading Card 035

Location--Harvey's level. On the first floor of the second train station is

this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL CONEJO'"



Trading Card 036

Location--Speed Buster's level. In the Rolling Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'A.M.O.'"



Trading Card 037

Location--Speed Buster's level. In the Rolling Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL AGUA''



Trading Card 038

Location--Speed Buster's level. In the Rolling Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA SANGRE'"



Trading Card 039

Location--Speed Buster's level. Next to the bathroom before the boss fight.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL JEFE'"



Trading Card 040

Location--Speed Buster's level. When you reach the telephone pole at the

end of Speed Buster's gauntlet, turn around and follow the path on the

right. At the end, turn around to find the card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL TRUENO'"



Trading Card 041

Location--Bad Girl's level. Behind home plate.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL BUSTO''



Trading Card 042

Location--Bad Girl's level. On the right side of the baseball field.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA TIERRA'"



Trading Card 043

Location--Bad Girl's level. On the left side of the baseball field.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA FLOR'"



Trading Card 044

Location--Bad Girl's level. Next to the bathroom before the boss fight.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL SOL'"



Trading Card 045

Location--Bad Girl's level. Next to the bathroom before the boss fight.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA LLUVIA'"



Trading Card 046

Location--Dark Star's level. Turn around after you land in the forest to

find this card.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'SUPER BATALLAS'"



Trading Card 047

Location--Dark Star's level. At the second split near where Thunder Ryu


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LA REINA'"



Trading Card 048

Location--Dark Star's level. At the third split near where Thunder Ryu


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'EL REY'"



Trading Card 049

Location--Dark Star's level. At the fourth split near where Thunder Ryu


Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'SANGRE TIGRE'"



Trading Card 050

Location--Dark Star's level. After reading Thunder Ryu's letter, the card

is on the left.

Description--"Mask of the Legendary Wrestler 'LOCO TIGRE'"



Trading Card 051

Location--Death Metal's level. On a New Game + the card can be found in the

first major battle room next to the door (the room has a purple health box

and a small pool of water).

Description--"Design Materials 'Death Metal' Design"



Trading Card 052

Location--Death Metal's level. On a New Game + the card can be found in 

the room with the second major battle against a bunch of grunts behind the


Description--"Design Materials 'Death Metal' Expressions"



Trading Card 053

Location--Death Metal's level. On a New Game + the card can be found on the

left side of the giant room with a bunch of pillars in the second area.

Description--"Design Materials 'Death Metal' Tattoos"



Trading Card 054

Location--Death Metal's level. On a New Game + the card can be found on the

right side of the giant room with a bunch of pillars in the second area.

Description--"Design Materials 'Death Metal's Weapon' Orange Computer

Beam Katana, Official Name 'Orange II'"



Trading Card 055

Location--Dr. Peace's level. On a New Game + head left at the beginning to

find the card at the end of the hallway.

Description--"Design Materials 'Dr. Peace' Design"



Trading Card 056

Location--Dr. Peace's level. On a New Game + the card can be found at the

end of the third area, right past the ! leading to the fourth area.

Description--"Design Materials 'Dr. Peace' Expressions"



Trading Card 057

Location--Dr. Peace's level. On a New Game + the card is at the beginning

of the fourth area (the very long hallway).

Description--"Design Materials 'Dr. Peace's Weapon' Modified revolver.

Grip is made from water buffalo horn, with initials and flames engraved on




Trading Card 058

Location--Shinobu's level. On a New Game + you can head left at the 

beginning of the level to find the card at the end past some enemies.

Description--"Design Materials 'Shinobu' Design"



Trading Card 059

Location--Shinobu's level. On a New Game + you can find this card against

the wall near the second enemy that wields a flaming plank of wood.

Description--"Design Materials 'Shinobu' Expressions"



Trading Card 060

Location--Shinobu's level. On a New Game + the card can be found past the

group of four enemies at the end of the second area.

Description--"Design Materials 'Shinobu's Weapon' Japanese Sword. At odds

with the lethal cutting power of this weapon, it has been decorated with a

number of cute accessories.



