Sea of Thieves Steam release date set for June

(Image credit: Rare)

The Sea of Thieves Steam release date is coming on June 3.

Players on Steam will embark on their maiden voyages a little over two years after Sea of Thieves first arrived on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. Fortunately, it's easy to play with (and compete against) other players regardless of how long they've been sailing in Sea of Thieves, since progression is mostly cosmetic, so it should be a relatively simple overboarding process. Sorry, onboarding. What did I say?

Rare and Microsoft have put together a new trailer to welcome Steam players to the game, showing off some of the weird and wonderful moments you can expect to encounter in Sea of Thieves.

Original story follows

Sea of Thieves is heading to Steam, departing from Windows-exclusivity after over two years.

We only know that it's "coming soon" to Steam, but it's exciting nonetheless to see what's been an increasingly-attractive game opening up to more players. Best of all, players across all platforms will be able to play together with full crossplay support.

"Sea of Thieves has always been about incredible pirate adventures where you never know who or what is just over the horizon," said Rare studio head Craig Duncan. "The team at Rare continue to evolve Sea of Thieves, adding more variety and content so that every new voyage feels rich and fulfilling as you make friends and foes on the seas."

There's already a Steam page for the game, and you can add Sea of Thieves to your Wishlist while we wait for an impending release announcement from Rare.

Rare has been updating Sea of Thieves in ways big and small since it released in March 2018 to very-OK reviews. I particularly appreciated the Affiliate Alliance tool, made available in January and designed to help people without seafaring friends find crews. But among other more substantial updates are the recent Heart of Fire expansion and last year's massive Anniversary update, which have gone a long way toward adding depth to the Sea of Thieves.

Since release, Sea of Thieves has added story missions called Tall Tales, the PvP Arena mode, new weapons, ship and pirate customization options, holiday events, fishing, pets, and an unthinkable amount of quality-of-life updates. If you're on the fence about setting sail, now's the time to find your sea legs.

To help you get started, here are GamesRadar's most essential Sea of Thieves tips.

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.