No More Heroes walkthrough




Welcome readers! I'm Deathborn 668 on the message boards and this is

a walkthrough for No More Heroes, the beat-em-up slasher on the Nintendo

Wii. Hopefully you'll enjoy this walthrough as much as I enjoyed playing 

this game. Some Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind:


-Use this walkthrough as a refrence tool

-Tell people about it

-Print it for personal use

-Give to other people for no profit


-Plagerize this walkthrough without any credit

-Call this walkthrough "yours"

-Sell this walkthrough for profit

ONLY the following sites have permission to use this walkthrough without

the need to contact me:

Anybody else wishing to use this walkthrough will need to e-mail me at

someguy668 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Those wishing to leave me comments and corrections should also e-mail me.

I generally won't respond to e-mails, and probably won't update if you send

me a corrections unless it extremely important. Don't feel offended if I 

don't respond or update with a change.

Thanks for your concern.

And remember, use Ctrl+F to search for what you need. 


|           ~Table of Contents~             |


|1.Story of No More Heroes                  |


|2.Controlling Travis                       |

|  2A.Out of Battle Controls                |

|  2B.Schpeltiger Controls                  |

|  2C.Basic Combat Techniques               |

|  2D.Conditional Combat Techniques         |

|  2E.Hidden Combat Techniques              |


|3.Dark Side Mode                           |


|4.Game Flow                                |


|5.Santa Destroy Travel Guide               |


|6.Items in Combat                          |


|7.Heroic Walkthrough                       |

|  7A.Rank 10-Death Metal                   |

|  7B.Rank 9-Dr. Peace                      |

|  7C.Rank 8-Shinobu                        |

|  7D.Rank 7-Destroyman                     |

|  7E.Rank 6-Holly Summers                  |

|  7F.Rank 5-Letz Shake                     |

|  7G.Rank 4-Harvey Moseiwitsch Volodarskii |

|  7H.Rank 3-Speed Buster                   |

|  7I.Rank 2-Bad Girl                       |

|  7J.Rank 1-Dark Star                      |

|  7K.Real Ending-Final Boss                |


|8.New Game + Information                   |


|9.Ranked Assassins Guide                   |


|10.Side-Job Guide                          |


|11.Assassination Gig Guide                 |


|12.Free Fight Mission Guide                |


|13.Lovikov Ball Locations                  |


|14.Dumpter Locations                       |


|15.Clothing Guide                          |


|16.Trading Card Locations                  |


|17.Frequently Asked Questions              |


|18.Credits                                 |



                       ~1.Story of No More Heroes~


You play as Travis Touchdown, an anime loving guy who lives in a low rent

motel room. After he wins a Beam Katana from an internet auction, he joins

the ranks of the United Assassins Association by killing the 11th ranked

assassin. Finding the gig enjoyable, Travis sets out to kill the remaining

top 10 assassins and rise to rank #1. 

Of course, this path is not going to be easy. These assassins won't be 

letting Travis kill them very easily. That won't be stopping Travis, 

though. Who knows? Getting to rank 1 could be awesome, could totally suck,

but there is only one way to find out.

Let the bloodshed begin!


                          ~2.Controlling Travis~


Travis has a variety of controls depending on his current location and

situation in battle. Fortunately, these controls are standard for almost

any video game, and you should have little to no trouble getting used to



~2A.Out of Battle Controls~


These are the controls used while Travis is wandering around Santa Destroy

while not riding the Schpeltiger.

A Button--Press this when inside holograms at the entrance to various 

locations to enter them. When next to the Schpeltiger, you can press A to

ride it. While on grassy surfaces, you can also press A to stab the ground

with your Beam Katana. Stabbing the ground can result in finding treasure

(you'll want the Accelerator to find treasure easily). Finally, press A 

when close to dumpsters to open them and grab their contents.

B Button--Hold this to run. Travis' stamina is shown on a meter on the 

right side of the screen. If you run so much that it gets depleted, Travis

will stop briefly to catch his breath. Stop running to let the meter refill

a bit before you continue running. You cannot run until you purchase the 

"Soul of Child" ability from Lovikov in Gold Town. It is heavily advised 

you get this ability before you purchase the entrance fee for the Rank 1


D-Pad--Move the camera around. You can move it left and right, and pan it

upwards or lower to the ground to get a better view of your surroundings.

1 Button--If you are a decent distance away from the Schpeltiger, pushing

this will make Travis call Bishop to bring on over the Schpeltiger to the

curb closest to you. You are unable to use this in certain areas, such as

during assassination missions and the walk to the Rank 1 fight.

2 Button--Turns on/off the mini-map in the bottom-left corner of the 


+ Button--Brings up the menu. You can view remaining health/energy in the

Beam Katana, current Rank and entrance fee for the next fight, toggle 

sound options, load a different save file, or start a new game.

Control Stick--Moves Travis.

Z Button--Changes camera to first person perspective. Useful while 

investigating the nooks and crannies of Santa Destroy.

C Button--Centers the camera behind Travis.


~2B.Schpeltiger Controls~


Travis's trusty and fancy motorcycle, the Schpeltiger, will get you across

the city in no time. It has several moves, and best of all, it doesn't

require gas!

A Button--Hold it to accelerate. Let go to drift to a stop.

B Button--Hold this to brake. If you are at a complete stop, you can hold

the B Button to move in reverse.

2 Button--Turns mini-map on/off.

+ Button--Brings up the menu.

Control Stick--Move left or right.

Z Button--Hold it to boost. The amount of boost power remaining is shown by

a meter on the right side of the screen. If it depletes, you can't boost

again until the meter refills about halfway. If you don't completely use up

all the boost then the meter will refill extremely quickly.

C Button--Shift camera positions between standard 3rd person, distant 3rd

person, and first person view.

There are also several additional techniques you can pull off with the

Schpeltiger. You won't learn these, except for one of them, through playing

the game, so knowing them early can make travel quite useful.

First is the jump. If you flick the Wiimote upwards while cruising at a

decent speed, Travis will make the Schpeltiger fly through the air for 

several seconds. if you're boosting, you're speed will remain constant 

while jumping, but the boost meter will not deplete. This is extremely

useful for conserving speed and boost energy on straightaways. Be warned,

though, that you cannot hop over fences cars, short walls, etc., with a

jump. You'll just hit an invisible wall and Travis will fly out of the 

Schpeltiger. Try to avoid wasting time hopping back on.

Second is the quick acceleration. Begin by traveling briefly in reverse,

then hold the A button. You'll pause for a moment, Travis will rev the 

engine and do a wheelie in place, and you will then jump start to full 

speed. Like the jump, don't do this unless you are on a straightaway or are

able to make a turn with the distance ahead of you, otherwise you will just

go crashing into a wall. 

Finally, and arguably the most useful, is the spin turn. While traveling at

high speeds, hold the B button and quickly tilt the Wiimote in the 

direction you want to turn to make the Schpeltiger pull off a 90 degree 

turn. Best of all, your boost meter is completely refilled when you exit a

spin turn. Also, hold B and the tilted Wiimote to remain in a constant spin

turn until you let go of B. You can use that to turn 180 or 370 degrees, or

just watch Travis perform donuts all day. The only problem with this trick

is that occasionally the motion detection gets...wonky. If you tilt the 

Wiimote left, Travis may turn right instead. Because of that, the constant

spin drift that I just mentioned can be very useful.


~2C.Basic Combat Techniques~


These are the techniques you can learn on your first playthrough of the 

game through a tutorial. The moves listed here are the in the order you 

would learn them through the tutorial, with some extra notes added in. You

can get a feel of the combat easily through the tutorial, but several

techniques are not displayed. 

Beam Katana Swing--Press the A button to swing the Beam Katana. Obviously,

you will want the Beam Katana to actually connect with your enemy. Every

enemy has a health bar, and that will appear if you are locked-on to that

enemy, or if you are attacking them. Keep pressing the A button to swing 

the Beam Katana multiple times to combo the enemy. Most enemies are unable

to escape combos, but be alert of those that can. Travis will occasionally

pause during his combos, regardless of which Beam Katana you are using.

Enemies you are hitting can attack you during that pause.

Also be aware that you are completely vulnerable to attacks from other 

nearby enemies while you are swinging, even if you're hitting an enemy.

Electricity--Your Beam Katana runs on electricity, obviously. The amount of

remaining electricity is displayed by a meter on the right side of the 

screen. Every time you swing the Beam Katana or block an attack, a little 

bit of electricity is used. Once the electricity is depleted, the Beam

Katana cannot be used for attacking or blocking until it gets recharged.

In order to recharge the Katana, press the 1 Button and shake the Wiimote

rapidly (despite the screen prompt, I find shaking up and down works best).

The faster you shake, the faster the meter recharges. Press any button to

exit recharge mode. You'll also exit automatically when the Beam Katana's

energy is full. You can also refill electricity be getting Batteries, an 

item found inside blue colored boxes. They are strewn across levels, and

there will always be one of them during a boss fight.

Finally, be alert that the recharge screen does NOT stop time. Enemies can

still attack you while recharging, so be sure to run away, recharge a bit,

then continue attacking before taking damage.

Locking On--Hold the Z Button when near an enemy to lock-on to them. When 

in a group of enemies, holding Z will randomly lock-on to one of the foes.

While locked on you can circle around the enemy. Also, while holding Z 

(regardless if you're locked on to a foe or not) you can block almost every

attack in the game. Locking on to enemies is ALWAYS advised, and there are

only a minute few situations where not locking on is useful.

The attacks that can't be blocked are usually rather obvious. Energy 

attacks, like giant ball-like projectiles, are generally unblockable. Also,

some enemies have combo attacks themselves. The last hit of the combo is

almost always unblockable, so Emergency Evade out of the combo before its

too late. The only exception is pistol users--their combos will never hit 

you unless you stop blocking against their attacks. On Sweet difficulty you

can also block enemy attacks if you aren't moving.

Emergency Evade--One of the most useful techniques you'll use. While 

holding the Z button (regardless if you're locking on to an enemy or not),

press left, right, or down on the D-Pad to roll in that direction. This is

an Emergency Evade. While executing the roll, Travis is completely 

invincible. There isn't a single attack in the game that can harm him while

he's rolling. Until you get control back, you can't be touched. Obviously,

this move is useful in almost any situation, especially boss fights.

Emergency Evades can also be used to trigger Dark Steps. During combo

attacks, doing left/right Emergency Evades can trigger a Dark Step. 

However, the timing for this must be very precise, and you are generally

better off wriggling the control stick left and right to activate a Dark


High and Low Stances--If you didn't notice these words in the right corner 

of the screen, you will now. Travis can hold the Beam Katana in two 

different stances--either low or high. His low stance will deal more damage

but makes combos slightly slower, while a high stance does slightly less

damage but combos much faster. To do a high stance, tilt the Wiimote up, 

and keep the Wiimote level or tilt it down to stay in a low stance.

Stances are also important because many enemies that hold some type of 

weapon themselves are also in a particular stance. In order to attack that

enemy, you'll need to hit them in the opposite stance. For an enemy in a 

low stance, switch to the high stance to hit them, and vice versa. Charged

attacks, regardless of the stance, will hurt an enemy in either stance. 

Some foes change stances occasionally, so you'll need to change stances as


Beat Attack--Press the B button to kick the enemy. Like Beam Katana 

stances, you'll perform a high kick in a high stance and a low kick in a 

low stances. Unlike Beam Katana stances, though, stunning enemies with beat

attacks requires you to beat them with the stance they are using. A high

stance enemy can only be hit with high stance beat attacks, and vice versa.

Usually, though, it won't matter the stance you're in in order to connect

the kick. After several beat attacks, most enemies become stunned. While 

stunned, enemies are completely defenseless. Strike them with the Beam

Katana! Fling them with a wrestling move! Kill them!

You can perform Charged Beat Attacks as well. Simply hold the B button and

Travis will pause before his kick. This will automatically stun the enemy

if it connects. As a final note, you can only stun bosses with Charged Beat

Attacks, and they will only connect if the boss himself is blocking 

(usually seen as them covering themselves with their weapon for a brief


Charged Slash--Hold down the A button to charge the Beam Katana for an 

attack. There are two different types of charged attacks--high and low. A

high Charged Slash will only hit enemies directly infront of you, is 

extremely powerful, and will be released automatically after several 

seconds if you don't let go of the A button. Note that you cannot move 

while charging.

A low Charged Slash attack can hit a widespread group of enemies, but is

slightly weaker. You are capable of moving while charging, and the attack

is not released until you let go of the A button. This is useful for when

you're surrounded by enemies.

Be warned that Charged Slashes of both varieties will instantly drain the

Beam Katana's electricity if executed while fully charged (the attack I 

mean, not the battery). Also, Travis is defenseless while charging. If he's

hit, the charge is lost and you'll have to start again.


~2D.Conditional Combat Techniques~


These techniques are also learned during the tutorial, but they require 

a certain effect before they can be used. You will encounter many 

situations where you will need to use these moves, so get to know them 


Death Blow--When a foe has lost all of its health you will enter Death Blow

mode. The screen will fade dark and an arrow will appear over the enemy.

Swing the Wiimote in the direction shown to finish off the enemy. The Beam

Katana has a wide range, and often can hit other nearby enemies. If they 

are weakened already, you'll likely kill them along with the original foe

you were attacking. 

If you don't finish off an enemy in Death Blow mode, the enemy will kick

you for some damage and will continue to attack you. Its health bar remains

empty, so any other attack will make you enter Death Blow mode. Also of 

note is that Death Blow mode can only be entered if the finishing attack is

a normal slice. Charged attacks, Down attacks, wrestling moves, and so on

will not activate Death Blow mode.

Performing a Death Blow and killing an enemy with it will activate the 

slots at the bottom of the screen (one set for each enemy you kill, up to

three max running at a time if you kill three or more enemies 

simultaniously). If three of the same icon match up, you'll enter Dark Side


Weapon Clash--When you an an enemy attack eachother at the same time, a 

Weapon Clash will occur. Basically, all enemies except for the one in the

clash freeze and an on-screen prompt will occur. You'll need to shake the

Wiimote several times in circles to win the Weapon Clash (Shaking it up

and down from a 0 degree to 45 degree angle and back rapidly also works 

very well). 

When you shove back the enemy you will automatically enter Death Blow mode.

For high HP enemies this won't kill the enemy, but will still do a lot of

damage. You can also get into Weapon Clashes with bosses. The same rules

apply, but you can't instant kill the boss with the Death Blow (but you 

will do a fair amount of damage). Actually, you literally can't kill kill

bosses with a Death Blow. The last hit must be a normal slice in order to

activate their death cutscene.

Down Attack--After using a wrestling move, or catching enemies in a Charged

Slash attack and not killing them, you will find enemies lying on the 

ground defenseless. Walk over to them and press the A button to stab them

as they lie on the ground, instantly killing them. If you get the "Memory

of White" ability from Lovikov, then you can do a jumping stab from any 

distance as long as you're locked on to the downed enemy. If you purchase

the "Memory of Demon" ability, you can shake the Nunchuk to do a jumping 

slice, dealing moderate damage and automatically knocking the target to the

ground, allowing for a great follow up Down Attack. The Down Attack is

impossible to perform on bosses (mainly because none of them can be forced

into lying on the ground).

Wrestling Moves--After stunning an enemy with a Beat Attack, or getting a

long combo with certain Beam Katanas, you can perform a Wrestling Move.

Walk up to the stunned enemy and push the B button to initiate a grab. Two

arrows will appear on the screen. The left one corrosponds to the Nunchuk,

and the right one corrosponds to the Wiimote. Move them in their respective

directions at the same time to perform the wrestling move. Occasionally you

will need to perform a second Wiimote+Nunchuk movements to finish the

wrestling move. Wrestling Moves almost always kill enemies, or leaves them

downed so you can perform a Down Attack. On bosses, Wrestling Moves do a 

lot of damage. Use them whenever the oppertunity presents itself.


~2E.Hidden Combat Techniques~


These techniques are not covered by the tutorial or the instuction manual,

but nonetheless they are immensely useful.

Dark Step--By far one of the most useful abilities, performing a Dark Step

can be a bit tricky at first. Firstly, you can only do it when an enemy

attacks you (best used during enemy combo attacks). During the attack, rock

the control stick left and right. If done right, Travis will spin around 

his foe and the screen will get a bit dark. All enemies will move briefly

in slow motion. Keep pressing the A button to get a bunch of free hits on

the foe.

And it's not just for basic enemies. Every boss can be Dark Stepped, and 

there is usually at least one attack a boss has that will allow for easy 

Dark Stepping. By abusing the Dark Step, bosses will go down quite quickly.

That's good for the really irritating bosses, as well as the bosses that

don't have many defenseless periods of time where you can wail on them.

Triangle Death Blow--And you thought the original Death Blow was badass!

When you perform a Death Blow, note how Travis moves in slow motion for a

brief second right before the strike connects with the enemy. Shake the

Wiimote in the direction originally indicated by the Death Blow again 

during this small time frame. If done correctly, a "zing!" sound effect 

will occur and small triangles will appear around the Beam Katana as it 

strikes the foe. The Triangle Death Blow deals more damage than a normal

Death Blow, and the range is slightly larger so you can hit nearby foes

even easier. You can only do this with normal slash activated Death Blows.

You can't get the Triangle Death Blow with Death Blows activated from 

Weapon Clashes.


                            ~3.Dark Side Mode~


Whenever you kill an enemy through a Death Blow, a set of slots will 

appear at the bottom of the screen. Mutliple slots will appear if you kill

several enemies at the same time with a Death Blow. These slots will only

appear during boss levels, and never during assassination missions.

You won't be getting money from these slots, though. Instead, if you match

up three of any icon, you'll enter Dark Side Mode. While in this state,

Travis becomes not only invincible but also an absolute killing machine.

Activating Dark Side Mode does not happen very often, so use it to its 

fullest extent when you do activate it. 

The timer for Dark Side Mode is displayed by a tiger in the top right 

corner of the screen. It will move towards the goal marker in the top 

center of the screen. When it reaches it, Dark Side Mode ends. You can 

double the time Dark Side Mode lasts by purchasing the Memory of Woman

ability from Lovikov. Quite useful for doubling the time you can mindlessly

murder enemies.

This is the End!--Going off of what Travis yells once activated, this is

obtained by getting three Cherries. Time slows down to a crawl, making it

next to impossible for enemies to touch you. Travis' attacks are also sped

up greatly, so you can clear a room of enemies rather effectively. The only

problem is the short time limit. This Dark Side ability won't last very

long, so make the most of it.

Strawberry on the Shortcake!--Obtained by getting three Grasshoppers. 

This Dark Side ability is insane. The screen flunctuates a bit as Travis

is encased in electricity, making him run at nearly three times his normal

speed. One swipe of the Beam Katana and you'll instantly go into Death Blow

mode with a spinning arrow. Swing the Wiimote in any direction to kill the

foe. The time limit isn't much longer than getting three Cherries, but

seeing blood spill in such a bizarre pattern all over the screen makes it

a sweet Dark Side attack to launch. Hell, all of them look cool!

Blueberry Cheese Brownie!--Obtained when you get three Bells. The camera

zooms close to Travis, getting a close-up shot of the Beam Katana. A 

targeting reticule will also appear in the center of the screen. Travis 

will move a but slow during this Dark Side attack, but that allows for

easier aiming. See, the Beam Katana, when you press the A button, now 

launches a long range projectile energy ball. Aim with the reticule and

fire at distant enemies, covering the screen with a blinding flash and then

a fountain of blood when the instant kill energy ball connects. Because

Travis moves slower, thusly taking more time to aim, this Dark Side attack

lasts a bit longer than the previous two.

Cranberry Chocolate Sundae!--Obtained by getting three BAR's. The entire

screen turns black and white, and you'll get an over-the-shoulder camera

view with Travis, who will walk very slow. When you approach an enemy, a

button prompt will appear above Travis' head. Press the button to instantly

kill the foe in a dazzling shower of blood. If you press the wrong button,

Travis will waste time by taunting the enemy. Once the taunt ends, a new

button will appear for you to (hopefully) correctly press. Due to Travis'

insanely slow speed, as well as how long it takes for you to get control of

him again after killing a foe, the time limit is quite long for this Dark

Side ability. As proof of its awesomeness, one Assassination Gig has this

Dark Side ability activated the entire time!

Anarchy in the Galaxy!--Obtained by getting three 7's. This attack is so 

insanely overpowered that it isn't even activated the instant you get the

7's on the slots. Instead, you recieve a stock. A single 7 will appear in

the bottom right corner of the screen, and you can hold up to three stock.

Each stock can be used to activate Anarchy in the Galaxy by pressing the -

Button. Anarchy in the Galaxy, in a very flash manor, obliterates every

single enemy in the room in a pool of blood. 

The only problem with this is how often you'll get a stock for Anarchy in 

the Galaxy. Simply put:you won't. Honestly, I've only gotten it six times. 

In 21 playthroughs of the game. Yeah, you won't be getting it too often. I

haven't heard a single report of someone actually getting this three times

in a single boss level (the most has been two, I believe). Further yet, you

won't want to use it. You'll get $10000 LBs for any unused stock after 

killing the boss (speaking of which, Anarchy in the Galaxy doesn't deal 

any damage to them). You'll get $50000 LBs on New Game +'s.


                             ~4.Game Flow~


No More Heroes is, essentially, one large cycle of work until you beat the

game. Sure, it is repetitive, but you should be having enough fun to not

pay much mind to that. The flow of the game is simple to understand, but

you'll still have a variety of options on how to proceed at every turn.

Receive Payment Invoice--After each assassination, you'll travel back to 

the No More Heroes motel and be greeted with a voice message congratulating

you on you're previous victory. No long after that ends you will be stuck 

with a large entrance fee for the next ranked fight. You'll need to somehow

amass that ever-growing sum of cash if you want to even have a chance to

fight the next ranked assassin.