Trading Card 061

Location--Shinobu's level. On a New Game + you can find the card on the

right the moment you leave the gym.

Description--"Design Materials 'Shinobu's Weapon' Accessories



Trading Card 062

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card is by the unusable

bathrooms at the entrance to the subway station.

Description--"Design Materials 'John Harnet' Design"



Trading Card 063

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card can be found on the

train platform near beam number 9.

Description--"Design Materials 'John Harnet' Expressions"



Trading Card 064

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card can be found on the

train platform at the second station near beam number 9.

Description--"Design Materials 'Destroyman' Design"



Trading Card 065

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card can be found to the

right of the ticket gates you need to pass through to reach the exit of

the subway station.

Description--"Design Materials 'Destroyman' Expressions"



Trading Card 066

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card can be found right

behind the ! leading out of the subway station.

Description--"Design Materials 'Destroyman's Weapon' SFX Converter Arm"



Trading Card 067

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game +, as soon as you leave the

subway station turn around to find the card next to the orange barrier.

Description--"Design Materials 'Destroyman's Weapon' SFX Converter Head.

Also hidden by his cape, he has a battery pack on his back. Its wires run

along his spine and up to his ears."



Trading Card 068

Location--Holly Summers' level. On a New Game + the card can be found at

the very back end of the beach in the first area.

Description--"Design Materials 'Holly Summers' Design"



Trading Card 069

Location--Holly Summers' level. On a New Game + the card can be found in

the third area (the one with a ton of minefields). It's to the right of the

first minefield.

Description--"Design Materials 'Holly Summers' Expressions"



Trading Card 070

Location--Holly Summers' level. On a New Game + the card can be found at

the end of the level on the lookout balcony of the wooden cabana.

Description--"Design Materials 'Holly Summers' Weapon' Missiles and 

Grenades. Laser guided, anti-air missiles."



Trading Card 071

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Design Materals 'Letz Shake' Design"



Trading Card 072

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Letz Shake's Weapon' Earthquake Maker. The

brain of the inventor, Dr. Shake, is part of the device."



Trading Card 073

Location--Harvey's level. On a New Game + the card can be found at the very

end of the first subway station's platform.

Description--"Design Materials 'Harvey Volodarskii' Design"



Trading Card 074

Location--Harvey's level. On a New Game + the card can be found after you

get off the train. Turn around and walk to the end of the platform to find


Description--"Design Materials 'Harvey Volodarskii's Weapon' Beam Katana.

Stick Type. Angels and bones are used to represent life and death."



Trading Card 075

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + the card is in the Rolling

Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster' Design"



Trading Card 076

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + the card is in the Rolling

Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster' Expressions"



Trading Card 077

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + the card is in the Rolling

Cradle Bus Depot.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster's Weapon' Buster Launcher 

Phase 1"



Trading Card 078

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + the card is right next to

the bathroom.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster's Weapon' Buster Launcher

Phase 2"



Trading Card 079

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + turn around when you begin

the fight with Speed Buster and find the card on the left at the very

beginning on the gauntlet, across from some health/battery crates.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster's Weapon' Buster Launcher

Phase 3--Transforms from egg to chick to chicked in an instant."



Trading Card 080

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + follow the gauntlet up the

right side. You'll eventually pass two white doors very close together.

The door after the second white door has a back door in the small room.

Break it open and follow the back path to the end to find the card.

Description--"Design Materials 'Speed Buster's Weapon' Buster Launcher 




Trading Card 081

Location--Bad Girl's level. On a New Game + the card is found right as you

enter the underground tunnel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Bad Girl' Design"



Trading Card 082

Location--Bad Girl's level. On a New Game + the card is next to the 


Description--"Design Materials 'Bad Girl' Expressions"



Trading Card 083

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + when you land in the forest,

turn around the find the card.

Description--"Design Materials 'Dark Star' Design"



Trading Card 084

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + at the second split head left

and you'll find the card.

