Batman: Arkham Knight patch should fix busted PS4 leaderboards

Batman: Arkham Knight's PS4 leaderboards have been spotty for days, but the latest patch should finally smooth things over. Rocksteady game director Sefton Hill posted about the update on Twitter.

The worst of Arkham Knight's glitches are on its PC version (they got so bad that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment stopped selling Arkham Knight on Steam), but that doesn't mean the other platforms have been flawless; PS4 players started reporting leaderboard issues soon after launch. And what fun is hobbling dozens of thugs in a row if you can't out-combo your friends?

Still, it's better than precipitous frame rate drops and mysteriously fuzzy textures. Hill previously said that Arkham Knight's PC version would get fixes first, though he later clarified that the PC version was "top priority for engine team" as other Rocksteady employees continue to work on fixes across platforms.

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Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.