Earning Money--Now that you're stuck with a huge bill, you will need to 

earn some cash. There are three ways to collect money. First is visiting 

the Job Center in southern Santa Destroy. You will unlock a new part-time

job here each time you rise in rank, making for a total of nine jobs. Pick

the job you want to play, then head towards the "M" marker on the map to

begin the mini-game. Complete as much of the task given in the time limit

(from collecting coconuts to kittens) and you will earn a cash reward, as

well as receieve a medal ranking (Bronze, Silver, Gold).

Second, and best paying, are the assassination gigs. Near the No More

Heroes motel you can find K-Entertainment, marked by a skull on the map.

Here you can take on assassination gigs, earning far more cash per kill

than in regular side-jobs. However, when you first enter K-Entertainment

there will be no assassination jobs for you to choose. You'll have to

unlock them. To unlock assassination gigs, you'll need to get a Silver or

Gold rank on side-jobs. For instance, getting a Silver or Gold rank on

Coconut Collecting will unlock Assassination Gigs 1 & 2. There are a total

of 20 assassination gigs, and all side-jobs will unlock two or three of

them. For the record, Assassination Gig 18 is the best way to make money

in the entire game. Keep that in mind.

Finally, you have Free Fight missions. These are marked all across Santa

Destroy by blue "M"'s. You unlock one or two of these for each Gold rank

you earn from side-jobs. As the name implies, you can fight these missions

whenever you want. Just walk on up to them M and press the A button. The

catch is that you have to kill every enemy without taking a single hit. If

you get hit just one time, mission's over. You get paid a decent amount 

after you finish, as well as earn a ranking. Rankings here don't unlock

anything, and are merely for completion's sake.

Pay the Fee--You've gotten the stipulated amount (the game will tell you 

when you've surpassed the required amount for the next fight). Now all you

need to do is hand over that money to the UAA. Close to the No More Heroes

motel you can find an ATM, marked by a $ symbol on the map. Walk over to

the ATM and you will deposit all of the money into a specified account. 

Return to the motel afterwards.

Destination Confirmation--Sylvia will give you a call upon your return to

the motel. She'll detail the location of the fight, as well as hints upon

who you will be fighting. After the call ends, leave the motel, hop on the

Schpeltiger, then cruise on down to the roman numeral location on the map

signifying the next ranked match.

Lackey Fight--You won't get to fight the assassin right away. Instead, you

get to prepare yourself by fighting through waves of his or her lackeys.

These guys can use a variety of weapons, but your goal remains the same--

use whatever means necessary to slice, decapitate, brutally murder, or

anything else to kill them. Generally, each level is split into several

areas. In order to pass onto the next area you are required to kill every

enemy in the current area you're in. There are several excpetions where you

can just skip through enemies. That's no fun, though (not to mention you 

also get paid based on how many enemies you kill).

At the end of the level you can pick up a wrestling mask, learning a new

wrestling technique in the process. Enter the large S to head for the

bathroom and save the game (the UAA advises relieving yourself before every

ranked fight), as well as health and Beam Katana energy refills. Once you

are ready, step inside the "!" to begin the fight.

Ranking Fight--The boss fight itself. You will fight the assassin in a 

fight to the death. If you win you will increase in rank. If you lose,

you're going to hell. To defeat the boss, just deplete their health bar.

Simple as that. Of course, the actual fight is rarely that simple. You'll

be facing some crazy, bizarre, and unique bosses on your way to the top.

End of Battle Bonus--If you defy the odds and come out the victor, you

will increase in rank. Also, you will earn a health pickup increasing your

maximum vitality. Finally, you get a cash reward. You get a bare minimum

bonus for defeating the assassin (usually about 50% of the entrance fee

required to even fight them), then extra bonuses for enemies killed, time 

taken to clear the lackey fight and kill the boss, amount of damage taken

(the less you take the more you're paid), cash for unused Anarchy in the

Galaxy stock, and if you purchased the Memory of Tattoo from Lovikov you

will earn extra cash from your maximum kill chain (it increases by 1 for

each kill, resetting if you take any damage).

Restart the Chain--You'll return back to the No More Heroes motel after

every fight. You'll be given the entrance fee for the next ranked fight,

and the process begins anew.


                      ~5.Santa Destroy Travel Guide~


Santa Destroy is a pretty big city, and there is a fair amount of 

locations you can visit. This section will outline the city's points of

interest, describe their locations, as well as what you can do at each



~No More Heroes Motel~


Travis's home. The only motel in Santa Destroy where the rent is low and

the quality of service is even lower. Despite that, Travis gets quite the

quality room (and you're never really stuck with any boarding fees). On the

map, the motel is displayed by a house symbol. Press left and right on the

D-Pad/Control Stick to shift between the living room and bedroom.

Telephone--Doesn't do anything. If you try interacting with it you'll 

always recieve the "You have no new messages" voice. The telephone is only

there for interaction in cutscenes.

Drawer--The large drawer on the side of Travis's bed contains all of the

Beam Katana's that he has bought. Here you can switch between any of the

Katanas. Of course, you really shouldn't be switching from the powerful 

Tsubaki Mk-III unless you want a challenge with the game. If you're ever

curious about what Beam Katana you are currently wielding, just pause the

game. The Katana's picture and name will be at the bottom-right corner of

the menu.

Map--You can view the Santa Destroy Guide (essentially what I'm listing 

here) or the result of your Assassination Gigs, Part-Time Jobs, and Free

Fight missions. The locations of each is marked on the map, as well as the

medal (if any) earned for each mission.

Closet--Believe it or not, Travis is extremely customizable. I'm sure that

you will get tired of him wearing the same clothes all of the time (despite

them looking rather cool to begin with), so you can spend some time at the

closet changing what he wears. You can change is sunglasses, jacket, shirt,

jeans, and belt. Unfortunately, you don't start with any extra clothes. 

You will need to buy them from Area 51 (at extremely high price to boot!)

or find hidden shirts in dumpsters strewn around Santa Destroy (see the

appropriate section to find their locations). There's practically a million

ways to dress up Travis. Choose the combonation that best fits you.

Toilet--Exactly as it implies. Enter the bathroom and Travis will do some

business on the toilet. Not only does this look funny, but you will need to

take a dump in order to save the game. Every bathroom serves as a save 

point, and there will always be a save point before each boss fight. Travis

returns to the motel's bathroom after beating each assassin as well, so 

don't stress about needing to find a save point quickly after defeating 

that difficult boss.

Fridge--No bachelor's pad is complete without a fridge! Choose the fridge

option and Travis will eat something out of it, restoring all of his

vitality. Unfortunately, this doesn't serve any actual purpose within the

game. Whenever you finish a mission (whether you win or die), your vitality

is restored back to full, making it impossible to ever have less than

maximum health while traveling Santa Destroy. Go ahead, crash into as many

buildings as you want at maximum speed. You'll never lose any health from

it. And the police isn't going to try and stop you. Go crazy.

Cards--View your album of trading cards. In each rankings fight level you

can find five different trading cards, making a total of fifty (Death

Metal's mansion has cards 1-5, Dr. Peace's level has cards 6-10 and so on).

The first 50 cards you collect will all be pictures of fictional wrestlers,

as well as a little info about them. The more cards you collect, though,

the more masks that will be hung on the wall in Travis's room, as well as

the size his collection of anime figurines will grow. Once you have beaten

the game, you can collect an additional 100 cards, making a total of 150.

The new set of 100 cards is all concept art for the characters and bosses

in the game, and is fun to look at, making it worth your time to collect

every single card. Any of the original 50 cards you missed on your first

playthrough can still be found again.

Television--Watch video tapes here. The only tape you have at the start is

an original trailer for No More Heroes. There are three other tapes you can

buy from Beef Head Videos. If you watch those tapes you will learn a new

wrestling move from each tape. In the long run they can be worth your while

to eventually purchase. Also, after rising to rank 4, you can replay the

mini-game Pure White Giant Glastonbury, the game Travis was playing during

that dream sequence on the train. Shoot for a high score!

Jeane--Travis's pet cat. Shake the Wiimote or press the A button in order

to interact with her by petting her, feeding her, or letting her roll 

around on Travis's stomach as he lies down. Jeane does not improve any of

Travis's stats and has no actual effect on the game. She's merely there to

show that Travis isn't some psychopath that only wants to kill, but rather

an assassin who still admires his kitty.


~Job Center~


Signified by a pink circle with a many running on the map, you'll be coming

to the Job Center time and time again to perform wacky jobs, earn cash, and

unlock new assassination gigs. When you first enter the Job Center you will

only have one side-job available. You unlock a new one each time you rise

in rank, eventually spanning out to nine side-jobs. All of the side-jobs 

pay decent cash, but assassination missions are definately the way to go 

for quicker cash.

Each side job will have you accomplishing as much of a task as possible 

within a time limit, from mowing lawns to collecting kittens. The more of a

particular object you collect/erase/earn, the more money you are paid when

the time expires. You will be wanting a lot of those objects because you

are ranked when time expires as well. If you get a Silver or Gold rank, 

then you unlock new assassination gigs. If you earn a Gold rank, you also

unlock a new Free Fight mission.




Signified by a white skull, K-Entertainment is an advertising agency 

located only two streets south of the motel. However, they also have a 

large hand in the shady underworld of assassins, and employ many of them 

to take on a large variety of gigs. You gain access to K-Entertainment at 

the beginning of your free roaming of Santa Destroy, but you'll quickly 

find out that you can't take on any missions yet.

To unlock them, you'll need to head down to the Job Center and get a Silver

or Gold rank on a side-job. That will unlock new assassination gigs. For

example, getting a Silver on on the first side-job will unlock 

Assassination Gigs 1 & 2, and getting a Silver on the second job will 

unlock Gigs 3 and 4. This trend continues throughout all of the side-

jobs. As you can see, you have no choice but to play those side-jobs to

unlock the big paying assassination gigs (fortunately, Silver ranks are

not terribly challenging on all of the side-jobs). 

Once you pick an assassination gig, leave the building. An "M" will appear

on the map, signifying where the gig takes place. Head to the M and enter 

it to begin the mission. The goal is usually the same--kill every enemy in

the given time limit (although there are several exceptions, such as there

being infinite enemies). You aren't always using the Beam Katana to slice

enemies to death. Sometimes you must use only wrestling moves, kill enemies

in a game of baseball, or play with some other bizarre condition. Don't

expect everything to be easy!

Payment is different for each gig. Sometimes the pay is based off how many

enemies you killed (such as getting $2000 LBs per kill), while others pay

only one amount for completing the objective (such as getting paid $50,000

LBs for finishing). Obviously, failure on the missions where you get paid

per kill is better because you'll still be paid a decent amount. Failure on

missions where you only get paid for completing the objective nets you no

pay at all. Always make an effort to finish!




The ATM is marked by a $ on the map, very close to the motel. Once you have

enough money to pay off the entrance fee for the next ranked fight, head to

the ATM to deposit your money. The ATM is unavailable until you have the

satisfactory amount of cash required to pay the UAA. Remember to head back

to the motel whenever you pay off your entrance fee.


~Area 51~


Signified by a T-Shirt on the map, and only available after defeating Dr.

Peace, Area 51 is the place to shope for all of your clothing needs. Here 

you can purchase new sunglasses, jackets, T-Shirts, jeans, and belts for

Travis to wear and change into at the Closet in the motel whenever you 

wish. A lot of the clothing found here is extremely expensive, so you'll 

need to do some assassinating to amount the cash needed to purchase some of

the clothing.

The clothing does not affect the game whatsoever. It's merely there to 

allow the player to style Travis to their delight. Want Travis to look like

a geek? There're clothes for that. Want him to look like a complete badass?

There're clothese for that, too. His defense/attack power isn't changing 

based on his clothese. Don't expect it to.


~Naomi's Lab~


Indicated by a blue symbol with a Beam Katana on it, Naomi's Lab is in a

warehouse right behind the motel. You can access it once you have defeated

Dr. Peace. Naomi is a scientist who researches and designs Beam Katanas.

Obviously, she's the place to go when you want a better weapon to kill

people with. Over the course of the game she will sell new Beam Katanas for

you to purchase, each one more expensive (and powerful) than the last.

Exit and re-enter the lab after purchasing a new Katana to find two new

upgrades available for purchase (no upgrades are purchasable for the Blood

Berry, the starting Katana, however). There is an Energy Saver upgrade 

which makes the current Katana use less energy when swinging/defending,

limiting the amount of time you need to waste recharging it. The other

upgrade is a Power Upgrade. As you could guess, this makes your attacks

with the Katana more powerful. Quite useful. 

The Accelerator is a purchasable upgrade that affectes every Beam Katana,

so you only need to purchase it once. When you get near buried objects on

grass, the Wiimote will rumble. When you're over the buried object, the

Wiimote will rumble violently. Stab the ground with the A button to reveal

the treasure (usually $1000 LBs). On New Game +'s, new buried objects will

appear on the map. These new objects are additional trading cards. Get



~Thunder Ryu Bldg.~


Signified by an orange Kanji symbol on the map along the east edge of Santa

Destroy not too far from the motel and available after beating Dr. Peace,

the Thunder Ryu Building is essentially your gym. There are three stats you

can upgrade (maximum vitality, strength, and maximum Beam Katana combo).

The price for each exercise starts at a cheap $1000 LBs. However, each

exercise for the three stats increases exponentially every time it's 

available (from 1000 to 2000, 4000, 8000, and so on). The ability to 

increase your Beam Katana's maximum combo is available only once for each

of the four Katanas. The ability to increase vitality and strength is 

available each time you go up in rank.

Note that vitality and strength exercises are one time only. If you're rank

8, you can do those two exercises and increase those stats. If you forget

and jump to rank 7 and head to the Thunder Ryu Building, you can still do

the exercises. However, you can't make up the missed exercises. You can 

still only do one of each (instead of two of each--one for missing the rank

8 exercises, and one for becoming rank 7). If you start a New Game +, 

completed exercises are kept, so you can finish off anything you missed.

The minigames (exercises) are as follow:

Dumbbells--Travis will hold a pair of dumbells, and you'll need to lift 

them a total of 30 times in 30 seconds to max out your Beam Katana combo. 

You alternate between the right hand (fling Wiimote upwards) and the left 

hand (fling the Nunchuk upwards). It's a fairly easy minigame and 

definitely won't take the entire 30 seconds to complete. You can do this 

exercise once for each Beam Katana.

Bench Press--Travis will need to lift up a heavy barbell 10 times within

one minute. In order to do the repititions, rapidly press the A button. If

you stop pressing them, Travis will lower the weights back down to his 

chest, forcing you to repress the buttons to lift it back up (if you get

tired for any reason, just press the Home button to pause the game). 

Succeeding this minigame will upgrade your attack power. It can be done

after every ranked fight, for a total of nine bars of strength. Your

added bars of energy can be viewed in the pause menu (yes, there is "room"

for a tenth bar, but nine bars of strength is indeed the maximum).

Squats--Travis will, obviously, need to do squats in this minigame. He

needs to do 20 of them in 30 seconds. To perform a squat, simply flick the

Wiimote and Nunchuk downwards at the same time. You can easily perform two

squats per second if you strike a nice rhythm. It isn't too hard. 

Succeeding in the squats will increase Travis's maximum vitality. You can

perform this exercise after each ranking fight, for a total of nine 

vitality increases. You won't see any difference in health until you

perform all eight. When you do, the heart will get significantly larger,

adding about 15% to your total vitality.


~Gold Town~


Signified by a glass of beer, accessed after defeating Shinobu and located

in an alley right behind the Thunder Ryu Bldg. is Gold Town. It's home to

several shops, but most importantly, a bar. Inside the bar you can find a

drunken man called Lovikov. When you first meet him he will tell you to go

find a bunch of his balls in order to master new techniques. He's talking

about Lovikov Balls, though. After speaking with him, check the map on the

pause menu. A bunch of orange and pink dots will appear.

The pink dots are spots on the ground where buried treasure lies. The 

orange dots are the Lovikov Balls. The balls are not buried. To collect 

them, merely walk into them (or run them over if you're riding the

Schpeltiger). When you are close to a Lovikov Ball you will here a loud 

hum. It's easy to hear when you're not riding the Schpeltiger because there

is no music when running through the city.

There are 49 Lovikov Balls to be found. I have a list of the ball locations

in a later section. Check there if there are any balls you need to find.

Head back to Lovikov to purchase abilities. He requires 7 balls per

ability. There are seven abilities (the Killer7 refrences still don't end

here!) to be purchased, so you'll be using every ball. As a note, several

Free Fight mission symbols cover up some orange dots on the map. You may 

need to look at my list anyways if you don't find them all before unlocking

the Free Fight missions.

Here are the purchasable abilities, listed in the recommended order of


Memory of Child--When you hold the B button outside of combat you will be

able to perform a dash. Travis's stamina is displayed by a bar on the right

side of the screen. When you are dashing, the meter will slowly empty. Stop

running to make it refill. If it runs out, Travis will crouch over to catch

his breath. Get this ability as soon as you can--it makes traveling around

Santa Destroy much easier on foot. Also, you MUST get this before paying 

off the entrance fee to the rank 1 fight. If you don't, you'll be hating

yourself. Trust me.

Memory of Woman--Dark Side mode will now about twice as long. Definately

one of the better upgrades because Dark Side mode does get activated time

and again, and wouldn't it be more fun if it didn't end in like 10 seconds?

Now you can make twice as many enemies spill blood! 

Memory of Three--All enemies (and by that, it means targetable objects as

well as enemies that will activly try to kill you) appear on the mini-map

as red dots. Quite useful because you can tell when you're about to be

ambushed when turning a corner just ahead of you, or when you need to clear

a room of enemies and you can't find an enemy or two that is hiding. 

Breakable doors, telephone poles, and other things also appear on the mini-

map as red dots despite not being actual "enemies". Don't get too confused.

Memory of Tattoo--After buying this ability, whenever you kill strings of

enemies you may notice "## Combo" on the side of the screen. This is 

because after you beat a boss you will earn extra cash for your maximum

combo throughout the level. Your combo increases with each enemy killed,

and resets if you ever take damage. You get paid $2000 LBs times the 

maximum combo, so if you can kill well without taking damage, you can earn

quite a large amount of money after beating a boss.

Memory of Demon--If you shake the Nunchuk you can perform a jumping slice

on enemies, knocking them to the ground and setting them up for an instant

kill Down Attack. During the brief time before the hit connects, Travis is

completely vulnerable to attack, and if he's hit then the attack gets

cancelled out and you'll have to try again. Quite useful against groups of

enemies, but you'll need to avoid getting attacked as you pull off the 


Memory of White--This ability extends the range of a Down Attack. If you

are locked on to a downed enemy, press the A button to perform a jumping

Down Attack. It doesn't matter how far away you are from the downed enemy,

just as long as you are locked on you will be able to kill them. This

ability works hand in hand with Memory of Demon, so it's advised that you

get both of them at once.

Memory of Mask--With this ability you can grab enemies at a slightly 

farther range. Apparently. To be perfectly honest, I can't find any 

improvement in grabbing range with this ability. If there is one, it's 

definitely quite small. Save this ability for last if you can--there is no

real need to buy it early. Not to mention grabbing is only important during

boss fights, and if you manage to make them dizzy then you are likely 

already close to them. Although, this ability is insanely useful for the

wrestling match Assassination Gigs. I have noticed a huge improvement 

there. If you have trouble with those missions, this is a great ability to



~Beef Head Video~


This place is around the corner of the Thunder Ryu Bldg. and is represented

by an orange logo with bull horns on it, accessable only after you defeat

Shinobu. You'll want to check back at Beef Head Video often in order to

collect all of the available video tapes that they occasionally sell. Don't

worry about those bizarre and funny titles Travis rents that Diane 

complains about--you don't need to return those (you can't even watch them,


You can, though, purchase videos that you can watch back at the motel. If

you watch a video then you will learn a new wrestling move. It's advised

that you watch all of them so you can perform all of the various 

wrestling moves the game has to offer.


                           ~6.Items in Combat~


There are a variety of items you can find in combat situations (and for the

most part, you'll only find these in boss levels). Get to know these items

well because you'll be wanting to find them often.

Pizza--You can find pizza inside pink boxes. Break open the box and either

a full pizza or a piece of pizza will appear. A slice of it (it is quite

small and easily distinguishable) will refill about 15% of your vitality.

A large pizza will restore your vitality back to max. You can only find 

these in pink boxes. Pink boxes found on all boss levels will contain

pieces of pizza.

Battery--Found in blue boxes, and work in a way similar to pizza. Once you

break the box open, either a small battery piece (a triangle) or a large

battery (a large rectangle) will pop out. The small battery will refill

about 50% of your Beam Katana's electricity. The large battery will refill

the electricity back to maximum. Until you get the Tsubaki Mk-III's Energy

Saver, always get these boxes. Blue boxes found in boss fights contain

small batteries.

Money Chests--Just as the name implies. Break open this red chest and a 

fountain of money will rain out. Money automatically gets picked up by you,

so don't worry about the effort needed to pick it all up. The chests 

contain about $1000 LBs, and aren't found on many levels.

Card Chests--Far more valuable than Money Chests, these chests look 

exactly the same. However, when you break them open, a trading card will

pop out instead. There will be five trading cards in each boss level on 

your first playthrough of the game. When you start a New Game +, additional

Card Chests will appear containing new cards. Any unclaimed Card Chests

from the first playthrough will remain in the level until you collect it.

Wrestling Masks--Before every boss fight you will find a Wrestling Mask on

the ground, along with a note on it from the mysterious M.S. (Mask Smith?).

You learn a new wrestling move from picking these up, and the wrestling

move is conveniently used for the upcoming boss.


                          ~7.Heroic Walkthrough~


And finally, let's begin the actual walkthrough itself. The way I'll be

writing this is pretty simple to understand. I will begin by talking about

all of the new activities that open up after defeating an assassin and

moving up in rank. This includes the new Job Center side-job, 

K-Entertainment assassination gigs that will open up, and descriptions of

Free Fight missions you can try. 