Description--"Design Materials 'Dark Star' Expressions"



Trading Card 085

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + this card is found just before

the third split.

Description--"Design Materials 'Dark Star's Weapon' Beam Katana. Using the

wire and needles attached to his grip creates a beam in the shape of a




Trading Card 086

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + at the fourth split head right

(the wrong direction) to find this card.

Description--"Design Materials 'Jeane' Design"



Trading Card 087

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + the card can be found to the

right of where you find Thunder Ryu's letter.

Description--"Design Materials 'Jeane' Expressions"



Trading Card 088

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Henry' Design"



Trading Card 089

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Henry' Expressions"



Trading Card 090

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Henry's Weapon' A beam katana made by the

Russian technician Wolf Vann. Also known as the 'Cross Sword' due to its




Trading Card 091

Location--Buried; it's just a tiny bit north of Destroy Stadium on a grassy

knoll right next to the ocean.

Description--"Design Materials 'Thunder Ryu' Design"



Trading Card 092

Location--Buried; it's slightly left of the Mexican border at the 

southernmost point of Santa Destroy.

Description--"Design Materials 'Thunder Ryu' Expressions"



Trading Card 093

Location--Buried; just south of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy are

two neighborhood plots of land. This card is on the south end of the right


Description--"Design Materials 'Thunder Ryu's Weapon' A beam katana made by

an infamous Japanese hitman. Its main distinguishing feature is that it has

no off switch. Activates the instant it is removed from its recharging

scabbard. Getting it safely back into its scabbard after use is probably

the hardest part."



Trading Card 094

Location--Buried; just south of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy are

two neighborhood plots of land. This card is in the middle of the left

neighborhood, next to someone's garage.

Description--"Design Materials 'Lovikov' Design"



Trading Card 095

Location--Buried; in northern Santa Destroy along the eastern border, close

to the river.

Description--"Design Materials 'Lovikov' Expressions"



Trading Card 096

Location--Buried; slightly right of the non-red bridge linking southern and

northern Santa Destroy.

Description--"Design Materials 'Naomi' Design"



Trading Card 097

Location--Buried; follow the grass left of the non-red bridge linking

southern and northern Santa Destroy to eventually pass over the spot with

this card towards the end of the group of palm trees.

Description--"Design Materials 'Naomi' Expressions"



Trading Card 098

Location--Buried; slightly north of the red bridge in western Santa 

Destroy is a big tree. The card is near its base.

Description--"Design Materials 'Travis Touchdown' Front"



Trading Card 099

Location--Buried; near the middle of the beach where you fought Holly


Description--"Design Materials 'Travis Touchdown' Side/Back"



Trading Card 100

Location--Buried; at the northernmost end of Body Slam Beach (not the area

where you fought Holly!).

Description--"Design Materials 'Travis Touchdown' Expressions"



Trading Card 101

Location--Buried; towards the middle of Body Slam Beach near a lifeguard 


Description--"Design Materials 'Sylvia Chritel' Front/Back"



Trading Card 102

Location--Buried; right at the bottom of the southern entrance to Body

Slam Beach (the Free Fight symbol covers up the pink dot on the beach, so

walk slowly).

Description--"Design Materials 'Sylvia Christel' Side"



Trading Card 103

Location--Buried; found on the grass close to the southernmost point of

Body Slam Beach.

Description--"Design Materials 'Sylvia Christel' Expressions"



Trading Card 104

Location--Buried; follow the grassy knoll south of Body Slam Beach to find

this card.

Description--"Design Materials 'BLOOD BERRY' Travis won this beam katana

from an internet auction."



Trading Card 105

Location--Buried; southern Santa Destroy. It's below the overpass.

Description--"Design Materials 'TSUBAKI' The first prototype beam katana

made by Dr. Naomi for Travis' exclusive use. Despite being a prototype it

is still a very balanced weapon."



