God of War II strategy guide

Puzzle focus
Now grab one of the statues and push it onto the lift. Grab the other one and get is as close as possible, then crank the lift to the top. Now quickly run and push the statue under the lift to stop it coming down, allowing you to climb to the top.

XXVIII. The Edge of Creation
Grab the red orbs and climb the ladder to your left. Now head down the stairs on the right and kill the bad guys. You're now in a circular room with two scythe carrying goat monsters. Kill them, push the block through the wall and follow it down. You can now move it round to access the ladder in front of the eyes.

Climb up and move left. Here you'll find a chest with a Phoenix feather and a door leading back into the temple. Go through and you'll be attacked by two mace-wielding monsters. Once they're dead, climb outside, save, and grapple across the gap.

Puzzle focus
You'll see a pressure plate ahead of you. Stand on it, freeze time, and run to the middle platform. Fall down in between the trees and grab the Phoenix feather, then jump back up, and go back to where you started. Now repeat the process, but instead of going for the chest, run left onto the next platform. Fight the creatures, press the plate, and run to the next platform. Repeat until you're inside again. Stock up on health and magic, then open the door in front of you.