The descriptions of those jobs and missions will be somewhat brief. If you

want a far more detailed description, then look in the Side Job/

Assassination Gig/Free Fight mission sections for extremely detailed 

descriptions on how to beat the missions, or score the most amount of 


After I get through explaining all of the side missions and jobs, its time

to describe the boss level itself. I will list the locations of all the 

cards you can grab along the way, as well as methods to defeating the

various enemies on your way to the boss.

Finally, there is the boss fights. Obviously, the details for each boss is

going to be important. I'll list how to dodge all of their attacks, how to

predict their attacks, vulnerability times and the best method to killing

the boss as quickly as possible.

Now, let's spill some blood!


                         ~7A.Rank 10-Death Metal~


Turn on the game and select your difficulty. Choose Sweet if you want to

have a moderately easy time with the game, or Mild if you want a challenge

through the game. You can only choose the hardest difficulty, Bitter, for

a New Game + sadly (that's for the better, though--it's quite hard).

You'll go through several badass cutscenes in the beginning. In order to

trigger the cutscenes, walk Travis over to the stairs of the motel. He'll

hop on his Schpeltiger and cruise on off to his destination.

Go ahead. Enjoy the cutscenes. Hopefully they will get you pumped up for 

the fun times you're going to have.


~Townsend Residence~


You'll crash through a mansion's entrance, wiping out the guards in the

way. Once you get control of Travis, press the A button to switch on the

Beam Katana. You will then be asked if you want to play the tutorial. If

you want to, and I highly advise you do, go right ahead and learn the 

basics of the game. Look at my combat section above to learn additional

info about all of the moves, including the ones not included in the 


Anyways, once the tutorial is over, you will face two basic grunts. These

guys will rarely attack you, instead preferring to just walk circles around

you. Corner each of them and slash away. They are both easily wiped out

after several attacks. Once you dispose of both of the guards, the door on

the second floor opens up. Head up either staircase and go through into the

next room.

Once you enter the room, the door behind will close and traps you in. A

bunch more of those guards spawn in this room, and you'll need to take them

all out. There are six total, and they like to gang up on you in pairs. 

They can also be a bit aggressive, and you may take a little damage. 

Luckily for you there happens to be a health box in the back of the room.

Grab it if you need to restore your health.

The door will open after defeating the enemies. The door leading back to 

the lobby will close, though, forcing you to head right and down the 

hallway. Follow the hallway to the end and then climb the spirling 

staircase to the third floor. At the end of this hallway is a blue box

containing a battery restore. Before the end of the hallway is a side

hallway to the left with the entrance to the next main room. Before

entering, break the box to grab TRADING CARD 001.

The doors will lock again, and now you will have to fight through twenty

cronies. These guys are now brandishing katanas, and are more powerful than

the normal guards you are used to. Try to fight each of them one by one to

avoid taking too much damage. Near the entrance of this room is another

health box if you ever need a health restore. Hopefully you can score a

Dark Side attack in here (I almost always get three cherries during this

fight). You can also break open the chest infront of the desk to grab 


Once all of the enemies stop spawning, the doors will unlock. Head out the

door on the right and turn right to find a chest containing $500 LBs. 

Head back to the hallway and head back right and down the staircase again.

As you make your way back to the lobby, you'll need to take down another

six guard. Watch out for the lone guard the ambushes you around the corner.

Once all six are killed, the door to the lobby opens. Instead of entering

it right away, head down the hallway past it to the dead end to find a

chest containing $300 LBs.

When you reach the bottom of the lobby, turn around the find a new hallway

you can head down (as the cutscene before showed). Four more grunts are

through here. The first two don't have any weapons while the second pair

wield katanas. None of them should prove to be too difficult. At the end of

the hallway a beam katana weilding grunt will spawn after the first four

are murdered, Beam katana wielders will always be much stronger than other

foes in the level, and always have the highest amount of health. 

Watch out for his charge attack. It can't be blocked. When he swings his

katana three times, keep locked on to him and rock the control stick left

and right. After an attempt or two you will Darkstep him and be able to get

a ton of free hits on the foe, easily wiping him out. The ! leads to the

next area, so head on through.

In this large room you will need to kill off a group of ten enemies. All

of them are spread out, and only a few of them are holding katanas, so this

should be an easy fight. Once you wipe them out, another group of seven

enemies will spawn. Same process here. Half of them are wielding katanas,

but with even fewer enemies this still shouldn't prove very difficult. Once

you kill them all, a cutscene will show the nearby gate opening, as well as

another beam katana wielder dropping down. Before leaving the room, open

the chests at the back end of the room. The one on the right has $500 LBs,

the one on the left holds TRADING CARD 003.

Watch out for the enemies with pistols down this final hallway. Before

doing anything else, turns around when you enter this outdoor hallway. You

can find TRADING CARD 004 in the chest. There are only five enemies on the

way to the end. All of them use guns, so approach them one at a time. Wait

for them to fire several bullets, then rush the foe while they run off to

reload. Once one enemy is disposed, move to the next. When all are killed,

you can enter the ! to the final area.

Not long after you begin walking down this hallway, Sylvia will call you

(turn up the speakers on the Wiimote, otherwise have fun watching Travis

walk slowly for about 30 seconds). Once her motivating conversation ends,

you can walk at full speed again. TRADING CARD 005 is in a chest towards 

the end of the room, as well as a wrestling mask right next to the bathroom

(labeled as the giant "S"). Speaking of which, enter that and save now.

Enter the nearby ! to begin the fight.


Battle for Rank 10--Travis vs. Death Metal

Enjoy the pre-battle cutscene and prepare to fight. Death Metal has two

main attacks, and as long as you are locked on to him and not swinging

wildly, both of them are completely blockable. The first is a simple 

horizontal slice (despite the sword going through Travis's body, you'll

take no damage). The second is a huge ten-swing combo attack. Rock the

control stick back and forth to perform a Dark Step in the middle of the 

combo. The only problem here is that you'll likely take a little damage

from the sword when you initiate the Dark Step. I have no idea why this is.

The damage is neglible compared to how much you'll be dealing.

Also of note is that every few Dark Steps will stun Death Metal. Grab him

while he's stunned and perform the wrestling move prompts. As you'll find

out, wrestling moves do a lot of damage to bosses. Always use them when

the oppertunity presents itself.

Death Metal is also vulnerable to attack after each of his own attacks.

Wait for him to stop swinging, then throw three or four swings of your own,

then back off a bit. Obviously, the clanking noise is an obvious sign you

aren't dealing any damage. 

The fight remains simple until he loses half of his health. When he does,

he clones himself twice over. The real Death Metal will remain at half

health whenever you lock-on to him, and he will always be in a defensive

position. The two clones will start at full health and actively try to hit

you. Each clone will only need several hits to kill, and you can't hurt the

real Death Metal until both clones are killed. Try to single one out, wait

for the combo attack, then perform a Dark Step and beat the crap out of the


Each of the clones will require three or four Dark Steps to finish off, or

about 20-30 regular swings. Once the clones are killed, the real Death 

Metal will continue his attacks against you. Just keep defending--he hasn't

learned anything new and won't try to defend himself after he finishes 

either of his two attacks.

It should only take a few minutes to wrap up this battle. I highly advise

getting used to the Dark Step here. The move is the #1 counterattack 

against every single boss in this game. Learn it, learn it well. Once the 

fight ends, break open the chest for $2000 LBs and a vitality upgrade

(don't worry--you're forced to get this to continue with the game). Enter

the flashing ! and get the hell out of here.



                           ~7B.Rank 9-Dr. Peace~

Entrance Fee-$150,000 LBs

Quote-" my song!"


So, you've killed Death Metal and you're on your way to the top of the

rankings list. There's still a long way to go, though. You'll return to the

motel after winning each ranked fight, and you'll be prompted to save the

game. The next cutscene is basically telling you to head outside, but 

first, take a look around the room.

There's a living room on the right, and the bedroom on the left. Nothing

of major importance is in the bedroom, except for a closet to change 

Travis's clothes and a drawer where you can swap Beam Katanas (you don't

possess any other at the moment, though). The living room has the toilet

where you can save, a TV where you can watch videos you can purchase later,

and the Cards option which allows you to view cards you have collected.

Once you are done messing around, leave the motel. Walk down the stairs and

into the parking lot. Ignore the Schpeltiger for now and head for the exit

and enter the ! to get inside the limo. After a short talk with Sylvia, she

will kick you out onto the streets.

Conveniently infront of K-Entertainment, that is. She mentioned that this

is where you can take on assassination missions and earn a decent amount

of cash, at least enough to pay off your $150,000 LB fee. Enter K-

Entertainment and you will be shooed away by the woman at the desk, saying

that you'll need to prove yourself as a hard worker before you can begin

assassinating. Well that's just great. After leaving you will unlock the

Job Center. Convenient. 

The Job Center is marked by a pink dot on the map with a man on it. It is

quite a distance away, so you'll want to drive there. Press the 1 button to

have Bishop drive the Schpeltiger over to where you're standing. This will

only work if you're a decent distance away from the Schpeltiger (and you

are currently). Hop on with the A button and get a feel for the controls.

A is accelerate, B to break, control stick to turn. Fairly simple. You can

hold Z to boost, and if you hold B and quickly tilt the Wiimote left or 

right, you can pull off quick 90 degree turns. Flick the Wiimote upwards

to do a jump. Have fun messing around, but be sure to at least be driving

towards your destination.

Enter the Job Center once you reach it. Enter and the man behind the 

counter will give a short speech on the importance of hard work to get

anywhere in this world. Once you reach the bulletin board you can choose 

the part-time job you want to play. The only one available is Coconut

Collector, so pick it and leave.

The minigame is held near Body Slam Beach, relatively close to the Job

Center. Just head for the purple "M" on the map. 


Side Job 1--Coconut Collector

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs per coconut delivered

Gold Rank--7 Coconuts

In this minigame your goal is to bring as many coconuts as you can back to

the coconut vendor. After talking with the vendor the game will begin. You

will be making coconuts drop from the palm trees all around the vendor 

instead of buying them from a store. That's crazy! To make the coconuts

fall, walk near trees. When you see the A button flash above Travis's head,

that will tell you it is a tree that contains coconuts. 

Press the A button several times to punch and kick the tree until coconuts

fall. 1-3 coconuts will fall from each tree. Walk over to each coconut and

press the A button to pick it up. Travis can carry a maximum of three

coconuts. He walks rather slow when he is holding them, so keep pressing 

the A button to make him waddle faster. Walk to the front of the vendor's

table to deliver the coconuts.

This process will repeat for the duration of the three minutes. Be careful,

though. Occasionally the falling coconuts will conk Travis on the head and

stun him for several seconds. Try to avoid that as much as possible by

standing still and waiting for the coconuts to fall down (and even then

they will still occasionally hit you).


You'll get paid once you time runs out. Getting at least a Silver rank here

is fairly easy (only requires about 5 coconuts to be delivered, and at 

least 10 is easily possible). Getting a Silver rank or better is necessary

because it unlocks the first two assassination gigs at K-Entertainment. 

Also, if you get a Gold rank, you unlock a Free Fight mission. We'll talk

about that after the pair of assassination gigs you unlocked. Head to

K-Entertainment and pick one of them.


Assassination Gig 01--Pizza Butt

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$30,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in 15 seconds or less

Head back over to the Job Center. Avalanche Hold is a parking garage

located next door to the Job Center, making it pretty easy to find. Once

you enter, you'll be confronted with a group of grunts. Your goal is not to

kill everyone, but rather the CEO himself. The CEO is behind his wall of

grunts and is labeled with "Target" above his head, making him easy to pin


None of the grunts have weapons, so they are all fairly easy to dispose of.

The problem is that the CEO is armed with a pistol, and will constantly

fire at you. Defeat a few grunts to clear a path to the CEO, then rush him.

I advise not using the lock-on for this fight when going for the CEO

because you might target a regular grunt by accident, wasting time. You 

only have one minute to kill the CEO. Failure to do so will result in no

pay whatsoever. 

Gold Rank Notes--It's extremely hard to Gold rank this at the beginning of

the game. Wait for a stronger Beam Katana (or the final one. The Tsubaki

Mk-III rips through enemies) and spam the down charge a few times. Rush for

the CEO and kill him quickly. If you're lucky, a Death Blow from one enemy

may have enough range to kill the CEO if he's nearby. By the way, the 

tenths of a second are irrelevent. If you finish in 15.86 seconds, it's 

still a Gold rank.



Assassination Gig 02--Snake Hall

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (15) until you die

Pay--$2,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $30,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory in under 1 minute

This mission takes place in the same parking garage as the first 

assassination gig. This mission is far more fun because you're just flat

out killing people instead of one specific target. All of these enemies

group up on your right from the start, so just go in swinging. A left/right

Death Blow is likely to kill several other enemies with its range

(especially if you use the Triangle Death Blow). There's only 15 enemies.

The last few will spawn towards the end, and they are armed with beam

katanas. They have more health than the regular grunts, so take them out

quickly and dodge their charge attacks.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing too hard. It's easily finished in about 30-45

seconds, so a Gold rank isn't insanely challenging. The main problem can be

a lack of doing much damage. Come back later after some training with

Thunder Ryu, or upgrading Beam Katanas a little later, for a much easier

shot at the Gold rank.



Free Fight Mission 01

Location--Northwest corner of Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$30,000 LBs

This Free Fight mission is hard because of the erratic spawning of enemies.

The first group is a mere three grunts. None of them should pose much of a

threat. The second group spawns after the last one dies. These next three

grunts are armed with crowbars, and they all have a charge attack they like

to spam. It's unblockable--ergo, if it connects with you, you fail the

mission (since you'll take damage and all that...). Spam Emergency Evades

and Dark Step whenever possible. They occasionally strike combos on you--

that's the time to Dark Step for a possible free kill.

The final group of enemies is the worst. Six will spawn, and I ensure at 

least one will be behind you. These are the same grunts as when the mission

started, but being swarmed by six of them at once, and not a single hit is

allowed on you, can make it a bit irratating. If possible, run away from

all of them and perform a low charge attack to decimate at least half the

group. That should make finishing the mission rather simple.


Well, that takes care of your money making opportunities. Coconut Collector

and either of the Assassination Gigs/Free Fight will easily put you over

$150,000 so you can enter the next ranked fight. To pay off the fee, head

for the ATM. It is located on near the motel, marked by an orange $ symbol

on the map. Walk up to it and Travis will take care of the rest. Head back

to the motel.

Sylvia will call and tell you the fight has been arranged at Destroy 

Stadium. Leave the motel after the phone call to find a "IX" has been 

marked on the map, signifying where the match takes place. You'll need to 

head for it. Destroy Stadium is located at the southwestern most point of

Santa Destroy. Still, the drive there shouldn't take more than a minute. 

The entrance to the battle is a back door of the stadium accessed in the

parking lot, not the front gates. Enter and prepare to fight.



~Destroy Stadium~


You'll be attacked by two baseball loving junkies right from the start.

Dispose of them then head down the hallway to the left. You will encounter

four more of these guys, all of them holding baseball bats. They're just

like crowbars, so occasionally you'll need to change stances in order to

score hits on them. At the end of the hallway is TRADING CARD 006's chest,

but it's being blocked by a beam katana wielding guard. Avoid his charge

attack and wait for him to combo swing. Dark Step his combo as you block 

it. Two Dark Steps will kill him, or about 15 swings total if you don't 

want to Dark Step.

Turn around and head back towards the entrance, this time heading further

down the hallway as if you had gone right at the beginning. Two more bat

wielding foes are waiting for you. After killing them, four last enemies

are around the corner. All of them will either use hand-to-hand combat, or

throw baseballs at you. Try not to get all four's attention at once and

instead focus on one at a time. Once every enemy in this area is killed,

access to the next area opens up.

Past the opened gate, turn right for a chest containing $600 LBs. Now head

left and down the hallway to an open area. A total of eight enemies are 

here. One infront of you, another pops out from the corner, four in the

center, then two in the back. The last enemy is wielding a beam katana, so

save him for last. I'd say rush in swinging to this fight. These guys will

not be attacking very often, and there is a health chest nearby to 

replenish any lost health. Access to the next area opens when these eight 

enemies have been decapitated.

In this long hallway there will be nine baseball throwing enemies. However,

they want Travis to partake in a small minigame. The enemy closest to you

will throw a baseball at you, and you'll need to swing the Beam Katana like

a baseball bat to hit the ball back at them, killing them. The harder the

swing the more enemies you will kill. Any of them leftover will need to be

manually killed. You get three chances. The power of the swing comes from

how hard you swing, as well as the transition from a high stance to a low

stance when the ball connects. Swing right before the ball passes Travis 

for best results. Once you pass/fail this game, pick up $500 LBs from

both chests in this hallway. The gate at the end blasts open if you killed

every enemy with the baseballs, or opens once you manually kill the 

remaining foes.

When you get out of the hallway, four enemies will rush up to you. Kill 

them all, Emergency Evading whenever necessary, and pick up TRADING CARD 

007 from a chest on the left. Two more enemies remain in this area. Kill

the bat-swinging freaks and enter the ! to move to the next area.

In this third area, head left. Before reaching the clearing with a group of

four enemies, a single guard will ambush you form the corner. Kill him, 

then rush into the group of four enemies. Once all of them have been killed

you can enter the flashing !. You'll play yet another baseball minigame

against a line of nine foes. The ball is significantly faster this time,

however. Once all of the enemies are killed, or you're running to kill

them yourself, grab the chests in this hallway. The first contains $500 

LBs while the second holds TRADING CARD 008.

A total of nine enemies are around the corner, and they can be a bit 

annoying to kill. You've got a variety of them this time. Baseball 

throwers, bat wielders, hand combaters, and they end with a guard holding

a beam katana. You'll probably take some damage from attacking so many foes

at once, but back away if you can't get many hits in and try to single out

a single foe. Before moving on to the next area after killing every enemy,

grab TRADING CARD 009 from the chest.

A bunch of enemies crowd this final hallway. None of them are overly 

difficult to kill, and you generally only fight one at a time, making it

quite easy. Towards the end, two beam katana wielders will run out of the

bathrooms (you can't use these, though) and attack you. Once you kill those

two guys, the final enemy of the hallway also wields a beam katana. He's

different, though. His charge attack sends a ball of energy flying at you.

Emergency Evade or just move left/right to avoid. Kill him quickly before

he racks up too much damage. Just past this guy is the chest containing

TRADING CARD 010. For killing every enemy, the double doors ahead open up.

In the long hallway, Sylvia will call and tell you the fight is ahead. Grab

the Wrestling Mask near the bathroom, use the bathroom to save the game, 

and be sure to grab the health and battery pickups before reaching the end

of the hallway. Enter the arena when you're ready.


Battle for Rank 9--Travis vs. Dr. Peace

Dr. Peace is an insanely simple boss fight if you know what you're doing.

And if you don't, well, it's still very easy. You'll start far away from

Dr. Peace. He starts on the pitchers mound while you're stuck at home 

plate. Run on over to him, but hold down the Z button when he starts firing

his pistols so that you can block his attacks.

Once you reach Dr. Peace, the fight can really begin. Dr. Peace's attacks

consist of firing single bullets at you, firing a huge barrage of bullets

at you, and firing several powerful bullets at you. These attacks are all

blockable, but note that Dr. Peace cannot move while he is attacking. You

can Emergency Evade out of the way during his attacks, which is advisable

because your Beam Katana's energy will quickly deplete from blocking his


He is vulnerable during the short reload time after every attack, as well

as whenever he does attack. Basically, he's almost always vulnerable. Once

you start damaging him, though, he gets a new attack. He'll stand still and

hold one pistol, red energy lines absorbing into him (easily indicating

he's gonna pull off some crazy move). He'll then turn to face you after

several seconds and fire an extremely fast and powerful bullet that does

quite a lot of damage and knocks you to the ground. When he turns around,

Emergency Evade in any direction to ensure your safety. Alternatively, just

keep moving left/right in circles around him as you are locked on. Either

works fine for avoiding him.

Occasionally your combos will stun him. The wrestling move will do a lot of

damage to Dr. Peace, so be sure to grab him at every possible opportunity.

When Dr. Peace attacks when he is fully off the pitcher's mound, he 

usually fires a barrage of bullets at different angles. It's easy to hit

him here-Emergency Evade away from him and rush at his side.

Whenever he charges for his super bullet attack, there is also the chance

to stun him. As he's charging, pull of a Charged Beat Attack. It won't

always stun him, but it often does. Not only does it cancel out his attack,

but it's also a free wrestling move attack. Nice. It's also possible to do

this (usually with low Charged Beat Attacks) after he finishes shooting 

after any of his attacks.

Once his health is depleted, when you get close to him time will freeze and

a button will appear above Travis' head. Press it to finish off Dr. Peace.

Push the wrong button or take too long and Dr. Peace will shoot you away.

Obviously, fail too many times and you'll end up getting killed. 

Collect your vitality increase after killing the doctor and head back to 

hotel Mr. Rank 9.



                           ~7C.Rank 8-Shinobu~

Entrance Fee-$200,000 LBs

Quote-"What's that in your hand, a toy?"


After your fight, feel free to save the game. You'll get a phone call and

invoice from the UAA. The entrance fee to the next match is $200,000 LBs.

That isn't too much--you earned half of that from winning the fight with

Dr. Peace. 

Leave the motel and you will be alerted that several new facilties are 

open. Allow me to explain them in reverse order of importance. Firstly, 

Area 51 is now open. This is represented by a T-shirt on the mini-map. As

you could guess, this is the only clothing store within Santa Destroy. You

will find a decent amount of clothes here, including new sunglasses, belts,

jeans, t-shirts, and jackets. All of the clothing is quite expensive,

though, so you'll need to kill a lot to buy some of it. Also, new clothing

is unlocked every time you increase in rank. Several pieces of clothing

aren't unlocked until you start a New Game +. Clothing has no effect on the

game other then to make Travis dress a way you want him to.