Trading Card 106

Location--Buried; southern Santa Destroy. It's close to the shadow of the

overpass and due south of the Easter Island statues on the same plot of


Description--"Design Materials 'TSUBAKI Mk-II' The second prototype beam

katana made by Dr. Naomi for Travis' exclusive use. Beam emitter and 

receiver can now operate simultaniously."



Trading Card 107

Location--Buried; head northeast of the motel and follow the eastern border

until you reach a group of palm trees near the river. The card is close to


Description--"Design Materials 'TSUBAKI Mk-III' The completed beam katana

made by Dr. Naomi for Travis' exclusive use."



Trading Card 108

Location--Buried; search the grass behind the No More Heroes motel.

Description--"Design Materials 'Beam Katana Accelerator' Attach to the grip

of the beam katana and it will vibrate when buried treasure is near."



Trading Card 109

Location--Buried; search the grass next to the office at the No More Heroes


Description--"Design Materials 'Beam Katana Power Up Parts' Exchanges the

crystal parts inside the beam katana with purer crystals to greatly 

increase its output."



Trading Card 110

Location--Buried; two plots of land south of Area 51. It's buried near a

group of five pentagonal palm trees.

Description--"Design Materials 'Beam Katana Energy Saving Parts' Adds a

motherboard inside the beam katana itself, increasing energy efficiency."



Trading Card 111

Location--Buried; in very southern Santa Destroy. Near some Easter Island

statues you can find this card. It's slightly north of the overpass.

Description--"Design Materials 'Schpeltiger' Travis' super large scooter,

with a striking platinum white body and red pinstripes and markings. Has

rear twin disk brakes, suspension, super long spin arm, fat rim 30 inch

tires and a super freaky engine. The four mufflers that extend from the 

left and right side power filters and muffler covers create an X shape 

when looked at from the front or back.



Trading Card 112

Location--Buried; right next to the southernmost entrance to the Atomic

Drop Ward (its inside the Ward).

Description--"Design Materials 'Schpeltiger' Back; Drive:T-65; Total 

Exhaust:3,700 cc; Length:3,946mm; Height: 530mm; Width:1,488mm; 

Weight:1050kg; Capacity:1 rider; Top Speed:Impossible to measure"



Trading Card 113

Location--Buried; right next to the southernmost entrance to the Atomic

Drop Ward (its inside the Ward).

Description--"Design Materials 'Enemy Rider'"



Trading Card 114

Location--Buried; southern end of the Atomic Drop Ward, under the overpass.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly Strawberry'"



Trading Card 115

Location--Buried; southernmost end of the Atomic Drop Ward, near the


Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly Blueberry'"



Trading Card 116

Location--Buried; a little north of the southereastern corner of the

Atomic Drop Ward.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly Cranberry'"



Trading Card 117

Location--Buried; from the center of the Atomic Drop Ward it is near the

eastern border, under the overpass.

Description--"Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly"



Trading Card 118

Location--Buried; close to the center of the Atomic Drop Ward and under the


Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Giant Glastonbury Strawberry's




Trading Card 119

Location--Buried; close to the center of the Atomic Drop Ward.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Giant Glastonbury Blueberry's




Trading Card 120

Location--Buried; easternmost pink dot in the Atomic Drop Ward.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Giant Glastonbury Cranberry's




Trading Card 121

Location--Buried; south of the northeastern point of the Atomic Drop Ward

near a sharp corner.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Giant Glastonbury Combined




Trading Card 122

Location--Buried; a little left of the northeastern point of the Atomic

Drop Ward.

Description--"Design Materials 'Pure White Giant Glastonbury Enemy'"



Trading Card 123

Location--Buried; at the northeastern most point of the Atomic Drop Ward.

Description--"Pure White Giant Glastonbury"



Trading Card 124

Location--Buried; right near the northern entrance of the Atomic Drop Ward

(it's in the Ward itself).

Description--"Design Materials 'Helter-Skelter'"



Trading Card 125

Location--Buried; in the middle of the road near the northern entrance of

the Atomic Drop Ward (it's in the Ward itself).