The second new location is the Thunder Ryu Building. This is represented by 

an orange Kanji symbol (I'm guessing for "gym" or something). You'll 

definitely going to want to stop here. Be sure to bring some cash with you,

too. The Thunder Ryu Building is essentially your gym. Choose "Training"

(there aren't any other options...) and pick your workout. You can do

Dumbbells that increase the maximum combo of your current Beam Katana (you

can do this exercise once for each Beam Katana). The price starts at $2000

LBs and doubles through each exercise.

Bench Presses increase Travis's strength. You can do this a maximum of 

eight times, once after each ranking match. Don't forget to do it! The

cost starts at $1000 LBs and doubles for each new training session. Squats

increase maximum vitality. You won't see any improvement until you do all

eight training sessions of it, though. The price is the same as Bench

Presses, and can also be only done once after each ranking fight. I'll 

always remind you to head to the Thunder Ryu Building after each rankings

fight. Remember, these prices go up exponentially, so you'll be needing a

lot of cash later on. For now, only $4000 LBs is required to train in all

three catagories.

Finally, and the best new location, is Naomi's Lab. It's in a warehouse 

right behind the motel, but can be tough to find. From the motel's exit, 

turn right, then turn right again at the intersection. A long wall will be

on the right side of the road. When you see an opening between two red

gates leading to a warehouse, turn there. It shouldn't take too long to 

find. Enter Naomi's Lab at the warehouse. 

Naomi is a scientist who works on creating new Beam Katana models. At the

moment she has the Tsubaki ready for purchase at the low price of $98,000

LBs. It's well worth it--this Beam Katana is far more powerful than the

Blood Berry. You should also buy the Accelerator accessory for $29,800 

LBs. This accessory doesn't need to be bought for each Beam Katana. When

you get close to buried treasure, the Wiimote will rumble. When it rumbles

violently, stab the ground to recieve the treasure. Good to know. If you

leave and re-enter the lab, you'll find Power Up-I and Energy Saving-I are

also available for purchase, both at $29,800 LBs. They do exactly as they

say for the Tsubaki--increase its power and require less electricity per

attack/block respectively. Buy them as soon as possible. But you may need

more cash...

Luckily for us there is a new part-time job. Head on over to the Job 

Center. The newest job is Lawn Mowing. Take it on--it's good pay.


Side Job 2-Lawn Mowing

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Pay--$300 LBs per acre cut (100 acres, maximum of $30,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Cut 80 acres

This is a pretty simple minigame, and goes faster than the previous side-

job. The control scheme is easy to understand. Hold A to move the lawn

mower forward, hold B to go in reverse, tilt the Wiimote left or right to

turn in the respective direction, and hold Z to do a fancy 90 degree turn.

There are a total of 100 acres of grass, but you don't need to cut them all

(infact, it's quite a bit hard to do so in the time limit).

Make use of the reverse button. It'll come in handy for the smaller patches

of grass. And don't forget to pull off 90 degree turns with the Z button,

especially when you are stuck against a wall. They can be extremely useful.

The pay for the minigame is quite good, but later assassination missions

completely overshadow the maximum amount you can earn from this. A measely

$30,000 LBs isn't going to get you far later in the game.

The best strategy for cutting the grass is start with the outside layer, 

then slowly make your way inside. Cut through the middle and work in lines

once you have finished circling around the outside. When you get to about

80 acres of grass cut, you'll be running low time and the remaining grass

patches are likely spread out all over the field. Use the reverse function

to best use. You'll need a decent amount for a Silver rank to get those new

assassination missions.


If you get a Silver rank or better, then you will unlock Assassintation

Gigs 3 and 4. If you get a Gold rank, then you will also unlock a new Free

Fight mission. Let's start with the good paying Assassination Gigs.


Assassination Gig 03--Hooligans Parade

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (15) using ONLY wrestling moves

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $45,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all 15 enemies

This mission takes place at Destroy Stadium. The entrance is the stadium's

gates. This mission can be quite difficult because you are limited to only

wrestling moves. You can't swing your Beam Katana. What you need to do is

simple to understand, but irritating to pull off. Use Charged Beat Attacks

on every enemy, then grab them while they are stunned and pull off a 

wrestling move. It will always be an instant kill, no matter what. The 

problem is getting off Charged Beat Attacks.

If you attract the attention of one enemy, you can be sure several others

will follow him. While performing the beat attack, your move can be 

cancelled out if you take damage. And with several foes surrounding you,

that is likely. The good thing is that one Charged Beat Attack, especially

the low ones, can stun multiple enemies at once, allowing for a long string

of kills.

Once the first group of nine enemies are killed, six more spawn on the

outside of the field. They all rush you at once. Get several Charged Beat

Attacks in on the first one or two foes that reach you and try to take them

about before it gets too crowded. After that, Emergency Evade to a side and

try to line them all up, making it easier to take down only one at a time.

Gold Rank Notes--Killing every enemy in the time limit can be very 

annoying, so you'll need to work quick. Focus on one enemy at a time. If 

you focus on more, you risk getting hurt more, wasting time as you keep

trying to pull of Charged Beat Attacks. Focus on lone enemies and you'll

finish before the time limit expires.



Assassination Gig 04--Baseball Battle

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$4,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $40,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all 9 enemies

Remember the baseball throwing minigames during the Dr. Peace level? This

assassination gig is that exact same thing. You have three chances to kill

as many enemies as possible. The ball move pretty slowly in this one, so

the timing isn't too hard to get right. 

The strength put into the ball is based on two factors--how fast you swing,

and your change from a high stance to a low stance. If you can swing hard

from high to low, you are ensured a large amount of kills (usually 

resulting in all of the enemies getting killed in one go). If you only kill

8 in the first or second balls, the last enemy can be hard because the ball

is thrown from such a long distance. It'll take about five full seconds

before it reaches you, so be patient.

Gold Rank Notes--I don't really have any. All you need to do is kill all

nine enemies. If you're having trouble smacking the ball hard enough,

change how you hold the Wiimote. Swing hard, moving it from point upwards

to pointing slanted downwards a bit for best results.



Free Fight Mission 02

Location--Basketball Court in Northern Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$35,000 LBs

The mission starts with three grunts spawning just ahead of you. All three

of them are easy to take down as none of them have weapons. Just play it

safe and Emergency Evade whenever you're afraid you will take damage. Never

can be too safe in these Free Fight missions.

Once the beginning trio is killed off, five more enemies will spawn, all 

of them wielding crowbars. Run away and focus on killing one at a time,

trying to Dark Step any combo that they unleash on you. All of them can

perform charged attacks--instant death in these missions. Remember the 

time limit. Be quick, but don't rush it to the point where you will be 


After those five are dead, two final enemies will drop down. One holds a

crowbar, the other a beam katana. Kill the crowbar wielder first before

taking on the man with the beam katana. Attack him like you would all beam

katana wielding foes--block his combo attack and try to Dark Step it, and 

avoid his charge attack. Cautiousness will earn you a victory here.


Before paying off the entrance fee at the ATM, make sure you've bought the

Tsubaki from Naomi and bought both upgrades for it. Once you pay off the

entrance fee and talk to Sylvia at the motel and you'll find out the next

ranked match is at Santa Destroy High School. It's located around the 

center of southern Santa Destroy, so head for the XIII on the map and get

ready to fight!


~Santa Destroy High School~


Several enemies will attack you as you set foot on the school grounds. Head

left from the start. A trio of enemies will be waiting for you. They don't

put up much of a fight. You should notice that the crowbar wielders have

really, really poor attack accuracy, so don't expect them to be much of a


After killing them, return to the entrance of the school and head off to 

the right to find a group of six more students. They will all swarm you at

once, so try to hack and slash your way through them and hope that the

Death Blows cover a large enough range to take out several at once. Just to

the left of the group is a chest containing TRADING CARD 011. Once you've

disposed of all the enemies, the ! will appear leading into the school.

Once you enter you will be attacked by two students, and in the middle of 

the fight a third will appear. Kill them all off, avoiding their axe 

swings, then head right in the hallway to find a chest holding TRADING CARD

012. Now head left and down the hallway. As you turn the corner you will

be ambushed by a dangerous enemy. Many students throughout the school are

wielding planks of wood that have been lit on fire. If you're hit, Travis

will be lit on fire and will take damage every few seconds. If you get lit

on fire, search for a yellow arrow on the mini-map--those are fire

extingushers that will, well, do as the name says.

In the middle of the next hallway several more fire board students will

attack. On the right is a blocked off staircase, but you can move behind it

to find a box containing health. Continue down the hallway, and around 

several more corners. A student with a flaming board will appear around

almost every corner. At the end of the second long hallway you will

encounter two more students with flaming boards. Take caution with them.

Once all of the enemies have been killed, the ! will appear. Enter it to

find a student setting off the fire alarms.

This will make the Beam Katana short-circuit, shocking Travis. You can't

attack, but at the least you can run much faster. You need to dodge all of

the enemies' attacks. Weaving in and out of them at the speed you're 

running won't be much of a problem. At the end of the hallway will be an

open door with electrical stations inside. Enter the ! to shut off the 

sprinklers. Recharge the Beam Katana and head back through the hallways,

this time getting revenge on those bastards and killing them all. Luckily,

the water extinguished all of the students' flaming boards, so no need to

worry about catching on fire. Enter the ! at the end once everyone has been

killed (does no teacher care we're killing their students?).

You'll enter the gym and you will have to fight your way through 15 

enemies, all of them using a variety weapons including bare fists, axes, 

and crowbars. The first thirteen aren't too difficult, but they like to

spawn and attack in groups so you may take some damage through the fight.

after they are dead, the final two will spawn. Surprise surprise, they're

beam katana wielders. Their charge attacks shoot balls of energy at you,

so make sure to evade it. Dark Step them or just bash their heads in (using

wrestling moves is also advised) to finish them off. 

The gym doors open when all 15 are killed. As soon as you leave the gym, 

look to the left at the hallway intersection to find a chest containing

TRADING CARD 014. Continue down the hallway to reach a staircase. Before

going up them, walk around the staircase to find a chest with TRADING CARD

013. Now head up the stairs. Sylvia will call, and after the call continue

down the hallway. Break open the chest for TRADING CARD 015, then turn the

corner and restore your health and battery power. Save the game, pick up

the Wrestling Mask, and begin the fight.


Battle for Rank 8--Travis vs. Shinobu

This won't be an easy fight. It's claimed as one of the hardest fights in

the game by most people. Basically, there is no point where she is deeply

vulnerable to damage. Not to mention that Shinobu has a ton of attacks.

First she has several different combo attacks. Most of them just involve 

her swinging her katana wildly, and a few have her performing jumping 

slashes every few swings. All of these can be blocked as long as you're

locked on to her. She isn't vulnerable after these attacks, so the most you

can do is attempt to Dark Step her here. She's vulnerable after her single

sword swing, though.

Next she will charge herself for a brief moment before yelling "Sonic 

Sword", at which point you should Emergency Evade in any direction. She

shoots a small, fast moving ring at you that deals a lot of damage. Avoid

it by any means necessary.

Speaking of avoiding, that is a pain in the ass throughout this fight. 

Those large pillars will constantly be getting in your way, and Emergency

Evading into one of them instantly breaks the lock-on to Shinobu. However,

you can use them to your advantage, too. Just keep a pillar between you and

Shinobu and the majority of her attacks can't hit you.

Of course, she's quite agile as you will soon find out. She jumps off of 

walls constantly, changing positions in the room in an instant (this also

breaks the lock-on to her). Keep moving the camera to find where she lands.

She can also sheathe her sword and attack. When she does this, get close

to her. She will run forward and do a swing at you. When she's infront of

you, right before she swings, hit right on the D-Pad. This is the easiest

Dark Step moment in the battle, and your first swing almost always dizzies

her, so follow up with a wrestling move (which takes out about 1/5th of her


Shinobu will also do a forward flip (eh...I don't know gymnastics moves.

She flips onto her hands and then flips to stand up again). In this combo

she will follow up by two sword swings, then a final swing that's 

unblockable. Be careful.

Occasionally she will hold her katana infront of her face, blocking any of 

your attacks. When she's doing this, a Charged Beat Attack will stun her,

setting you up for a wrestling move. Make use of it.

Finally, she will often pause and point her katana at you, taunting you by

saying something. You can get several free hits on her at this moment, so

show her how stupid she is by doing so.

Once you've depleted half of her energy she will gain several new attacks.

The first is a more advanced version of the Sonic Sword. The animation 

looks the same, but this time she will throw about a dozen rings at you.

Use the trick to keep a pillar between you and her to protect yourself. If

there is no nearby pillar, keep Emergency Evading to the left or right and

hope to avoid all of the rings. They do a ton of damage so you'll want to

avoid getting hit.

Her final attack, and by far the most devistating, is awesome to see. She

will stand still and charge for about a full second (a ton of red lines

will be absorbed, pretty easy to see). She will then run right at you. If

you see this, strafe to the left or circle around a pillar. If she connects

with her katana, you'll see a cutscene of her circling around you, beating

the bloody crap out of Travis. If you aren't at full health, you are dead.

Simple as that. You'll lose about 85% of your energy from this attack, so

basically if you've taken any damage from the fight this will result in a

one-hit-KO. Avoid it. Damn well avoid it.

Basically, the entire fight is merely hitting her a few times after she 

finishes an attack. Of course, she often follows up her attacks with yet

another attack, making this difficult. Dark Step opportunities are few and

far between, so make the best of them, and always attack her while she's


Bitter Advice--Almost everyone has trouble with Shinobu on Bitter 

difficulty. There's an easy way to beat her, though. Spam the Tsubaki 

Mk-III's low charge attack. Charge it up and keep pressing the A button 

when you release to do three swings through the attack. Travis is 

invincible while doing this, and it does a lot of damage to Shinobu. 

Shinobu often has moments where she is merely pacing around the stage, 

taunting you, or preparing attacks. Charge and unleash the attack then. 

About a dozen of these will end the battle. As long as you avoid that ass-

kicking near OHKO attack, it won't be extremely hard.

And if that's still a problem, then stop attacking her and learn her 

patterns. Every one of her attacks is easily sidestepped. Attack when she

lets her guard down, then hit down on the D-Pad to evade away from her, 

then wait for another opening. any case, once you do manage to beat Shinobu another health upgrade

is yours. Head back to the motel to save the game.



                           ~7D.Rank 7-Destroyman~

Entrance Fee-$250,000 LBs

Quote-"Come and get some, ha ha ha!"


Think your hot crap don't you now that you're on a roll in rankings here.

Rank 8 is nothing to scoff at--seven more killers are above you. That

$250,000 LB fee is pretty big, but we're going to be getting into some big

paying assassination gigs. Leave the motel when you're ready.

You have two new buildings accessable. Gold Town and Beef Head are open, as

well as a new part-time job. Head for Gold Town. It is located right behind

the Thunder Ryu Building. There's a parking lot right outside the Thunder

Ryu Building. Near it is a grated fence the creates a pathway to a small

alley with several shops. That's is Gold Town. All you can enter is the 


Inside you will find Lovikov, a drunken man who was clearly a fighter some

time ago. He'll shoo you off, saying that you should go find some Lovikov

Balls. Maybe we will! There are 49 Lovikov Balls scattered all across 

Santa Destroy. By talking to the man, all of their locations will be marked

on your map by small orange dots. For every seven you collect you can trade

them to Lovikov to learn a new skill. Look at the Santa Destroy Travel 

Guide section to find Gold Town and the order I advise buying skills 

(although for your sanity, buy Memory of Child as soon as possible). Or,

look at the Lovikov Ball Locations section to find some balls without much

effort. Your call. You'll want to get all of these abilities at some point,

however, because they are all quite useful in their own way.

While we're here, stop inside Thunder Ryu's gym and do some training. 

Increase the Tsubaki's maximum combo if you haven't already, your strength,

and your maximum vitality. Once that's all taken care of, head over to Beef

Head. It's marked on the map with a pair of horns. Bishop runs the store,

and he offers to sell you bootleg videos at a low price. Each video can be

watched with the TV in the motel. Watching each video makes you learn a

wrestling move, so I advise buy each video as they appear. New videos 

appear after every other ranking match from here on, so check back often.

With out affairs taken care of (sadly, no new Beam Katanas have been made

yet...), head on over to the Job Center. For the next job, I advise having

Memory of Child. Not a big deal if you don't, but you can earn a lot more

money if you do.


Side Job 3-Garbage Collection

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$1,000 LBs for each piece of trash

Gold Rank--Collect 25 pieces of trash

You'll be thrown out onto the streets of Santa Destroy, and there is a lot

of cans and other assorted trash to pick up. Obviously, if you have the

Memory of Child you can just run to each piece of trash, saving not only

time but allowing you to pick up nearly twice as much twice as you could

without the ability. 

You're not allowed to use the Schpeltiger here, but that won't be a 

problem. Trash will be scattered all around the surrounding area. Walk up

to a piece of trash and press the A button. When the camera focuses on the

piece of trash, flick the Wiimote upwards to scoop it up. That's it. There

isn't much complications here. Don't worry about running out of trash--it

infinite respawns. Use the three minutes to the fullest. Collecting at

least fourty pieces of garbage is quite simple, so this side-job pays off



If you got at least a Silver rank, two new Assassination Gigs will be

available for you. If you got a Gold rank, then Free Fight mission 04 will

be available. Free Fight mission 03 becomes unlocked after you beat 

Shinobu, which you probably have done by now, eh?


Assassination Gig 05--Pizza Butt Returns

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$50,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in 15 seconds or less

Everybody in this mission is now holding a pistol. You aren't likely to

finish this quickly if you try killing all of the CEO's guards, so rush

straight for him instead and wail on him. Perform an Emergency Evade here

and there to avoid being hit by bullets, but other than that there is 

nothing special about this mission.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing else to say. Really, just rush the CEO. Remember

that you can finish in, for example, 15.55 seconds and it will still be a

Gold Rank (so...technically you have 16 seconds to finish the mission). Eh.

All the same, kill and make it quick!



Assassination Gig 06--Sword Master

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill as many as you can (15) within the time limit

Pay--$4,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $60,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory in 1 minute or less

You'll be fighting in the area you fought Shinobu, which may lead you to

think that this fight against fifteen enemies will be annoying. Rest

assured, though, that there is a catch. See, all the enemies trigger a 

Death Blow after just one hit. I'm not sure why this is, but hey, makes the

mission really simple. Completion should be fairly easy from there. Of

course, you're likely to get into weapon clashes with almost every axe

wielding foe, and that chews up some time. Two minutes is quite generous,


Gold Rank Notes--Finishing in under one minute is insanely simple. It may

come down to a little bit of luck if you are constantly wasting time with

weapon clashes, but other then that simple one hit kills make finishing in

less than a minute a breeze. Or you can spam low charge attacks if you

still can't finish in time. Those always work.



Free Fight Mission 03

Location--Parking Garage adjacent to the Job Center

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$40,000 LBs

This Free Fight Mission is unlocked after defeating Shinobu. You face off

against ten students right away. No more will (thankfully) spawn. Eight of

them wield crowbars while the two in the back use beam katanas. From the

start, use a low charge attack and kill the first three enemies that rush

you. Afterwards, try and attract the attention of only a few more. Strike

rapidly, and don't be afraid to Emergency Evade whenever you think an enemy

is charging an attack (which, as usual, kills you).

You can probably finish this quite fast. Once you get down to the beam

katana foes, use a low charge attack on each of them to kill them quickly,

or at least weaken them and making a setup for a quick Death Blow. This

mission is only hard if you attract too much attention at once.



Free Fight Mission 04

Location--Santa Destroy High School (center of southern Santa Destroy)

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$40,000 LBs

This Free Fight Mission can be pretty easy if you know what you're doing.

Start off by using low charged attacks to kill the three students infront

of you. There's a fourth infront of the school entrance, so charge and 

walk into his range. Head down the left path to find a trio of enemies. 

Repeat the process of charging, getting only one foes' attention, kill him,

and repeat for another foe. Pretty simple. On the right side of the school

will be four final enemies. Two of them hold beam katanas, and a charge

attack will only knock off half of their health. Use Dark Steps if you can

to safely kill both of them. The other two enemies near them are easy to

kill normally or with charge attacks.


Once you have paid off the entrance fee, return to the motel to find where

the next fight has been set up. As you try and leave, you will pick up a

letter telling you to head for the subway station. It's located in 

southeastern Santa Destroy. Head for the marked VII on the map and prepare

to battle!


~Rounding Body Press Station~


As soon as you enter you can go through the ! to the other side of the 

gate, but before doing so, grab the chest containing TRADING CARD 016. Head

down the stairs to the station platform. Again, before entering the ! you

should grab the chest containing TRADING CARD 017 nearby. A train will come

for you when you enter the !. Don't think it'll be that easy.

As the train moves to its destination you will need to fight through 

several cars of enemies. Each train car contains one to three enemies. The

door to the next car only opens once the enemies in the current car have

been killed. The final railcar has three beam katana wielders. It can be

very annoying in the cramped space, but that makes low charged attacks all

the better! Once you kill them, the last car has the ! to take you off the


Before heading up the stairs, turn around and grab TRADING CARD 018 from a

chest. Now head up the stairs and towards the !. Before entering, turn 

around to find another chest containing TRADING CARD 019 near the unusable

restrooms. Use the ! and head for the next ! to leave the station.


~Bear Hug Film Studio~


Interesting. In any case, follow the path into the first film studio. You

will find the following fights quite irritating. These guys...wearing paper

bags on their heads...have annoying attacks when they swarm together on 

you. There are six enemies on the ground floor, all of them wielding stop

signs. Yeah. Try not to get too many of them attracted to you at one time.

That will spell quick disaster. Once you dispose of the first six, use the

staircases on the front or back ends of the room to reach the second floor.

Three pistol carrying enemies will be up here. Kill them and the door to

the next studio will open. 

In the brief moment you're outside before entering the second studio, head

left to find TRADING CARD 020. Inside the second studio, you'll find the

ground floor has three pistol users and three stop sign wielders in the 

back. Rush in against the pistol users and try to finish them all off as

quickly as possible before you take too much damage against them. The

second floor contains six enemies (one on the staircase), half of them

using pistols. When they die, three crowbar wielders will spawn on the 

ground floor. After killing them you can proceed on to the final studio.

The bottom floor contains three beam katana wielders, while the top floor

only has two. Try luring them out one at a time and going nuts attacking

them. Shouldn't take too many hits to finish each off. Once they are all

dead, two final enemies will spawn on the first floor. One has a pistol,

the other a beam katana. Standard fare against these guys. Once they die,

Sylvia will call and the door to the boss fight will open. Get the 

Wrestling Mask, health and battery restores, and save the game before



Battle for Rank 7--Travis vs. Destroyman

Travis you stupid idiot! Falling for old tricks like that...

Well, didn't cause you to lose health or anything. In any case this will be

an easy fight. Why? Because like any anime villain, Destroyman feels

compelled to yell out the name of all of his attacks. What a fool. The

only attack that he doesn't call out is a combo of punches. You can more

than easily Dark Step this attack and score almost a dozen hits on him, so

abuse that attack whenever possible.

The first of his attacks is Destroy POW. He'll raise one of his fists into

the air, then punches the ground, sending out a red shockwave. Back off to

avoid taking damage from the shock, then rush in and get in a few hits. You

can only get in a few before he jumps off.

Next is Destroy Cannon. Destroyman will cup both of his hands at his hips,

and as soon as he finishes yelling he will shoot a fast moving ball of 

energy at you. This attack is immensely powerful, so try not to get hit

by it. Simply Emergency Evade to the side when he fires. He is also 

vulnerable to a few strikes after using this attack (and often gets dizzied

from it).

After that is Destroy Beam. Destroyman will put his hands on the sides of

his head and fires a long range yellow beam. It can be blocked by the Beam

Katana, so no need to outrun it. Destroyman is rarely vulnerable after this

attack, but you can strike him during the attack if you can Emergency Evade

behind him.

Finally there is Destroy Spark. He will extend one of his hands and shoots

a short range flurry of sparks. This won't hit you if you are a bit backed

up from Destroyman. Best of all is that he is completely vulnerable 

during this attack, so take the time to wail on him.

Once you whittle down half of his health, Destroyman will fly into the air

and several alarms will come on. He is invincible while in the air, so

you'll need to make him fall. Along the walls of the room are several

control panels, each marked with a flashing yellow light. Lock-on to one 

and hit it several times to destroy it. There are three of them. Two of 

them merely drop props while only one of them drops Destroyman. It is

random as to which does what, so destroy until he falls down. Keep moving

during this phase--Destroyman will launch nothing but Destroy Cannon's at

you, so avoid the fast moving energy balls.

After Destroyman gets back up, he'll start using his ultimate attack--

Destroy Buster. Or Crotch Cannon. You're choice as to what you want to

think of it. He'll pose triumphantly as his...crotch...glows blue, then

launches a huge laser. It can't be blocked so you'll need to outrun it.

Keep strafing either left or right and you can outrun it. If you hit the

wall, Emergency Evade left and right constantly to remain invincible until

the attack ends. After he stops, Destroyman will laugh at how pathetic you

are, allowing for a ton of free hits.

That's how the battle goes. Wait for him to yell an attack, dodge it, then

wail on him. See? Nothing too hard about this fight. Just don't get hit by

too many attacks, and watch your feet. Filming equipment is strewn across

the floor and can hamper your movement if you aren't paying attention.

Also, Destroyman occasionally guards himself by holding both of his arms

infront of his face. Use a Charged Beat Attack here to stun him and pull

off a wrestling move. Wrestling moves don't deal too much damage to 

Destroyman, but they still do a decent amount, so use them whenever 

possible to end the fight quicker.

After you win, pick up your vitality increase and get out of here.



                        ~7E.Rank 6-Holly Summers~

Entrance Fee-$300,000 LBs

Quote-"Still, just a bud."


Save the game and listen to your congratulatory message. You'll need to pay

$300,000 LBs this time, but if you have done every side-job and 

Assassination Gig at least once to try them all out, you may already have

enough cash to move on. But what's the rush? You'll be needing a lot of

money soon, so you may as well rake in some more. A new wrestling video is

available at Beef Head for $14,800 LBs if you're interested. Still now new

Beam Katanas are available, so head on over to the Job Center.

And be sure to stop by Thunder Ryu's Gym at some point and train some more.


Side Job 4--Gas Stand

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs per car filled up

Gold Rank--15 cars filled

This is an extremely simple minigame. Travis won't need to be moving 

anywhere as he fills up cars with gasoline. Basically, cars will drive up

to you one by one. Once they stop, hold the B button to pump gas into the

car, paying attention to the meter on the right side of the screen. You

want to stop when the lights reach the yellow arrow near the top of the

meter. You can go over and still succeed, but if you let go too early or

hold it so long all the lights fill up, the car won't count.

This isn't a very good side-job to earn cash, sadly. Earning between 20 to

25 cars isn't a huge challenge, but that pay isn't very much. Have fun 

holding the B button down in the only side-job that requires this little

amount of thought.


Getting a Silver rank unlocks Assassination Gigs 7, 8, and 9. Getting a

Gold rank will also unlock Free Fight Mission 5. All of these gigs are

quite fun and easy, and pay very well. Same with the Free Fight mission,

except that's actually challenging.


Assassination Gig 07--Death Match 100

Time Limit--5 Minutes

Goal--Kill all 100 enemies

Pay--$90,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory

Damn this is a crazy battle. You will fight in one of the filming studios,

so watch out for the pillars while you fight. You will fight a total of,

obviously, one hundred enemies. The catch here is that just like the 

previous assassination gig, everyone triggers a Death Blow on one strike.

You will get into a lot of weapon clashes, that's for sure. A variety of

weapons are used, including axes, stop signs, regular hand combat, and

beam katanas. Focus on beam katana wielders first because they can hurt you

while you try killing foes. Really, just keep the Z button held down and

slash away. Try not to get too blinded by the shower of blood that will

constantly be covering the screen.

Gold Rank Notes--As far as I can tell, you get a Gold rank regardless of 

the time taken to finish. So, uh, just beat the mission. It can easily be

done in four minutes due to how much the enemies love to group together.



Assassination Gig 08--Baseball Battle Round 2

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$5,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $49,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Kill all nine enemies

Remember the previous batting gig? This one is exactly the same. The only

difference here is that you will be paid a bit more, as well as the balls

thrown will be much faster. The first ball may take you by surprise, but

the timing isn't terribly difficult to learn once you see it. Swing hard 

and kill all nine enemies for the best payout. If you don't, well, at least

you'll earn something.

Gold Rank Notes--Kill everyone. This may take a few tries based on how good

your timing is. If you have superb timing, this will be fairly simple for 

you. Otherwise, just try to swing a bit harder to hit those last few

enemies. Nothing much to say here.



Assassination Gig 09--Dark Side Battle

Time Limit--1 Minute 30 seconds

Goal--Kill all enemies within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill

Gold Rank--Kill at least 20 enemies

Damn. This is one fun fight. Cranberry Chocolate Sundae will be activated

for the entire fight, so you're going on one invincible killing spree. If

you've never activated Cranberry Choclate Sundae before, basically it's 

Travis's coolest looking Dark Side move. Move towards an enemy and the

screen will freeze with a button above Travis's head. Press it to kill the

foe. Press the wrong button and Travis will waste a few seconds taunting.

Keep doing that until time runs out. The enemies infinitely respawn, so go

nuts killing everyone in a fashionable style.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing more to say here. This is a very easy mission, and

the most fun, so you'll likely Gold rank it on your first try. If you 

don't, you probably wasting too much time taunting. Take your time pressing

the buttons. 20 enemies is pretty easy to reach.



Free Fight Mission 05

Location--Northwest corner of northern Santa Destroy

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$50,000 LBs

This is an insanely hard fight. All of the enemies are spread out, 

fortunately, but if you attract the attention of more than one you are 

likely going to be hit. One will rush you right from the start. Kill him

quickly. To the left is a beam katana wielding foe, so take caution around

him. Half a dozen foes are in the center of the lot, and getting only one

foe's attention at a time works best here. You don't have much time, so 

you'll need to get their attention quick and beat them up.

Continue doing this and fight your way through the center of the truck lot.

Once you've cleared the center of enemies, you can find a few more, 

including more beam katana wielding foes, on the right. Exercise caution

with these guys and take them out slowly. Dark Steps will easily take down

their low vitality. Take your time through this battle, fight one at a 

time, and spam low charge attacks when necessary to prevail.


Once you have earned enough cash, desposit it at the ATM and head back to

the motel. The next ranked fight is on Body Slam Beach, so head for the VI

and get ready to fight!


~Body Slam Beach~


This will be a long and annoying level right to the boss. This entire 

first area consists of about a dozen enemies popping out of the ground in

various areas of this part of the beach. Most of them are carrying pistols,

while the rest will use hand combat. Try to take on enemies one at a time,

mainly the pistol users, but you'll find that pretty hard. Once you kill

all of the foes, two more will appear. One has an axe, the other a beam

katana. Kill them off and the nearby electric fence will become disabled.

Before you destroy it from a few slashes, grab TRADING CARD 021 and $1000

LBs from the chests at the far end of the beach.

In the second area you will need to fight off another dozen or so enemies.

All of them are holding axes, so don't worry about gun users. Near the blue

crate is a chest containing TRADING CARD 022, and on the near the pink 

box is a chest holding $1000 LBs. Once you kill all of the enemies, three

pistol users will drop from the helicopter above. You will be fighting on

darkened sand--these are minefields. On the mini-map you will see a ton of

yellow dots representing land mines. Step on one and you will take damage.

Avoid them as you kill the trio of foes to deactivate the electric fence.

Break it to move on.

All of the enemies in the third section have machine guns that fire a ton 

of bullets at you. You can block them, but it drains the electricity 

insanely fast. Emergency Evade to get out of the way, then rush at each

enemy. The majority of them spawn only one at a time, so this shouldn't be

a huge problem. After killing them all, three more enemies will drop down.

One uses a machine gun and the others use regular pistols. Nothing new

here. Before taking down the fence, grab TRADING CARD 023 from the nearby


In the next area you will fight across two large minefields. Grab the chest

with $1000 LBs, then attack the beam katana wielder. Three enemies drop

down, one of them a pistol user and the others machine gunners. Grab the

second chest with TRADING CARD 024 inside, then break through the fence.

Sylvia will call in the final area, so just keep walking through the maze

of barriers and up the stairs. Head past the bathroom to find a wooden

staircase leading to the outlook spot on the cabana. Find TRADING CARD 025

up here, then save, heal up, pick up the Wrestling Mask, and enter the 

boss fight when ready.


Battle for Rank 6--Travis vs. Holly Summers

This is one of the more irritating boss fights in the game. First of all,

there are a ton of holes in the ground over the beach. You're likely to

fall in one near the beginning of the fight. Whenever you fall in one, save

for the first time since that triggers a cutscene, you will either need to

mash the A button, shake the Wiimote, or the Nunchuk to escape. The 

Nunchuk has horrible motion sensing so if you're forced to escape using

that you probably will end up failing and taking damage.

There's a trick, though. If you swing the Beam Katana, any nearby holes 

will be revealed. Swing like crazy if you want to to reveal all of the

holes. One of the easier attacks she uses that can be avoided is where she

throws a bunch of knives. As long as you're locked on this will be 

blocked. She's vulnerable for a bit after she uses this.

Next is where she shoots a dozen or so homing missiles at you. She's 

vulnerable the entire duration of the attack, but good luck getting in a 

hit without taking massive damage yourself. To avoid this, either fall into

a hole or walk a distance back, Emergency Evade to the left or right, then

rush at Holly to get som strikes in.

The next attack is just a basic swing of her shovel. After she swings, hit

her a few times.

Next, Holly will often throw a grenade at her feet. Back off so the splash

damage doesn't hit you. She uses these to jump all around the battlefield,

so keep an eye on her where she lands. She will block your attacks when she

lands, but a Charged Beat Attack stuns her here. When she blocks herself

with her shovel you can also score a Charged Beat Attack to set her up for

a wrestling move. Use them whenever possible.

Holly can also kick sand at your face at close range. She'll yell "Huurgh,

ahh!" before doing so, so Emergency Evade backwards to avoid it. She 

follows up her kick with another attack, so don't go in swinging. Holly 

also runs around the field and covers the holes with sand. While she's

doing this, you can strike her (just stop locking on so you can run fast

enough to catch up). If you hit her before she kicks the sand, the trap

will remain visible. If she does kick sand over it, the trap will look like

a dark brown path of sand, so you can still tell where it is.

Once she has lost half of her health, she gains a new attack. She will 

jump onto a rock at the far end of the beach and throws dozens of grenades

and homing missiles at you. This deals a ton of damage, and can be hard to

avoid. Fortunately, you can cheaply avoid all of this by falling into a 

hole. Once Holly jumps off her rock, Travis climbs out of the hole without

needing to push any buttons. Quite convenient.

The fight mainly works just like that. Wait for her to unleash an attack,

then rush in. It's those damn holes that will irritate you. Well, after the

fight, pick up your vitality upgrade, grab the US Military Secret, then

dump Holly's body into the hole and head back to the motel to save.



                          ~7F.Rank 5-Letz Shake~

Entrance Fee-$350,000 LBs

Quote-"Nya ha ha ha ha!"


The entrance fee increases in cost, but you probably already have that

amount of cash, or at least are close to it. First off, you will want to

head to Thunder Ryu's Gym to upgrade strength and vitality. Afterwards,

head over to Naomi's Lab and deliver the US Military Secret. She will use 

it to build a new Beam Katana, but she won't be finished for a while, so

let's do some killing.

Before that, though, I advise getting some Lovikov Balls and new abilities

before heading on over to the Job Center for the new side-job.


Side Job 5--Mine Sweeping

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs for each mine removed

Gold Rank--10 mines cleared

This mission is irritating as hell. You will slowly walk with the metal 

detector, and you need to find the landmines in the ground. When the 

detector is beeping, it's a sign that you are close to a mine. Walk slowly

forward, panning left and right. If you see the A button flash above 

Travis's head, press it to destroy the mine. If the beeping stops, turn

around and walk back until the beeping continues, then spin in place to

find the mine or a spot where the beeping gets a bit faster.

I can't really say much more about this stupid game. It took me over an 

hour to get a Gold rank. A word of advice--all of the mines spawn near your

starting location. Don't go wondering too far or you'll find nothing and

end up wasting time. Also, you can walk onto the mines themselves. They

will explode and count for the total, but if you get hit several times then

the game is over. Try to not do that. Also, after destroying a mine, often

you can find another mine nearby. Keep the sweeper on the destroyed mine 

and pause to see if you can hear some beeping. Most of the time this will

happen, but occasionally it won't. This game boils down to luck if you can

or can't find any mines.


Getting a Silver Rank will unlock Assassination Gigs 10 and 11. Getting a

Gold rank will also unlock Free Fight Mission 6. Good luck with all of 



Assassination Gig 10--Tiger Hall

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all the enemies (21) within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $63,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

This mission has a variety of enemies that will attack you on Body Slam

Beach. There aren't many to start with, but as you progress up the beach

you will find that a lot of enemies will spawn from under the sands. For

the majority of the mission you will be surrounded by two or three enemies.

The majority of them will be using axes, but a few carry pistols. Watch out

for those enemies.

Towards the end of the level you will face off against enemies with machine

guns. Emergency Evade out of their way and rush up to them. Finish the

mission as quickly as you can.

Gold Rank Notes--Getting a Gold rank here is fairly simple. Just kill all

21 foes. You're probably going to want to do that anyways because that's

how you get maximum pay, so, yeah. Pretty simple. Just try to avoid wasting

a ton of time with weapon clashes and blocking machine gun hits. That 

really wastes time.



Assassination Gig 11--Pizza Butt: The Finale

Time Limit--1 Minute

Goal--Kill the CEO

Pay--$75,000 LBs

Gold Rank--Victory in less then 15 seconds

This mission is simply impossible without the Tsubaki Mk-III and its

Energy Saver. If you get anywhere past the starting point of the level, 

nearly a dozen guards (who I believe respawn from what I can tell), all

holding beam katanas, rush you. With the fully upgraded Tsubaki Mk-III, a

low charge will kill almost everyone in the room, including the CEO. 

Without this I am incapable of even completing the mission at all. If you

can do it without the Tsubaki Mk-III, best to you.

Gold Rank Notes--Well, like I advised, just spam the Tsubaki Mk-III's low 

charge attack for a quick and effective victory. Just try to minimize how 

many guards are attacking you. I hate beam katana wielders as much as I 

know you do.



Free Fight Mission 06

Location--Northwest corner of northern Santa Destroy (same as Free Fight 1)

Time Limit--2 Minutes


Pay--$50,000 LBs

At the beginning there will be three basic enemies that aren't very hard

to kill off safely. Once they have been killed off, the second group of

enemies will drop down. These guys all have crowbars, so watch out for 

their charged attacks. They don't use them very often, but nonetheless you

should single them out to avoid getting hit from behind.

The final two enemies appear at the back of the lot. One has a pistol, the

other a beam katana. Take on only one at a time. There's no way you can

avoid damage from both of them if both are attacking you at once. Try to

take down the pistol first. Dark Step or Emergency Evade around him, then

strike him down. Do so quickly before he has a chance to shoot you.


Once you have accumulated enough funds, make a deposit at the ATM then head

to the motel to find out where you're headed. Save the game, then leave and

move for the V on the map. Or, just follow the trails of blood on the road.



~Atomic Drop Ward~


As soon as you land in the tunnel, turn around to find TRADING CARD 026.

Run down the stairs, and at the bottom turn around to find TRADING CARD 027

and 028. Hmm. Something's not right. Those thugs ahead of us are...running

away? Keep walking down the tunnel and you'll see a mysterious tall man 

shrouded by the darkness. You can lock-on to him, and he has the health bar

of a boss. Hmmm? Sadly, he runs out of your reach every time you get close

to him.

Keep running down the hallway and kill off any foes you encounter. Or just

ignore them. It actually makes no difference. Damn, this boss better be

awesome for setting up an awfully long and boring tunnel. You'll eventually

see a small red light at the end of the tunnel. That's actually the ! 

leading to the boss. You're getting closer! Near the end Sylvia will call

you for the usual pre-battle prep talk. You will come up to TRADING CARD 

029 in the middle of the hallway right before Sylvia calls you (it's

impossible to miss). 

Pick up the health and battery restores, save the game, and collect TRADING

CARD 030 right before facing the boss. Good luck! Hahaha...


Battle for Rank 5--Travis vs. Letz Shake

I'm going to be quite blunt--you have little to no chance of victory. See,

that's an earthquake generator there. In 20 seconds it will set off a 

ground shattering earthquake and send you straight to hell. Yeah. And the

death cutscene is really bloody and cool looking. You'll probably be seeing

it a lot from all the restarts. Yeah, good luck!

For your efforts you get a giant wad of nothing! That's right, folks! For

this impossibly hard boss you get a measely sum of cash! No health, no

badass katanas, nothing! Yay!



                ~7G.Rank 4-Harvey Moseiwitsch Volodarskii~

Entrance Fee-$400,000 LBs

Quote-"Let's see what you're made of, cunt boy!"


Your first order of business is to head on over to Naomi's Lab and purchase

the Tsubaki Mk-II for $148,000 LBs. The price is big, but the results are

going to be amazing when you see it. Leave and re-enter the lab so you can

purchase Power Up-II for $29,800 LBs and Energy Saving-II for $49,800 LBs.

Not too bad compared to the cost of the katana itself. But now you've got

a souped up badass killing machine, so time to have fun, right?

Wrong! Gotta head to the Job Center and do that new part-time job. Don't

worry, it's easier than the last job. Sorta. To an extent. Yeah. And don't

forget to head to Thunder Ryu's Gym to upgrade the combo of the new Beam

Katana, as well as your strength and vitality. The next video from Beef

Head is also available. Buy it if you want to.


Side Job 6--Graffiti Cleaning

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$2000 LBs for each graffiti cleaned (Maximum of $20,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--10 graffitis cleaned

Yeah, that's right. This is the worst paying side-job in the game. Also,

to earn a Gold rank, you MUST have the Memory of Child in order to run to

each destination. Bascially, ten walls in Santa Destroy have been covered

with graffiti and you need to clean them up. All of the spots are marked on

your mini-map with a yellow dot. Two are close to you at the start, so

begin with those.

From there, just move from dot to dot. Regardless of the order you choose,

if you have the Memory of Child you should be able to clear all ten within

the time limit. If you can't, pick a different order by starting with the

ones closest to you and branching out. 


Getting a Silver rank here will unlock Assassination Gigs 12, 13, and 14.

Getting a Gold rank also unlocks Free Fight Mission 7.


Assassination Gig 12--Pro-Wrestling Contest

Time Limit--2 Minutes 30 Seconds

Goal--Kill only using wrestling moves

Pay--$5,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $75,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

Good paying mission and not too difficult of one. All of the enemies are

wielding a variety of weapons, but since all you can do is kick, it isn't

much of a concern. The first group of enemies don't wield weapons, so kick

them without fear of retaliation. The second group of five enemies do have

weapons, though, as well as two pistol users mixed in the bunch. Wait for

the pistol users to shoot, then run to them as they run away from you and

perform the Charged Beat Attack to perform a wrestling move.

The final group of five has a machine gunner at the very back. Save him

for last and lure the first four alone. A few more Charged Beat Attacks

will end this mission.