Description--"Design Materials 'Helter-Skelter' Expressions'



Trading Card 126

Location--Buried; just south of the red bridge in western Santa Destroy are

two neighborhoods. This card is at the north end of the right neighborhood.

Description--"Design Materials 'Bishop Shidux and K-ENTERTAINMENT Staff'"



Trading Card 127

Location--Buried; near the road in the midwestern area of the Atomic Drop


Description--"Travis Touchdown PR Illustration A"



Trading Card 128

Location--Buried; near the western border of the Atomic Drop Ward, north of

the middle entrance (it's in the Ward)

Description--"Travis Touchdown PR Illustration B"



Trading Card 129

Location--Buried; in the Atomic Drop Ward south of the middle entrance.

Description--"Travis Touchdown PR Illustration C"



Trading Card 130

Location--Buried; near the center of the Atomic Drop Ward, under the 


Description--"Travis Touchdown--Born and raised in Santa Destroy. 27 years

old. A Japanese anime otaku, he's also a fan of pro-wrestling and fighting

moves. Uses his own brand of sword and physical skills to work as an 




Trading Card 131

Location--Buried; in the southern area of the Atomic Drop Ward near a giant


Description--"Sylvia Christel PR Illustration A"



Trading Card 132

Location--Buried; south of the Rolling Cradle Bus Station is a parking lot.

Just south of that are four palm trees with the card around the center.

Description--"Sylvia Christel PR Illustration B"



Trading Card 133

Location--Buried; just north of the overpass in southern Santa Destroy. It

is a bit north of the shadow and close to a wall.

Description--"Sylvia Christel--Half Japanese, half Ukranian. Born and

raised in France. 24 years old. As an agent of the UAA, she personally

handles all preparation work for Travis Touchdown's ranked matches.'



Trading Card 134

Location--Buried; on the plot of land in southern Santa Destroy just north

of the overpass, and with the Easter Island statues, this card is found 

behind what appear to be bathrooms spraypainted in a variety of colors.

Description--"Travis Touchdown and the Schpeltiger"



Trading Card 135

Location--Buried; near the center of Body Slam Beach.

Description--"Cat Jeane--Travis's beloved pet cat. A Scottish Fold."



Trading Card 136

Location--Death Metal's level. On a New Game + the card can be found at

the beginning of the hallway connected to the main lobby only accessable

after killing all the foes on the second and third floors.

Description--"Death Metal--Ranked 10th by the UAA. English, 55 years old. 

'Death Metal' is his name as an assassin. Otherwise known as Count 




Trading Card 137

Location--Dr. Peace's level. On a New Game + the card is at the very end of

the level right before the ! leading to the boss fight.

Description--"Dr. Peace--Ranked 9th by the UAA. Has Native American blood.

50 years old. Day job: police officer. Real name Pastel Brankino."



Trading Card 138

Location--Shinobu's level. On a New Game + you can find this card at the 

end of the level right before the bathroom.

Description--"Shinobu--Ranked 8th by the UAA. 18 years old. A quiet high

school student. Her real name Scarlet Jacobs."



Trading Card 139

Location--Destroyman's level. On a New Game + the card can be found to the

left in the outside area between filming studios two and three.

Description--"Destroyman--Ranked 7th by the UAA. 28 years old. Recently

started work as a postman. Real name is John Harnet."



Trading Card 140

Location--Holly Summers' level. On a New Game + the card can be found in

the ocean right before the first minefield.

Description--"Holly Summers--Ranked 6th by the UAA. Northern European.

Age unknown. A model."



Trading Card 141

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Letz Shake--Ranked 5th by the UAA. Singaporean. 22 years old.

A vocalist in a punk band."



Trading Card 142

Location--Harvey's level. On a New Game + the card can be found behind the

! leading to the boss fight.

Description--"Harvey Volodarskii--Ranked 4th by the UAA. Russian. Age

unknown. Found fame working as a magician in America."



Trading Card 143

Location--Speed Buster's level. On a New Game + you can find this card on

the right side of the gauntlet, closest to Speed Buster. It's the last

safe zone on the right. The card is next to two beam katana wielders.