Gold Rank Notes--2:30 seems like a lot of time, but since wrestling moves

don't stop the clock, you will need to work quickly. Try to avoid getting

hit as you use Charged Beat Attacks. Kill quickly to finish in time. 

Without much effort I can easily finish with 30 seconds left, and that was

with luring many enemies at me at once. Even if you don't do that you 

should still finish fast.



Assassination Gig 13--Underground

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all the enemies (10) within the time limit

Pay--$5,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $50,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within one minute and thirty seconds

Another extremely easy mission, but the reward shows. It's not that good.

you will fight on the subway train in this mission. There are one to three

enemies per car, and the door to the next car won't open until all the

enemies in the current car have been killed. Nothing tricky about this

mission, especially if you have upgraded Beam Katanas.

Gold Rank Notes--Nothing special. Just beat the crap out of each enemy. 

There's only ten and defeating them all quickly is a sinch.



Assassination Gig 14--Baseball Battle Round 3

Time Limit--None

Goal--Go on a batting killing spree!

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $63,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies

The final baseball match. These nine foes are all ready to die in the name

of baseball. Well, as you may guess from the previous round, the ball is

thrown extremely fast. The timing for it is quite wonky, and if the ball

gets thrown from far away then you likely aren't going to have the 

reaction time to even hit the ball. Swing hard and don't be patient. 

Hesitation will result in a miss.

Gold Rank Notes--Kill everyone. Easier said then done. It's best to kill

all of them in one go instead of killing a few and having the ball be

thrown from far away. Not cool. It makes hitting it, and therefore Gold

ranking the mission, much hard. So with that said, just kill them all with

one ball if you can.



Free Fight Mission 07

Location--Body Slam Beach

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$60,000 LBs

The first trio of enemies in this mission are easy to dispatch of, and they

don't attack you until you come very close to you. The fourth wields a gun,

and if you can't kill him before he runs away near other foes then you have

no chance of finishing this mission before getting hit. 

Infact, the remaining groups of enemies that spawn are like this. The foe

on the left wields a stop sign, and the one on the right has a pistol. You

will need to work very carefully through this Free Fight mission. You have

a huge three minutes to get through it, so there's nothing wrong about 

taking your time.


Once you have enough money to pay off the entrance fee, do so and return to

the motel. When you leave you will recieve a ticket for a show, presumably

with the assassin in it? Head for the IV and prepare to fight.


~Rounding Body Press Station~


Several enemies will attack you around the corner. Defeat them and the

pistol user, then walk over to the bathrooms to collect TRADING CARD 031.

With that, head downstairs onto the platform. Thirteen enemies are on the

platform, but they all appear in groups of two down the line. The end of

the platform holds TRADING CARD 032, as well as to beam katana wielders.

Exercise caution when near them.

With everyone killed, head into the ! to board a train. You'll be asked to

detatch the Nunchuk from the Wiimote. You'll see why. Travis is going to

play a video game while he's sleeping. Or rather, you'll be playing it.

Pure White Giant Glastonbury is a quirky little game where you're some mech

robot shooting down...uh...let's say they're alien ships. Yeah. That works.

Hold the 1 button to shoot enemies and the 2 button to swing the sword. The

sword has short range, but swinging it will destroy enemy projectiles. 

Destroyed enemy projectiles fills up the Special meter on the side of the

screen. When filled, press the A button to unleash an ass-kicking attack

on all the foes on screen, as well as destroying all current projectiles 

on the screen. Cool.

Defeating enemies with that can also make them drop weapon upgrades that

include scatter shots. If you die, press the 1 button to continue. You have

infinite continues, so no worries. The boss at the end can't be killed with

the uber-attack, and he has a health bar (as well as a time limit, but that

isn't much of a problem). Just keep shooting and using your special attack

to get rid of all the projectiles, allowing for easy shooting. Once he dies

you can enter your score into the list of high score. Yay!

You'll get off the train after attaching the Nunchuk again. When you leave

the train, turn around and run to the end of the station to find TRADING

CARD 033. Sylvia will call as you approach the exit. After heading upstairs

you can grab TRADING CARD 034 AND 035 right next to eachother. Save the

game, pick up the Wrestling Mask, and get ready to fight.


Battle for Rank 4--Travis vs. Harvey Moseiwitsch Volodarskii

Harvey is an irritating boss, but nonetheless an easy one until midway

through the fight. His first attack is shouting "Check it out!", where he

snaps his fingers and shoots several doves at you. They don't fly at you

until they materialize, but nonetheless you need to strafe left or right

to easily avoid them. Harvey's vulnerable after you dodge them.

Next he can say "It's magic!" before teleporting around the stage. Look

around you so you can lock back on to him. It won't do any damage, but it

will get annoying when he uses it several times in succession.

Harvey most damaging attack is where he charges for a second while 

laughing to himself, then extending his arms and whirling towards you like

a cyclone. If he does this, let go of your lock-on and run away in the 

opposite direction. Harvey covers about half the stage's distance with this

attack, so if you run away you should be safe. It does a lot of damage, so

be sure to react fast enough while he prepares the attack. He's vulnerable

when he finishes, and often he gets stunned from your hits when you attack.

Perform wrestling moves, naturally.

Harvey also has four basic slashes, just like most bosses. Dark Step him 

and attack with no sympathy.

He gets two new attacks after you've drained half of his health. First, he

will mutter "Welcome to the nightmare..." which will flip the screen

upsidedown. Harvey is completely vulnerable as soon as the screen flips,

so strike him hard. Harvey will occasionally use this move several times in

a row, and that's basically giving you a ton of free hits because he'll

practically be constantly vulnerable.

His final new attack, and the worst, is when he says "Music, begin!". A

spotlight will follow you around the stage and you'll need to avoid it. If

it catches you, Travis will be placed inside a box. You will need to shake

either the Wiimote or the Nunchuk violently to escape. If you don't do it

enough, you're dead. End of story. You die. And there will be blood. Woo.

Shaking the Wiimote is easy, but the Nunchuk can occasionally be

unresponsive. Just shake it left and right to the point where you can feel

the motion detector hitting the walls with your hand. That'll be enough to


In any case, that's all his attacks. It's a pretty easy fight to be 

honest, and as long as you can avoid that death box you should have no

problem getting through in a hurry. No vitality increase here either once

you win, sorry. 



                         ~7H.Rank 3-Speed Buster~

Entrance Fee-$450,000 LBs

Quote-"Fuck you, ya little prick!"


Head to Thunder Ryu's Gym to upgrade strength and vitality, then go to the

Job Center. Yeah, nothing really new here in the city. But hey, new side-

job! Also, the final video at Beef Head is available. Get it whenever you

feel like.


Side Job 7--Meow Meow

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$3000 LBs for each cat picked up

Gold Rank--10 cats picked up

This side-job takes place in a small neighborhood in Santa Destroy. A bunch

of cats have escaped and you need to rescue as many of them as you can in

the time limit. The cats are marked with white faces on the mini-map, so

run towards those. When you reach a cat (all of them are white, so they

stand out on the grass but can be difficult to see on the sidewalks), press

the A button to lean near it.

You'll need to wave the Foxtail grass several times to distract the cat.

Shake it following the arrow prompts the game gives. You'll need to go

through one to ten arrows to distract the cat. Once you have done it 

enough, a button will appear above the cat. Press it to pick it up. If you

press the wrong button or wait too long the cat will run away.

The cats infinitely respawn, so have fun with this cute minigame. It's not

too challenging and the pay is decent.


Getting a Silver rank will unlock Assassination Gigs 15 and 16. Getting a

Gold rank also unlocks Free Fight Mission 08.


Assassination Gig 15--Extreme Fight

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (10) with a special condition

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $70,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within 1:30

This is exactly the same as the Underground gig, except for one catch--the

screen will be upsidedown. Since the battle is across several train cars,

there's not much reason to need to turn left or right. The enemies are

insanely quick to kill with an upgraded katana, and there's only ten of

them, making this gig a complete joke. The only hard enemy is the beam

katana wielder at the end, but even he goes down quickly to a few swings.

Gold Rank Notes--This shouldn't even take more then a minute to complete.

Even if it does, you'd need to screw around for a long time in order to

waste over 90 seconds on this mission. Simply kill them all quickly.



Assassination Gig 16--Armed Hoods

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (12) within the time limit

Pay--$7,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $84,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within two minutes

Another simple mission, also taking place on the subway. There's another

set of ten enemies here, and killing them all is little challenge. There's

some variety, though. Half of them are holding axes or using brawling

combat techniques while everyone else is using pistols or machine guns. 

There are only a few of each, and there's never more than one to a car.

Basically, its an easy mission. 

Gold Rank Notes--Again, shouldn't take very long to complete this mission.

Kill the pistol users quickly so you don't waste time taking hits or 

blocking their shots. Doing that several times can actually waste enough

time to miss the Gold rank.



Free Fight Mission 08

Location--Northwest corner of Santa Destroy (next to Free Fight Mission 05)

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$70,000 LBs

Ten enemies start in the area. Six are waiting in the center, one behind

the truck infront of where you start, one to the left, and two on the far

right. Two enemies will rush you at the start, so try to kill the one

closet to you quickly before the one behind you can strike. Circle around

the truck and kill the foe there if he hasn't already walked around the

truck to attack you. 

Walk near the middle of the lot and try to attract the attention of the 

enemies one by one. Everyone wielding a katana has a long range of attack,

so try Dark Stepping them or attacking after they finish their own attack.

Don't forget the enemies on the far right who work the same way.

Once the first ten are dead, two more drop down in the middle of the lot.

One is a pistol user, the other a beam katana wielder. Annoying combo. 

Again, try to get the beam katana user out first by luring him away from 

the pistol user. That's the easiest way to finish off these foes without

getting hit.


Once you have the cash, deposit it at the ATM and head to the motel. The

next fight is in Speed City, and you'll need a bus to get there. As you 

leave you'll pick up the bus ticket and Jeane will...follow you? Hmm. Head

for the III as usual.


~Rolling Cradle Bus Station~


Before you can board the bus you will need to kill off the half dozen or so

purple suited enemies in the depot. A few of them wield katanas while the

rest fight with their hands. Watch out for everyone charge attacks. When

everyone is killed you can board the bus through the !. Before that, grab

TRADING CARD 036, 037, and 038 lying in chests around the depot. The 

station is small so none of these chests are hard to find, really.

Hey look, no bus driver! Uwee hee hee! 


~Santa Destroy Junction~


The bus ride through the deserted highway won't be a quick one. A ton of

those purple suited enemies stowed away on the bus, and now you have to 

kill them all. The camera angle is different here, zoomed out to show most

of the bus from the outside so all you can see is through the windows. 

You can get a lot of chain kills through Death Blows, so try to make them

happen to avoid a bunch of these guys ganging up on you. The damage can

pile on quickly.

Once you killed the first group off, several more jump through the windows.

Serious business. Kill the second wave off as well. As far as I know, 

Strawberry on the Shortcake is the only Dark Side attack that can activate

here (probably due to the camera angles on the bus). After everyone is 

dead, Sylvia will call you. Enter the ! to get off the bus.


~Speed City~


Collect TRADING CARD 039 by the bathroom, restore your health and battery,

and save the game. Enter the ! to begin.


Battle for Rank 3--Travis vs. Speed Buster

This is a unique situation for a boss fight. Speed Buster has only one

attack--launching that enormous red beam of death. Not only that, but she

starts about an entire mile away from you. Your objective? Get up to her

and cut her head off. Of course, the beam spans the entire length of the

gauntlet, so what are you to do? Well, hug either of the walls. Personally

I prefer the left wall, but the right works as well.

Now, all of the wooden doors you pass are breakable. Slice them a few times

to break it open and you can enter an empty room that is safe from the

blast. Wait for the beam to pass, then leave the room and continue north

bound to the next room.

That's the entire battle for the most part. Some of the rooms have health

of battery restores in them. You can also hide in the little nooks that

have no door to them, but they are often filled with several purple vested

enemies. Several doored-rooms also have them as well. Kill them off as

you wait for the beam to pass.

If you get hit by the beam you will need to shake it off with your Beam

Katana. Mash the A button to shake it off. By the way, the blast will

drain your health insanely fast, especially on Bitter difficulty, so try

to avoid it as much as possible.

You have to hug the left wall in the end anyways. Remember that whenever

you see a bright light at the end of the gauntlet to hide immidiately--that

is the cannon. Towards the end you will find there are no more places to

hide, and the closer you get to Speed Buster the faster she launches the 

cannon. What are you supposed to do?

Well, at the final nook on the left side of the gauntlet there is a 

telephone pole. Slice it several times to knock it down, causing a domino

affect on the other telephone poles. The last one will fall onto the 

Buster Launcher, breaking it. You can now run up to Speed Buster and end

the fight. Before you do, turn around from the broken telephone pole. 

Follow the path on the right that would be completely safe from the 

cannon's harm if it was still firing. When you reach the dead end, turn 

around and TRADING CARD 040 should be fairly simple to see.

After the battle, pick up the vitality upgrade and the Japanese Katana.

Get the hell out of here.



                            ~7I.Rank 2-Bad Girl~

Entrance Fee-$500,000 LBs

Quote-"You think you're bad, don't ya? Eee heh heh heh!"


First order of business is to deliver the Japanese Katana to Naomi. She 

will turn that into the ulitmate badass Beam Katana, but she won't be 

finished for a while. Let's increase our rank, shall we? Head to Thunder

Ryu's Gym and, despite being dead, train under his spirit's guidence. With

that all taken care of, go get the Memory of Child from Lovikov is you

still haven't done that. The next side-job is almost impossible to do well

on if you don't.


Side Job 8--Scorpion Extermination

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--$3000 LBs for each scorpion picked up

Gold Rank--15 scorpions picked up

First of all, you have no chance of getting a high score, let alone 

surviving the full three minutes, without the Memory of Child. With that

said, your goal is similar to Garbage Collecting--pick up as many scorpions

as you can. Except here, the scorpions will be walking around when you get

near them. Scorpions spawn all over the Atomic Drop Ward, but near the

entrance is an area where very often a dozen or so spawn at the start of

the game. Get them all first.

When you are close to a scorpion press the A button to bend down near them,

then flick the Wiimote upwards to scoop it up. There's one catch to this

mission. See, if you touch a scorpion you get stung. You will need to head

back to the employer and talk to him before the secondary time limit runs

out, or else you die and fail the minigame. Yeah. See, this is why Memory

of Life is critical.

There are four different colored scorpions, but all of them score one

point when scooped up. Black ones are the most common and often just spin

in place. Touch one and you'll have 30 seconds to reach the employer. Red

ones often move a bit when you get near them, usually if you run up to 

them. Walk when near them to scoop them up. You'll have 20 seconds to reach

the employer if stung by a red scorpion.

Yellow scorpions are actually pretty rare. These guys give you only 10 

seconds to reach the employer. Touch one and you're screwed--they spawn 

far away from the employer. Ignore them as they just aren't worth the risk.

Finally there's the blue scorpion. This guy is extremely rare to be 

spawned--and that's a damn good thing. Blue scorpions are quite big and

easily visible from a distance. It runs very quickly in random directions,

and catching it is a pain. If you see one, avoid at all costs! If this

thing touches you its an instant failure of the minigame. You can catch it,

but it's not worth running the risk of getting stung.

Overall, it's a good paying game if you can avoid getting stung. 20

scorpions isn't too hard of a goal for a decent payday.


Getting a Silver rank here will unlock Assassination Gigs 17 and 18. Get a

Gold rank to unlock Free Fight Mission 09. 


Assassination Gig 17--Speed Jack

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all of the enemies (15) within the time limit

Pay--$5,500 LBs per kill (Maximum of $82,500 LBs)

Gold Rank--Defeat all enemies within 1:30

This mission takes place on one of Santa Destroy's busses. You will need to

fight a bunch of crowbar wielding purple vested enemies. The camera angle

shouldn't hamper you're ability to kill off everyone in a quick amount of

time. You can use low charged swings to kill a bunch at once, or a sideways

Death Blow which will do the job just well. Overall, not a difficult 

mission, and it makes a ton of money.

Gold Rank Notes--There's nothing special about this mission and its Gold

rank. Just murder as quickly as possible. If you're having trouble, get the

Tsubaki Mk-III and spam the low charge attack to kill everyone very, very




Assassination Gig 18--Gamble Fight

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill as many enemies as you can

Pay--$1,500 LBs per kill

Gold Rank--Kill at least 65 enemies

You will fight in the small Gold Town alley for three minutes where 

enemies infinitely respawn. This is the best way to earn money in the game,

especially with the Tsubaki Mk-III and its Energy Saver. Even without it,

getting near 100 kills is still possible. Your objective is simply to kill

until the timer runs out. 

All of the enemies wield axes, crowbars, or hand-to-hand combat. Nothing

too hard with this mission, hence why it's so good for earning cash. 

Gold Rank Notes--Quite hard on Bitter due to the high vitality of foes. On

Sweet or Mild getting over 100 isn't a challenge. Rankings carry over from

New Game + to New Game + regardless of difficulty accomplished, so do it

on Sweet if you can't on the harder difficulties. Or just spam the Tsubaki

Mk-III's low charge attack.



Free Fight Mission 09

Location--Rolling Cradle Bus Station

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$80,000 LBs

By far one of the hardest Free Fight Missions in the game. There are few

enemies in this area, but you'll be wanting every second to take them down

one by one. All of the purple suited enemies have a pistol. Obviously, you

can only attack one at a time because while you're beating another there

could be a second enemy from behind you shooting, and you'd be defenseless.

You need to take your time to win. The Tsubaki Mk-III with its Energy Saver

is the easiest way to finish this mission. Basically, every enemy begins by

kneeling down and won't get up slowly until you get very close to them.

During this time, slowly walk over with a fully low charge attack then

unleash and keep pressing the A button to annihilate the foe.

Basically, go around the bus on the right first, killing foes one by one.

Repeat for the left half of the arena. If you are afraid of attracting

attention, hide behind a bus while locked on to a foe to have them slowly

walk over to you, and away from other enemies you might attract. Just be

sure to use low charged attacks when its safe. You have a perfect chance

every six rounds of shots (foes need to reload during this time, use it


If you want to try it with a weaker Beam Katana, then lure enemies out by

hiding behind buses. When they shoot, Emergency Evade and rush at their

sides. They can't shoot while you hit them, so as long as another foe's

attention isn't directed at you as well you can finish with a weaker katana

by working slowly. I can't stress enough how slow you need to work in order

to finish. Unless you get lucky, going in swinging will get you killed. 



When you have enough cash, deposit it at the ATM and head back to the 

motel. You'll find out the next match is back at Destroy Stadium. Head for

the II on the map. It's a gate at the far back end of the stadium's

parking lot. To reach the parking low you will need to jump over the

parking gates by flicking the Wiimote upwards. Once you reach the end, you

will need to jump over another set of parking gates to enter the rank 2

fight. You have little room to manuver, so if you don't jump at the right

angle you'll crash and have to try again. After an attempt or two you will

make it into...


~Destroy Stadium~


Without a doubt the best pre-fight battle ever. Travis will hop the 

Schpeltiger onto the baseball field. I'd estimate at least one hundred

enemies will spawn total in this fight. But you're not going to beat them

to death. Why do that when you can run them over? Travis is invincible

while riding the Schpeltiger (literally, he can't take damage when riding

it despite being shot at). 

Use donuts, boosts, and whatever else you want to run over your foes to 

kill them. A ton of enemies spawn in the infield. As you circle around the

outfield, groups of four enemies will jump out of the bleachers and into

the field. Basically, just keep circling around the field until enemies

finally stop spawning. Run over chests containing TRADING CARD 041, 042,

and 043. One is located near home place, and the other two are placed on

opposite sides of the field close to where enemies spawn from the


Nothing to say here. Go crazy killing foes. You CAN fall off of the

Schpeltiger by taking several hits at a dead stop. If you keep moving then

you won't fall off. Oh, and if you fall of you CAN'T get back on the

Schpeltiger. So basically, keep moving.

You can enter an underground passage below home plate once everyone is

dead. Once down there you will get an eerie call from Sylvia. TRADING CARD

044 and 045 can be found next to the bathroom, Wrestling Mask, and health/

battery restores. Enter the fight when ready.


Battle for Rank 2--Travis vs. Bad Girl

Bad Girl will be a bit of a long fight, especially in harder difficulties.

Bad Girl will often slowly pace around you, occasionally attacking. Her

attacks are strong, so you'll want to avoid them. Her first attack is

simply slamming her bat onto the ground. Easily blocked. You can score a

few hits after her swing.

Next is, like all bosses, her combo attack. She will swing her bat wildly

several times. You can Dark Step this move, but often Bad Girl will, 

somehow, evade your swings when time is slowed. Sometimes she doesn't,

sometimes she will. It's annoying. 

Bad Girl will swing her bat in one hand as she charges at you, yelling

"Batter...up!" before swinging. You can block her swings up until the 

actual slamming of her bat which can't be blocked. Just Emergency Evade to

the side to avoid it. She's vulnerable after this attack is finished.

Occasionally she will charge up herself as if preparing to smack you for a

home run. This is her counterattack move. If you strike her while she is

charging she will smack you hard. However, if you hit her then Emergency

Evade right away you can avoid her attack. If you do that you can score

several hits on her after the swing.

Midway through the fight she will change combo attacks. She starts with

five swings, and as you keep lowering her health she will increase up to

twelve swings. You can tell this is the attack when she shouts "Die!" after

almost every swing. The entire thing is blockable, but you should never 

Dark Step it. Bad Girl attacks you as soon as you Dark Step this attack, so

just wait until she finishes so you can get a few hits in on her.

Also once you wipe away half of her health she will run over to her 

batting station and slam enemies into you. Yeah, she actually "spawns" more

foes in the battle. She is invincible while she's doing an

extent. Charged attacks will still damage her. But she's throwing enemies

at you so there's little time to deal damage.

You can counter this, though. When she bats enemies at you, while they are

in the air, you can bat them right back at Bad Girl to damage her and stop

the attack early. Just press the A button to swing and if you connect with

the enemy you'll need to spin the Wiimote several times to force it back

at Bad Girl. This is hard to pull off, though, because the enemies fly 

very fast and the hit window is small. If you mis-time it you will take

damage, and the impact from the grunts do a lot of damage.

She starts off just batting one at you, but as you whittle down her health

she will bat as much as four enemies at you. Destroy them first before

focusing on Bad Girl--since she's at the far end of the arena her attacks

won't bother you for the time being.

When she's down to a fourth of her life she will light her bat on fire and

gain another attack. She will jump into the air and slam onto the ground,

sending a small shockwave out. Emergency Evade right before she hits the

ground to avoid damage, then attack her.

Bad Girl's final attack, and most lethal, starts when she has less than

half her health left. She will collapse onto the field and start crying.

Yes, this has to be the most obvious trap ever.'re curious what

she does, right? Walk near her and she will pummel Travis to the ground and

bat the loving hell out of him. And you die. Regardless of your health you

will die. 

There is a trick, though. Strafe around Bad Girl and look at her bat. If

her right hand is still clutching the bat, stay away from her. If both 

hands are on her face crying, go ahead and beat the crap out of her. If she

is holding the bat, wait until she yells "Fuck!" before rushing in and

getting a few hits.

That's her moveset. She attacks often and doesn't jump away from you, so

simply sidestep every attack and score some hits. Also, since she paces 

very slowly you can spam low charge attacks and rack up a lot of damage. I

advise doing that as well.

When she is finally killed, pick up the last vitality increase and get out

of here.



                            ~7J.Rank 1-Dark Star~

Entrance Fee-$550,000 LBs

Quote-"Welcome to my castle!"


Well, head on over to Naomi's Lab right away. The final Beam Katana is

complete! This ultimate badass is the Tsubaki Mk-III, worth a whopping 

$498,000 LBs. Purchase it, then leave and re-enter to purchase the Power

Upgrade worth $ LBs and the Energy Saver worth $999,999 LBs. Yeah, that's

expensive, but the Energy Saver here is different. You will NEVER need to

recharge the Tsubaki Mk-III ever again. Now isn't that fun? You can spam

low charge attacks like no tomorrow! Speaking of which, that attack is

different with this katana. Keep pressing the A button when jumping in the

air to perform an additional two slices. Easily kills enemies.

Don't forget about your final training in Thunder Ryu's Gym! And the final

side-job is available. Head there when you're ready. You probably don't 

even have the funds for this katana yet, and especially not for the 

upgrades. Let's get some.


Side Job 9--Bike Jump

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Pay--??? (Maximum of $50,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Jump more than 2000 yards

This is the easiest side-job. Cool. From your employer, hop on the

Schpeltiger and follow the yellow cones to the straightaway leading to the

ramp at Iron Claw Point. Your goal is to jump as far as possible. Once you

hit the grey pavement, hold the boost all the way to the ramp. When the

front wheel touches the ramp, flick the Wiimote upwards quickly to perform

a jump off the ramp. If done correctly, you will soar about 2500 yards,

earning a Gold rank and maximum pay.


If you get a Silver rank you will unlock the final Assassination Gigs, 19

and 20. If you get a Gold rank you unlock the final Free Fight Mission, 

number 10.


Assassination Gig 19--Single Strike

Time Limit--3 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (10?) without taking a hit

Pay--$10,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $100,000 LBs?)

Gold Rank--Kill at least seven enemies

The hardest Assassination Gig because it acts just like some of the final

Free Fight missions. A single hit ends the mission. The pay is huge, but

getting even a single kill is impressive. Every enemy uses a machine gun.

The best way I found to beating this mission is using the jumping slice

learned from Lovikov (shake the Nunchuk) to knock each foe down, then 

perform a down attack on the foe. Just make sure nobody is shooting at 


This method works fine up until enemy six where three to five enemies spawn

at once and all shoot at you practically simultaneously. If you can, use a

low charge swing to at least kill two of them. I can't offer much more 

advice because I can't find a way to get past these enemies. There's

probably only ten enemies. Maybe. If you can kill everyone, good for you.

This is an insane mission.

Gold Rank Notes--You only need to kill seven enemies. The first five are

the easiest. Once the fifth is dead, prepare a low charge shot. When the

next two spawn near eachother, take them both out and hopefully you will

satisfy the requirements for a Gold rank. It's hard. Very hard.



Assassination Gig 20--Batting Killing Centre

Time Limit--2 Minutes

Goal--Kill all enemies (30) within the time limit

Pay--$3,000 LBs per kill (Maximum of $90,000 LBs)

Gold Rank--Victory within 1:30

You will be facing the same enemies you fought with during the Bad Girl

fight. The enemies spawn in groups of seven. If you rush at them all you

can probably hit more than one with each slice. A sideway Death Blow will

likely kill the entire group at once. There are thirty of these enemies,

but they are all fairly easy to kill and don't have powerful melee attacks.

Gold Rank Notes--Just kill everyone really fast. They spawn in groups,

which actually makes this mission much easier to finish. Just get a few

Triangle Death Blows to knock out each group at once and you'll easily

finish within the Gold rank time limit.



Free Fight Mission 10

Location--Rolling Cradle Bus Station

Time Limit--3 Minutes


Pay--$90,000 LBs

The enemy placement is exactly the same as Free Fight Mission 09. This 

time, though, enemies are using machine guns. You need to have the Tsubaki

Mk-III's Energy Saver or you'll have no chance at this mission. Start with

the enemy behind the bus to the left. Be careful not to draw attention to

yourself with the enemy infront of the same bus. Use Emergency Evades to

get near him and strike when enemies stop to reload. 

You'll need to work quickly in order to kill every enemy within the time

limit. The same technique of spamming low charge attacks still works well

here. For several enemies, though, you have no chance of pulling that off

by getting close enough. Hurry and kill each enemy and then move on to the

next. Work in a clockwise pattern and you should be able to finish before

time runs out.


Once you have the entrance fee, pay it and head back to the motel to 

discover some intresting little secrets about Sylvia. Leave the motel and

hop on the Sch--hey! That bastard cosplaying as Darth Vader is stealing our


And this, folks, is why I've been pestering you to get the Memory of Child.

The entrance to the rank 1 fight is the highway all the way at the southern

edge of Santa Destroy. You'll have to run there. By running it will only

take about two minutes. Walking? That's a monotonous five minutes at the

minimum. Once you reach the highway, hop on the Schpeltiger. Let's roll!


~Santa Destroy Junction~


You'll be cruising down the deserted freeway, and for whatever reason you

will need to avoid the crates that are strewn about the road. You won't be

alone for long, though. Two Darth Vader cosplayers riding motorcycles will

ride right past you. When they get a decent distance away from you that

begin throwing bombs at you. Dodge the explosions on the road. To take them

out, boost into them. They'll fall down and catch back up to you in about

10-15 seconds, so at least you'll have some brief peace.

At the end of the freeway you should notice an exit ramp on the right and

some cones leading to it. If you ignore this sign you should be going that

way, you can cruise past the cones. You'll just fall off the unfinished

bridge and die. So, yeah, go down the exit ramp. The forest road is thin,

and those motorcycle riders will continue to pester you. However, now you

will also have to jump over fallen tree stumps. After a few stumps the

riders will back off. On the straightaway you will notice a thin beam

touching you. After a few seconds it will widen and hurt you. Wait a few

seconds before swerving to the opposite side of the road to avoid the beam.

After avoiding the beam twice you will see the drawbridge ahead rise. We're

gonna jump it! Press the Z button when prompted. After doing this three or

four times you will ride across the drawbridge. When the prompt appears,

flick the Wiimote upwards to jump the gap. If you fail either of these

prompts, you are dead. Like falling off the highway, when you die you will

need to restart the highway segment from the beginning. Don't die.


~Forest of Bewilderment~


You'll crash land in a forest. Turn around to find TRADING CARD 046. Head

down the path and you'll find Thunder Ryu's spirit pointing to the right.

This forest is a bit of a maze with several split paths. If you ever

choose the wrong one you will end up at the beginning of the maze. As I

said, at the first split go right.

You'll face enemies near the second split. Everyone will be wielding a beam

katana from here on out. I advise running from every foe because they all

have too much health and the damage will pile up pretty fast. At the split,

collect TRADING CARD 047 and head down the left path.

In the third area, pick up TRADING CARD 048 next to Thunder Ryu who will

point you towards the right path. In the fourth area pick up TRADING CARD

049 next to Thunder Ryu who will be point you towards the left path. In

the final area there are no enemies. Thunder Ryu will disappear from sight,

dropping a letter as he leaves. After that, next to where he was standing


Sylvia will give you your final call. At the end of the path, restore your

health and battery if you didn't buy the insanely expensive Energy Saver,

then save the game and head to fight Dark Star.

And by that, I actually mean your old girlfriend Jeane.


Battle for Rank 1--Travis vs. Jeane

This is an insanely easy fight. Yet, for whatever reason, far too many

people think its hard. First of all note that Jeane wields no weapon. She's

an expert in the martial arts. As such, she's extremely nimble and will

shift positions around the field in the blink of an eye. 

Also, Death Metal, the first boss, has more health then her. Yeah, Jeane 

has the lowest amount of health in the game, and as such, can be beaten the

fastest as well. It takes less than 100 hits to kill her (usually around 

70), but you'll probably only be able to hit her two or three times when

she's vulnerable.

Okay, onto the fight. The large dragon-katana-border won't hurt you if

you touch it, so don't worry about it. Her first attack is where she will

make a charging sound right before making a jumping roundhouse kick. This

appears to be blocked, but you do take damage from it so back off. She's

vulnerable after the attack.

Next, Jeane actually will charge for a brief second before sliding halfway

across the area executing a powerful punch. Again, don't try to block it

as you'll just take a lot of damage. She's vulnerable for a few seconds

after she slides, so strike her down.

Jeane, like every boss, has a combo attack. She will throw four punches,

pauses, then throws a fifth charged punch that can't be blocked. You can

hit her several times after the fifth punch. She uses this attack very

often, so if you can stay several feet away from Jeane you'll be constantly

assaulting her.

Once you chip away the first third of her energy she will make the dragon

border enclose a bit, making the arena smaller. This shouldn't make much of

a difference in the fight. She gets a new attack when she does this,

though. When she stands still and raises both of her arms, back away a bit.

She's send out a small shockwave. After the shockwave comes out you can

rush her and get a ton of hits on her. You can also Emergency Evade to the

left/right when next to her to bypass the attack and be right next to Jeane

for prime striking opportunity.

When you get down to her last third of health, Jeane will make the field

even smaller. Now it's considerably small, and makes dodging her new attack

quite hard sometimes.

This new attack is where she performs three quick dashes across the field.

This is signified by her standing still and charging for a second. When she

charges, hold the Z button the entire time and Emergency Evade to the left

of right twice. Keep pressing the button to do the two consecutive rolls.

This atack does a ton of damage if it hits you, so you'll want to avoid it.

Often Jeane will hit you when you recover from the first roll. Sometimes

this happens, sometimes it doesn't. I feel like it's random, though.

If you every stun her you will have essentially won the part of the fight

up until the next cutscene will Jeane makes the field smaller. See, after

a weapon clash and the following Death Blow Jeane will get stunned. DO NOT

attempt to grab her! If you do, Jeane will sidestep you and knock you to

the ground. When she's stunned, beat the crap out of her. You should get 

into a weapon clash when she gets unstunned. Win and perform the Death Blow

to stun her, restarting this process. Getting into a weapon clash, or flat

out stunning her, is pretty rare to begin with. On Bitter mode the fight 

lasts pretty long so she may get stunned more often. Take advantage of this

opportunity if it ever arises.

Your final blow will always result in a weapon clash. It's impossible to

win, though. That's supposed to happen, so don't worry.

After the fight, you're number one. As if it means anything now. Save the




                        ~7K.Real Ending-Final Boss~

Entrance Fee-$744,000 LBs

Quote-"You're a disgrace to yourself and all those you've killed..."


You're number one. The top. Woohoo! Once you get back to the motel you can

save the game. After you save, three options appear. Either Return to

Santa Destroy, View Ending, or View Real Ending.

The Real Ending has an entrance fee, technically speaking. That $744,000

LBs is the total cost of all of the Beam Katanas. You can view the Real

Ending only if you have bought them all. The normal Ending is...bad. 

Really, really bad. Don't watch it unless you want a laugh.

But the Real Ending...well, let's just say it's time to take sweet vengence

on someone I damn well know you wanted to beat the crap out of midway

through the game.


Final Battle--Travis vs. Henry

The final battle takes place in the No More Heroes parking lot. And don't

think about running Henry over with the Schpeltiger--that thing's blocking

the exit and you're not boarding it.

Unless you're playing on the Sweet difficulty, Henry has an absurd amount

of health. On Bitter you'll be in for a long fight as Henry likely won't go

down for about 900 hits. I'm dead serious. 900 hits. However, there are

tricks in the battle to make him go down fast. 

Henry's first attack is a simple slice. He spins in place for this attack,

and it has short range. He's open to attack following his slice, so rush 

in and hit him. This attack can't be blocked.

Next, Henry can hold his beam katana above his head and shoot four energy

balls at you. Just Emergency Evade to the left/right to avoid this simple


One of Henry's most dangerous attacks is where he glows for a split second,

holding his beam katana behind him, before sliding midway across the 

parking lot. He often uses this at close range, and you'll need to react

quickly to avoid it. When you hear that charging sound effect, Emergency

Evade to the side. When Henry makes his slice after he misses you, strike

him several times.

Henry can also hold his sword infront of him, pointing it at the ground.

If you attack him he will counterslice you. Instead, hit him and Emergency

Evade immidiately backwards. Henry is vulnerable after his unblockable


Finally, there is Henry's absurdly long combo attack. He'll pull off a 

bunch of fancy slices and jumping slices, ending with a loud "Hee-ya!" and

unblockable jumping slice. You'll want to Dark Step this attack. There are

three points where it can be Dark Stepped, so keep rocking the control

stick left and right to Dark Step it and get a ton of free hits on Henry.

***There is a glitch with this battle. If you just booted up your Wii and

chose View Real Ending when you started up the game, you can't Dark Step

Henry using the control stick. To do so you'll need to Dark Step with the

D-Pad (instead of a left/right Emergency Evade you will pull off a Dark 

Step). There're only specific points in the combo where you can Dark Step 

him, and it often doesn't work because the window of opportunity is very

small. To earn the control stick Dark Step back, go do any Assassination 

Gig and pull off at least one Dark Step during that fight. When you return

to Henry you'll be able to Dark Step normally again. Obviously, turning off

your Wii again will force you to go through these steps again to regain the

control stick Dark Step.

If you want to do it with the D-Pad, the safest Dark Step is on his fifth

swing. He'll yell "Shwaaa" when he swings. As he yells it, hit left on the

D-Pad to Dark Step.

In any case, you can get him to do his long combo over and over again in

the battle. It won't always work, but it usually does, and it makes the

fight considerably easier on Bitter difficulty. After the Dark Step ends

Henry will often be reeling a bit (despite being invincible to attack).

Strike him once and you should hear a loud clanking sound, and Henry should

snap out of it stunned right away. This makes him perform his combo again. 

You can also strike him after he becomes invincible after most of his other

attacks to make him restart the combo. And often during the Dark Step you

will stun him. After performing the wrestling move you can strike Henry

once to make him perform the combo again.

Remember, it's a single strike. The first strike will almost always give 

you a loud clank and make him start the combo again. Multiple strikes when

he's invincible will often do nothing and make him do some other attack, so

you'll have to wait for him to do the combo again to rack up tons of 


So, yeah, the entire battle is basically you abusing Henry's combo and Dark

Stepping him until he goes to hell.

But wait, there's more! Once you've whittled Henry's life halfway he gains

one new attack. He'll charge himself for several seconds, pointing his

sword behind him. It's pretty obvious to see when it happens. When he 

charges, get the hell away from him. Back off and move as far out of his

direct line of fire as possible. He'll dash 3/4ths the way across the 

parking lot. If he hits you, he performs the coolest instant kill 

animation in any video game. Ever. I actually ADVISE you to see it at least

once. It's that cool.

...but other than that attack it's not an insanely hard fight. Just a

tedious one. Sure, you can get hit with an attack every now and then (and

you probably will). But you'll want to avoid that. Henry lasts so long that

all of the hits on you add up, and eventually you can die from being too

careless. Don't forget about the extra health restore in the parking lot.


...and that's it! Enjoy the ending. it really the end? After

Sylvia's final taunt, save the game. When you begin again you will start

from the beginning, but with all of you're items and upgrades intact. It's

the New Game +!


                        ~8.New Game + Information~


After viewing the fake or real ending and the credits roll, you can choose

to save the clear data. You should do so. When you reload the clear data

you'll return to the difficulty select screen. The first thing you will

notice is that Bitter difficulty will be unlocked (this difficulty is only

available on New Game +'s) and is quite a challenge. You should make an

effort to beat it at some point.

Although you can go and beat an easier difficulty if you wish. Or the same

difficulty. Whatever you want. New Game +'s begin the game right from the

beginning--at the motel where you need to walk down the stairs to trigger

the cutscene to arrive at Death Metal's mansion.

Everything except for your ranking carries over to the New Game +. You have

all of the Beam Katanas you purchased as well as all of their upgrades,

your cash on hand from the end of the previous game is carried over, all of

the training at Thunder Ryu's Gym is carried over, and all of the

Assassination Gigs, Free Fight Missions, and Side-Jobs that you unlocked

in the previous file are immidiately available.

Also, new Trading Cards are available. In every boss level you can find new

Trading Cards in chests in similar or different places in the level. Any

cards you missed from the previous playthrough will re-appear in their

original location, so you can never "truly" miss a card. Also, a ton of

pink dots appear on the map. These treasure spots aren't money, but rather

buried cards. Check the Trading Cards section for locations of these new

cards and buried cards.

Other then this, go crazy with the game. You can always stipulate yourself

with challenges, like a Blood Berry only game (you can switch katanas with

the Drawer option in the motel), or charge through early bosses with a

fully upgraded Tsubaki Mk-III. Anything you can do is available.


                        ~9.Ranked Assassins Guide~


Here's the list of how to beat each assassin in the game, including the 

final boss. I have additional tips here, as well as Bitter mode advice

for each boss, because those wouldn't work in the regular walkthrough.


~Rank 10--Death Metal~


Death Metal has two main attacks, and as long as you are locked on to him 

and not swinging wildly, both of them are completely blockable. The first 

is a simple horizontal slice (despite the sword going through Travis's 

body, you'll take no damage). The second is a huge ten-swing combo attack. 

Rock the control stick back and forth to perform a Dark Step in the middle 

of the combo. The only problem here is that you'll likely take a little 

damage from the sword when you initiate the Dark Step. I have no idea why 

this is. The damage is neglible compared to how much you'll be dealing.

Also of note is that every few Dark Steps will stun Death Metal. Grab him

while he's stunned and perform the wrestling move prompts. 

Death Metal is also vulnerable to attack after each of his own attacks.

Wait for him to stop swinging, then throw three or four swings of your own,

then back off a bit. 

The fight remains simple until he loses half of his health. When he does,

he clones himself twice over. The real Death Metal will remain at half

health whenever you lock-on to him, and he will always be in a defensive

position. The two clones will start at full health and actively try to hit

you. Each clone will only need several hits to kill, and you can't hurt the

real Death Metal until both clones are killed. Try to single one out, wait

for the combo attack, then perform a Dark Step and beat the crap out of the


Each of the clones will require three or four Dark Steps to finish off, or

about 20-30 regular swings. Once the clones are killed, the real Death 

Metal will continue his attacks against you. Just keep defending--he hasn't

learned anything new and won't try to defend himself after he finishes 

either of his two attacks.

Bitter Advice--When he clones himself is the hardest part of the fight.

To end that part quickly, simply spam the Tsubaki Mk-III's low charge 

attack. That'll end the clones' lives pretty quick. Otherwise, just keep

Dark Stepping and the battle will end pretty easily.



~Rank 9--Dr. Peace~


Dr. Peace is an insanely simple boss fight if you know what you're doing.

And if you don't, well, it's still very easy. You'll start far away from

Dr. Peace. He starts on the pitchers mound while you're stuck at home 

plate. Run on over to him, but hold down the Z button when he starts firing

his pistols so that you can block his attacks.

Once you reach Dr. Peace, the fight can really begin. Dr. Peace's attacks

consist of firing single bullets at you, firing a huge barrage of bullets

at you, and firing several powerful bullets at you. These attacks are all

blockable, but note that Dr. Peace cannot move while he is attacking. You

can Emergency Evade out of the way during his attacks, which is advisable

because your Beam Katana's energy will quickly deplete from blocking his


He is vulnerable during the short reload time after every attack, as well

as whenever he does attack. Basically, he's almost always vulnerable. Once

you start damaging him, though, he gets a new attack. He'll stand still and

hold one pistol, red energy lines absorbing into him (easily indicating

he's gonna pull off some crazy move). He'll then turn to face you after

several seconds and fire an extremely fast and powerful bullet that does

quite a lot of damage and knocks you to the ground. When he turns around,

Emergency Evade in any direction to ensure your safety. Alternatively, just

keep moving left/right in circles around him as you are locked on. Either

works fine for avoiding him.

Occasionally your combos will stun him. The wrestling move will do a lot of

damage to Dr. Peace, so be sure to grab him at every possible opportunity.

When Dr. Peace attacks when he is fully off the pitcher's mound, he 

usually fires a barrage of bullets at different angles. It's easy to hit

him here-Emergency Evade away from him and rush at his side.