Description--"Speed Buster--Ranked 3rd by the UAA. 76 years old. Has been

suffering from hearing loss."



Trading Card 144

Location--Bad Girl's level. On a New Game + the card is found right as you

enter the underground tunnel.

Description--"Bad Girl--Ranked 2nd by the UAA. 23 years old. A cosplay

maniac who also loves beer."



Trading Card 145

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + the card is right next to the

! leading to the boss fight.

Description--"Dark Star--Ranked 1st by the UAA. Age and other details




Trading Card 146

Location--Dark Star's level. On a New Game + the card is right next to the

! leading to the boss fight.

Description--"Jeane--A deadly karate master. 25 years old. Travis's ex-




Trading Card 147

Location--Letz Shake's level. On a New Game + the card is at the end of

the tunnel.

Description--"Henry--Age unknown. Travis's rival."



Trading Card 148

Location--Buried; on the grass just right of the red bridge in western

Santa Destroy.

Description--"Thunder Ryu--51 years old. A former pro-wrestler and member

of the Japanese Yakuza. Teaches Travis sword play and physical techniques.

Travis's master."



Trading Card 149

Location--Buried; near the center of northern Santa Destroy is a lot with

a few houses on dirt similar to the Atomic Drop Ward. This card is next to

a blue house on the western side of the lot.

Description--"Talbot & Weller--UAA staff. Support Sylvia."



Trading Card 150

Location--Buried; near the center of northern Santa Destroy is a lot with

a few houses on dirt similar to the Atomic Drop Ward. This card is next to

a light blue house on the eastern side of the lot.

Description--"Travis Touchdown & Sylvia Christel"



                       ~7.Frequently Asked Questions~


Only here because there are quite a few questions I see constantly being

asked on the message boards, despite half the questions having relatively

obvious answers.

Q--So, I chose to view the Ending and saved my clear data. Any way I can

view the real ending now?

A--The only way to view the real ending is if you saved on a different

file slot. Otherwise you'll need to go through the game again (which, if

you choose Sweet on a New Game +, shouldn't take more than 2 hours).

Q--The storyline made no sense. At all. Especially that bit after the


A--Suda 51. You know, the guy that made the game? Yeah, he's known for

bizarre as hell storylines. It's best to just not think too hard about the

events in the game in any realisitic way.

Q--Gah! All these Free Fight missions are impossible!

A--Most of them are easy if you spam the Tsubaki Mk-III's low charge 

attack with the Energy Saver. The last three missions, though, are tricky.

Just take your time.

Q--Any point to cards?

A--No. But they're there for completions sake and a lot of the art looks


Q--And clothes? Any stat upgrades for them?

A--Still no. Clothes are just there to allow the player to customize

Travis however they wish.

Q--The game freezes! Why!?

A--Nothing to really say about this. The game does freeze occasionally, but

not very often. The most common place for it to freeze is right after you

save the game after the credits roll. Just turn the Wii off (you'll need to

hold the power button for several seconds on the Wii to do so) and load 

the game again.

Q--Why did the European version get so censored? It's stupid!

A--Common misconception with the game. Euros got the original Japanese

version of the game (just translated, of course). The blood and gore was

actually ADDED to the American release. Because we love that stuff or

something. Eh, can't have decapitations without a hilarious amount of blood

gushing out!

Q--Why are there times before boss fights where Travis walks with his

phone? Nothing is said!

A--Hit the Home button and turn the Wiimote volume up.

Q--How do I start a real new game/load another file?

A--Pause the game and head to the Data menu where you can load another

save file or start a new game from scratch.




Thanks to all of the people that helped make this Walkthrough possible.

CJayC and Sailor Bacon-For making GameFAQ's exist, main host of this FAQ

You-For reading this walkthrough and making the effort worthwhile

This walkthrough is property and under copyright of Deathborn 668.</ghm></ghm></g-h-m></punk></match></placebo></correctness></ayame></yellow></blue></purple></navy></beige></judges></judges></silver></gold></platinum></p>

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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