Whenever he charges for his super bullet attack, there is also the chance

to stun him. As he's charging, pull of a Charged Beat Attack. It won't

always stun him, but it often does. Not only does it cancel out his attack,

but it's also a free wrestling move attack. Nice. It's also possible to do

this (usually with low Charged Beat Attacks) after he finishes shooting 

after any of his attacks.

Once his health is depleted, when you get close to him time will freeze and

a button will appear above Travis' head. Press it to finish off Dr. Peace.

Push the wrong button or take too long and Dr. Peace will shoot you away.

Obviously, fail too many times and you'll end up getting killed. 

Bitter Advice--He just has more health on Bitter. It's not like any of his

attacks are hard to dodge or can just be absorbed by the Tsubaki Mk-III or

anything. Just wail on him until he dies.



~Rank 8--Shinobu~


This won't be an easy fight. It's claimed as one of the hardest fights in

the game by most people. Basically, there is no point where she is deeply

vulnerable to damage. Not to mention that Shinobu has a ton of attacks.

First she has several different combo attacks. Most of them just involve 

her swinging her katana wildly, and a few have her performing jumping 

slashes every few swings. All of these can be blocked as long as you're

locked on to her. She isn't vulnerable after these attacks, so the most you

can do is attempt to Dark Step her here. She's vulnerable after her single

sword swing, though.

Next she will charge herself for a brief moment before yelling "Sonic 

Sword", at which point you should Emergency Evade in any direction. She

shoots a small, fast moving ring at you that deals a lot of damage. Avoid

it by any means necessary.

Speaking of avoiding, that is a pain in the ass throughout this fight. 

Those large pillars will constantly be getting in your way, and Emergency

Evading into one of them instantly breaks the lock-on to Shinobu. However,

you can use them to your advantage, too. Just keep a pillar between you and

Shinobu and the majority of her attacks can't hit you.

Of course, she's quite agile as you will soon find out. She jumps off of 

walls constantly, changing positions in the room in an instant (this also

breaks the lock-on to her). Keep moving the camera to find where she lands.

She can also sheathe her sword and attack. When she does this, get close

to her. She will run forward and do a swing at you. When she's infront of

you, right before she swings, hit right on the D-Pad. This is the easiest

Dark Step moment in the battle, and your first swing almost always dizzies

her, so follow up with a wrestling move (which takes out about 1/5th of her


Shinobu will also do a forward flip (eh...I don't know gymnastics moves.

She flips onto her hands and then flips to stand up again). In this combo

she will follow up by two sword swings, then a final swing that's 

unblockable. Be careful.

Occasionally she will hold her katana infront of her face, blocking any of 

your attacks. When she's doing this, a Charged Beat Attack will stun her,

setting you up for a wrestling move. Make use of it.

Finally, she will often pause and point her katana at you, taunting you by

saying something. You can get several free hits on her at this moment, so

show her how stupid she is by doing so.

Once you've depleted half of her energy she will gain several new attacks.

The first is a more advanced version of the Sonic Sword. The animation 

looks the same, but this time she will throw about a dozen rings at you.

Use the trick to keep a pillar between you and her to protect yourself. If

there is no nearby pillar, keep Emergency Evading to the left or right and

hope to avoid all of the rings. They do a ton of damage so you'll want to

avoid getting hit.

Her final attack, and by far the most devistating, is awesome to see. She

will stand still and charge for about a full second (a ton of red lines

will be absorbed, pretty easy to see). She will then run right at you. If

you see this, strafe to the left or circle around a pillar. If she connects

with her katana, you'll see a cutscene of her circling around you, beating

the bloody crap out of Travis. If you aren't at full health, you are dead.

Simple as that. You'll lose about 85% of your energy from this attack, so

basically if you've taken any damage from the fight this will result in a

one-hit-KO. Avoid it. Damn well avoid it.

Basically, the entire fight is merely hitting her a few times after she 

finishes an attack. Of course, she often follows up her attacks with yet

another attack, making this difficult. Dark Step opportunities are few and

far between, so make the best of them, and always attack her while she's


Bitter Advice--Almost everyone has trouble with Shinobu on Bitter 

difficulty. There's an easy way to beat her, though. Spam the Tsubaki 

Mk-III's low charge attack. Charge it up and keep pressing the A button 

when you release to do three swings through the attack. Travis is 

invincible while doing this, and it does a lot of damage to Shinobu. 

Shinobu often has moments where she is merely pacing around the stage, 

taunting you, or preparing attacks. Charge and unleash the attack then. 

About a dozen of these will end the battle. As long as you avoid that ass-

kicking near OHKO attack, it won't be extremely hard.

And if that's still a problem, then stop attacking her and learn her 

patterns. Every one of her attacks is easily sidestepped. Attack when she

lets her guard down, then hit down on the D-Pad to evade away from her, 

then wait for another opening.



~Rank 7--Destroyman~


Destroyman feels compelled to yell out the name of all of his attacks. 

What a fool. The only attack that he doesn't call out is a combo of 

punches. You can more then easily Dark Step this attack and score almost a 

dozen hits on him, so abuse that attack whenever possible.

The first of his attacks is Destroy POW. He'll raise one of his fists into

the air, then punches the ground, sending out a red shockwave. Back off to

avoid taking damage from the shock, then rush in and get in a few hits. You

can only get in a few before he jumps off.

Next is Destroy Cannon. Destroyman will cup both of his hands at his hips,

and as soon as he finishes yelling he will shoot a fast moving ball of 

energy at you. This attack is immensely powerful, so try not to get hit

by it. Simply Emergency Evade to the side when he fires. He is also 

vulnerable to a few strikes after using this attack (and often gets dizzied

from it).

After that is Destroy Beam. Destroyman will put his hands on the sides of

his head and fires a long range yellow beam. It can be blocked by the Beam

Katana, so no need to outrun it. Destroyman is rarely vulnerable after this

attack, but you can strike him during the attack if you can Emergency Evade

behind him.

Finally there is Destroy Spark. He will extend one of his hands and shoots

a short range flurry of sparks. This won't hit you if you are a bit backed

up from Destroyman. Best of all is that he is completely vulnerable 

during this attack, so take the time to wail on him by running behind him.

Once you whittle down half of his health, Destroyman will fly into the air

and several alarms will come on. He is invincible while in the air, so

you'll need to make him fall. Along the walls of the room are several

control panels, each marked with a flashing yellow light. Lock-on to one 

and hit it several times to destroy it. There are three of them. Two of 

them merely drop props while only one of them drops Destroyman. It is

random as to which does what, so destroy until he falls down. Keep moving

during this phase--Destroyman will launch nothing but Destroy Cannon's at

you, so avoid the fast moving energy balls.

After Destroyman gets back up, he'll start using his ultimate attack--

Destroy Buster. Or Crotch Cannon. You're choice as to what you want to

think of it. He'll pose triumphantly as his...crotch...glows blue, then

launches a huge laser. It can't be blocked so you'll need to outrun it.

Keep strafing either left or right and you can outrun it. If you hit the

wall, Emergency Evade left and right constantly to remain invincible until

the attack ends. After he stops, Destroyman will laugh at how pathetic you

are, allowing for a ton of free hits.

That's how the battle goes. Wait for him to yell an attack, dodge it, then

wail on him. See? Nothing too hard about this fight. Just don't get hit by

too many attacks, and watch your feet. Filming equipment is strewn across

the floor and can hamper your movement if you aren't paying attention.

Also, Destroyman occasionally guards himself by holding both of his arms

infront of his face. Use a Charged Beat Attack here to stun him and pull

off a wrestling move. Wrestling moves don't deal too much damage to 

Destroyman, but they still do a decent amount, so use them whenever 

possible to end the fight quicker.

Bitter Advice--You should already know how to dodge most of his attacks on

this difficulty. If you don't, then you'll be in trouble. Remember that

almost every attack is Emergency Evadable, so spam that whenever necessary.

As long as you can avoid the Destroy Buster you should be able to avoid too

much damage that will kill you.



~Rank 6--Holly Summers~


This is one of the more irritating boss fights in the game. First of all,

there are a ton of holes in the ground over the beach. You're likely to

fall in one near the beginning of the fight. Whenever you fall in one, save

for the first time since that triggers a cutscene, you will either need to

mash the A button, shake the Wiimote, or the Nunchuk to escape. The 

Nunchuk has horrible motion sensing so if you're forced to escape using

that you probably will end up failing and taking damage.

There's a trick, though. If you swing the Beam Katana, any nearby holes 

will be revealed. Swing like crazy if you want to to reveal all of the

holes. One of the easier attacks she uses that can be avoided is where she

throws a bunch of knives. As long as you're locked on this will be 

blocked. She's vulnerable for a bit after she uses this.

Next is where she shoots a dozen or so homing missiles at you. She's 

vulnerable the entire duration of the attack, but good luck getting in a 

hit without taking massive damage yourself. To avoid this, either fall into

a hole or walk a distance back, Emergency Evade to the left or right, then

rush at Holly to get some strikes in.

The next attack is just a basic swing of her shovel. After she swings, hit

her a few times.

Next, Holly will often throw a grenade at her feet. Back off so the splash

damage doesn't hit you. She uses these to jump all around the battlefield,

so keep an eye on her where she lands. She will block your attacks when she

lands, but a Charged Beat Attack stuns her here. When she blocks herself

with her shovel you can also score a Charged Beat Attack to set her up for

a wrestling move. Use them whenever possible.

Holly can also kick sand at your face at close range. She'll yell "Huurgh,

ahh!" before doing so, so Emergency Evade backwards to avoid it. She 

follows up her kick with another attack, so don't go in swinging. Holly 

also runs around the field and covers the holes with sand. While she's

doing this, you can strike her (just stop locking on so you can run fast

enough to catch up). If you hit her before she kicks the sand, the trap

will remain visible. If she does kick sand over it, the trap will look like

a dark brown path of sand, so you can still tell where it is.

Once she has lost half of her health, she gains a new attack. She will 

jump onto a rock at the far end of the beach and throws dozens of grenades

and homing missiles at you. This deals a ton of damage, and can be hard to

avoid. Fortunately, you can cheaply avoid all of this by falling into a 

hole. Once Holly jumps off her rock, Travis climbs out of the hole without

needing to push any buttons. Quite convenient.

The fight mainly works just like that. Wait for her to unleash an attack,

then rush in. It's those damn holes that will irritate you. 

Bitter Advice--Take your time with this fight. Falling into too many holes

can be lethal, so try to avoid the center of the beach where most of the

holes are. Never try to hit Holly during her homing missile attack. It's 

not worth the risk of losing 1/4th of your energy getting hit by every

missiles. Just take your time and hit her during the safest times she is

vulnerable to keep your health high to win the battle.



~Rank 5--Letz Shake~


Yeah, I wanted to fight him too.


~Rank 4--Harvey Moseiwitsch Volodarskii~


Harvey is an irritating boss, but nonetheless an easy one until midway

through the fight. His first attack is shouting "Check it out!", where he

snaps his fingers and shoots several doves at you. They don't fly at you

until they materialize, but nonetheless you need to strafe left or right

to easily avoid them. Harvey's vulnerable after you dodge them.

Next he can say "It's magic!" before teleporting around the stage. Look

around you so you can lock back on to him. It won't do any damage, but it

will get annoying when he uses it several times in succession.

Harvey most damaging attack is where he charges for a second while 

laughing to himself, then extending his arms and whirling towards you like

a cyclone. If he does this, let go of your lock-on and run away in the 

opposite direction. Harvey covers about half the stage's distance with this

attack, so if you run away you should be safe. It does a lot of damage, so

be sure to react fast enough while he prepares the attack. He's vulnerable

when he finishes, and often he gets stunned from your hits when you attack.

Perform wrestling moves, naturally.

Harvey also has four basic slashes, just like most bosses. Dark Step him 

and attack with no sympathy.

He gets two new attacks after you've drained half of his health. First, he

will mutter "Welcome to the nightmare..." which will flip the screen

upsidedown. Harvey is completely vulnerable as soon as the screen flips,

so strike him hard. Harvey will occasionally use this move several times in

a row, and that's basically giving you a ton of free hits because he'll

practically be constantly vulnerable.

His final new attack, and the worst, is when he says "Music, begin!". A

spotlight will follow you around the stage and you'll need to avoid it. If

it catches you, Travis will be placed inside a box. You will need to shake

either the Wiimote or the Nunchuk violently to escape. If you don't do it

enough, you're dead. End of story. You die. And there will be blood. Woo.

Shaking the Wiimote is easy, but the Nunchuk can occasionally be

unresponsive. Just shake it left and right to the point where you can feel

the motion detector hitting the walls with your hand. That'll be enough to

escape. I have heard that people have actually avoided the spotlight long

enough for Harvey to reappear on stage and continue the battle, but I

simply can't do that. From what I've heard, you want to make long turns

around the stage and not sharp turns where the spotlight can cut corners.

The attack lasts roughly ten seconds.

In any case, that's all his attacks. It's a pretty easy fight to be 

honest, and as long as you can avoid that death box you should have no

problem getting through in a hurry. 

Bitter Advice--Spam the Tsubaki Mk-III's low charge attack like crazy. 

Harvey is constantly vulnerable to it since he moves so slowly (except when

he teleports), so you can rack up damage quickly. Easy fight as long as you

don't die to that damn box. If you can't escape it, then keep trying and

hope he doesn't use that attack in the battle.



~Rank 3--Speed Buster~


This is a unique situation for a boss fight. Speed Buster has only one

attack--launching that enormous red beam of death. Not only that, but she

starts about an entire mile away from you. Your objective? Get up to her

and cut her head off. Of course, the beam spans the entire length of the

gauntlet, so what are you to do? Well, hug either of the walls. Personally

I prefer the left wall, but the right works as well.

Now, all of the wooden doors you pass are breakable. Slice them a few times

to break it open and you can enter an empty room that is safe from the

blast. Wait for the beam to pass, then leave the room and continue north

bound to the next room.

That's the entire battle for the most part. Some of the rooms have health

of battery restores in them. You can also hide in the little nooks that

have no door to them, but they are often filled with several purple vested

enemies. Several doored-rooms also have them as well. Kill them off as

you wait for the beam to pass.

If you get hit by the beam you will need to shake it off with your Beam

Katana. Mash the A button to shake it off. By the way, the blast will

drain your health insanely fast, especially on Bitter difficulty, so try

to avoid it as much as possible.

You have to hug the left wall in the end anyways. Remember that whenever

you see a bright light at the end of the gauntlet to hide immidiately--that

is the cannon. Towards the end you will find there are no more places to

hide, and the closer you get to Speed Buster the faster she launches the 

cannon. What are you supposed to do?

Well, at the final nook on the left side of the gauntlet there is a 

telephone pole. Slice it several times to knock it down, causing a domino

affect on the other telephone poles. The last one will fall onto the 

Buster Launcher, breaking it. You can now run up to Speed Buster and end

the fight.

Bitter Advice--Don't touch the pretty red laser. It knocks off 10% of your

energy per second you're stuck in the blast. It's not really a "fight" so

nothing changes at all. Just watch out for those beam katana wielders who

actually do have a lot of health.



~Rank 2--Bad Girl~


Bad Girl will be a bit of a long fight, especially in harder difficulties.

Bad Girl will often slowly pace around you, occasionally attacking. Her

attacks are strong, so you'll want to avoid them. Her first attack is

simply slamming her bat onto the ground. Easily blocked. You can score a

few hits after her swing.

Next is, like all bosses, her combo attack. She will swing her bat wildly

several times. You can Dark Step this move, but often Bad Girl will, 

somehow, evade your swings when time is slowed. Sometimes she doesn't,

sometimes she will. It's annoying. 

Bad Girl can swing her bat in one hand as she charges at you, yelling

"Batter...up!" before swinging. You can block her swings up until the 

actual slamming of her bat which can't be blocked. Just Emergency Evade to

the side to avoid it. She's vulnerable after this attack is finished.

Occasionally she will charge up herself as if preparing to smack you for a

home run. This is her counterattack move. If you strike her while she is

charging she will smack you hard. However, if you hit her then Emergency

Evade right away you can avoid her attack. If you do that you can score

several hits on her after the swing.

Midway through the fight she will change combo attacks. She starts with

five swings, and as you keep lowering her health she will increase up to

twelve swings. You can tell this is the attack when she shouts "Die!" after

almost every swing. The entire thing is blockable, but you should never 

Dark Step it. Bad Girl attacks you as soon as you Dark Step this attack, so

just wait until she finishes so you can get a few hits in on her.

Also once you wipe away half of her health she will run over to her 

batting station and slam enemies into you. Yeah, she actually "spawns" more

foes in the battle. She is invincible while she's doing an

extent. Charged attacks will still damage her. But she's throwing enemies

at you so there's little time to deal damage.

You can counter this, though. When she bats enemies at you, while they are

in the air, you can bat them right back at Bad Girl to damage her and stop

the attack early. Just press the A button to swing and if you connect with

the enemy you'll need to spin the Wiimote several times to force it back

at Bad Girl. This is hard to pull off, though, because the enemies fly 

very fast and the hit window is small. If you mis-time it you will take

damage, and the impact from the grunts do a lot of damage. When she's low

on health Bad Girl will bat enemies back at you. You'll need to swing at

the foe again (and towards the end, a third time) to smack Bad Girl with 


She starts off just batting one at you, but as you whittle down her health

she will bat as much as four enemies at you. Destroy them first before

focusing on Bad Girl--since she's at the far end of the arena her attacks

won't bother you for the time being.

When she's down to a fourth of her life she will light her bat on fire and

gain another attack. She will jump into the air and slam onto the ground,

sending a small shockwave out. Emergency Evade right before she hits the

ground to avoid damage, then attack her.

Bad Girl's final attack, and most lethal, starts when she has less than

half her health left. She will collapse onto the field and start crying.

Yes, this has to be the most obvious trap ever.'re curious what

she does, right? Walk near her and she will pummel Travis to the ground and

bat the loving hell out of him. And you die. Regardless of your health you

will die. 

There is a trick, though. Strafe around Bad Girl and look at her bat. If

her right hand is still clutching the bat, stay away from her. If both 

hands are on her face crying, go ahead and beat the crap out of her. If she

is holding the bat, wait until she yells "Fuck!" before rushing in and

getting a few hits.

That's her moveset. She attacks often and doesn't jump away from you, so

simply sidestep every attack and score some hits. Also, since she paces 

very slowly you can spam low charge attacks and rack up a lot of damage. I

advise doing that as well.

Bitter Advice--Best fight to spam low charge Tsubaki Mk-III. She paces 

around you so slowly it makes it so easy to rack up attack after attack on

her. With the Energy Saver, which you should have by now, the fight should

not take too long. Just be careful of her instant kill attack and when she

bats foes at you and you'll be fine.



~Rank 1--Jeane~


This is an insanely easy fight. Yet, for whatever reason, far too many

people think its hard. First of all note that Jeane wields no weapon. She's

an expert in the martial arts. As such, she's extremely nimble and will

shift positions around the field in the blink of an eye. 

Also, Death Metal, the first boss, has more health then her. Yeah, Jeane 

has the lowest amount of health in the game, and as such, can be beaten the

fastest as well. It takes less than 100 hits to kill her (usually around 

70), but you'll probably only be able to hit her two or three times when

she's vulnerable.

Okay, onto the fight. The large dragon-katana-border won't hurt you if

you touch it, so don't worry about it. Her first attack is where she will

make a charging sound right before making a jumping roundhouse kick. This

appears to be blocked, but you do take damage from it so back off. She's

vulnerable after the attack.

Next, Jeane actually will charge for a brief second before sliding halfway

across the area executing a powerful punch. Again, don't try to block it

as you'll just take a lot of damage. She's vulnerable for a few seconds

after she slides, so strike her down.

Jeane, like every boss, has a combo attack. She will throw four punches,

pauses, then throws a fifth charged punch that can't be blocked. You can

hit her several times after the fifth punch. She uses this attack very

often, so if you can stay several feet away from Jeane you'll be constantly

assaulting her.

Once you chip away the first third of her energy she will make the dragon

border enclose a bit, making the arena smaller. This shouldn't make much of

a difference in the fight. She gets a new attack when she does this,

though. When she stands still and raises both of her arms, back away a bit.

She's send out a small shockwave. After the shockwave comes out you can

rush her and get a ton of hits on her. You can also Emergency Evade to the

left/right when next to her to bypass the attack and be right next to Jeane

for prime striking opportunity.

When you get down to her last third of health, Jeane will make the field

even smaller. Now it's considerably small, and makes dodging her new attack

quite hard sometimes.

This new attack is where she performs three quick dashes across the field.

This is signified by her standing still and charging for a second. When she

charges, hold the Z button the entire time and Emergency Evade to the left

of right twice. Keep pressing the button to do the two consecutive rolls.

This atack does a ton of damage if it hits you, so you'll want to avoid it.

Often Jeane will hit you when you recover from the first roll. Sometimes

this happens, sometimes it doesn't. I feel like it's random, though.

If you every stun her you will have essentially won the part of the fight

up until the next cutscene will Jeane makes the field smaller. See, after

a weapon clash and the following Death Blow Jeane will get stunned. DO NOT

attempt to grab her! If you do, Jeane will sidestep you and knock you to

the ground. When she's stunned, beat the crap out of her. You should get 

into a weapon clash when she gets unstunned. Win and perform the Death Blow

to stun her, restarting this process. Getting into a weapon clash, or flat

out stunning her, is pretty rare to begin with. On Bitter mode the fight 

lasts pretty long so she may get stunned more often. Take advantage of this

opportunity if it ever arises.

Your final blow will always result in a weapon clash. It's impossible to

win, though. That's supposed to happen, so don't worry.

Bitter Advice--You need to learn to dodge that triple dash attack. It's the

only one that's a considerable threat on Bitter difficulty since everything

else can be easily avoided once you learn how. Although, if you're only hit

by this attack you should still be able to finish the fight with more then

enough health. It's basically like every other difficulty, only her attacks

do a little more damage. Nothing too special.


Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 550 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.