Rage cheats


PC | Submitted by KainCC

Rage God Mode & Infinite Ammo (Works For Steam)


First you need to Enable the console by adding +set com_allowConsole 1 to launch options (Right click the game > properties > set launch options..)

When ingame Hit ~ this will bring up the console.Cheat codes are;

cvarAdd g_infiniteammo 1 (infinite ammo)

cvarAdd g_permagodmode 1 (God mode)



Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by Master Beef

Doom Bobblehead

At the beginning of the game a man picks you up in his dune buggy, once in the buggy look on the right of the dash and the doom character will be there in bobblehead form.

Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by XACIDBURNX

Blake Bobble Head

Subway Town, Mayor Redstone's Office

Find the Blake Bobble Head worth $150 sitting on the corner of mayor Redstone's desk after finishing the Blue Line Subway mission.

Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by DarkWings

Fallout Easter Egg

Wellsprings mayors office

In the Mayor's office on the right corner of his desk, in front of the stack of books, you'll find a Vault Boy Bobblehead.


Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by WillB93

Easy Money At Cards

Subway Town

To get real easy money by winning card games, go to Subway Town and challenge the woman to a 'Normal' game with these cards -

HE Grenade

RC Car Bomb


JK Stiles

Slime Mutant

Giant Mutant

This should fill or nearly fill your points for allocating cards.

I used this deck and won $5000 in under an hour. It works because you are guarenteed to get all your attacking cards out. However, it is not 100% undefeatable, but I won 95% of the time. It may take some getting used to, but a definite pattern should emerge.

Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by Sam1245

Infinite Money

The Outfitters, Wellsprings

If your class is either Engieneer or Crimson Elite ( Anarchy Edition ) you can buy the ingredients to make a sentry bot for $81, then build and sell them for $85. This is a $4 profit. If done repeatedly you can build them in groups of 25 for a $100 profit. In half an hour you can make over $1000 and as many constructible items as you like.

Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by magickmynd

Making Money At Wellsprings Mini-Games


After you complete the initial game missions and enter wellsprings for the first time you are given the chance to play a couple of different mini-games with the locals. You have to meet with the mayor first and get your own garage and your replacement armor for your ark suit. After you get your armor its time to play. If you don't have any start up money and nothing to sell, look on the mayors desk in his office on the bottom right corner. You will see a vault boy bobblehead worth a whopping $150! Thats even more than you can sell felltrite for! Sell the bobble head and look for an alley where a couple of locals are squatting near a game board with some holograms on it. The game is simple, you get three chances to roll the dice. After each roll the dice will either come up a skull or a crosshair. If you get a crosshair the sheriff hologram in the middle shoots and destroys a mutant hologram. If you take out all of the mutants before the end of the third role than you win, if not, you lose the money you bet. You can bet up to $25 per game. If you get four crosshairs in the first round, you get 10x the money you bet back in winnings. If you beat all the mutants by the second round than you get 4x your winnings, and if you beat all of them by the end of the third round then you break even. As far as I know this game is random, so just keep playing until you win.

Now here is the hint, save your game before you play. If you win enough money to make more than you started out with, then exit the minigame and save. Then go and play again. If you lose more money than you win, then just load up your save and try again. I started with $150, in less than an hour I had over $725! Its not really a cheat, but it helps to make infinite money to stock up on ammo and items early in the game if you are willing to take the time to do it.


Xbox 360, PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

RAGE Achievements

Achievement list

Arts and Crafts (10 points)

Construct 10 Engineering Items

Tinkerer (20 points)

Construct 50 Engineering Items

Passive Aggressive (30 points)

Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot

Three Birds, One Bomb Car (30 points)

Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car

Keep 'Em Coming (30 points)

Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret

Mechanocide (50 points)

Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars

Jetpacker (20 points)

Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent

Silent But Deadly (15 points)

Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow

Hat Trick (15 points)

Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy

Decapathon (15 points)

Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick

Open Minded (15 points)

Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle

Jumper (20 points)

Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps

Gotta Have 'Em All (20 points)

Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through

Master Chef (20 points)

Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through

Hardest Deck (25 points)

Beat Teague's hardest Deck

JACKPOT! (15 points)

Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones

Just a Flesh Wound (15 points)

Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet

Deliverance (15 points)

Complete the final round of Strum

Minigamer (15 points)

Win all Minigames

Lead Foot (10 points)

Win a Race in the Campaign

Rage Cup (50 points)

Win all Races in the Campaign

Demolition Man (20 points)

Destroy 100 Enemy Cars

It's Good! (15 points)

Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV

Roadkill (15 points)

Run over 10 Mutants

Ghost Buster (10 points)

Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign

Waste Management (10 points)

Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign

Gladiator (10 points)

Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign

It's Alive! (10 points)

Complete Dead City in the Campaign

Wellness Plan (10 points)

Complete The Well in the Campaign

Debunked (10 points)

Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign

ytiC daeD (10 points)

Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign

Jail Break (10 points)

Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign

Vault Assault (10 points)

Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign

Power Struggle (10 points)

Complete Power Plant in the Campaign

Decrypted (10 points)

Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign

Mutie Blues (10 points)

Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign

Bringin' Home the Bacon (20 points)

Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign

Mr. Oddjob (40 points)

Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through

Dev Graffiti (15 points)

Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room

Hey, not too rough (50 points)

Finish the Campaign on any difficulty

Hurt me plenty (25 points)

Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty

Ultra-violence (25 points)

Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty

RAGE Nightmare (25 points)

Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty

Obsessive Compulsive (75 points)

Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign

The Legend Begins... (10 points)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland

Anthology (20 points)

Complete all Legends of the Wasteland

A True Legend (25 points)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty

No Room for Sidekicks (15 points)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated

Fresh Meat (10 points)

Complete a public Road RAGE match

MVP (20 points)

Get first place in a public Road RAGE match

PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

RAGE Trophies

Trophy List

Platinum Trophy (Platinum)

Unlock all trophies

Arts and Crafts (Bronze)

Construct 10 Engineering Items

Tinkerer (Bronze)

Construct 50 Engineering Items

Passive Aggressive (Silver)

Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot

Three Birds, One Bomb Car (Silver)

Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car

Keep 'Em Coming (Silver)

Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret

Mechanocide (Gold)

Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars

Jetpacker (Bronze)

Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent

Silent But Deadly (Bronze)

Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow

Hat Trick (Bronze)

Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy

Decapathon (Bronze)

Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick

Open Minded (Bronze)

Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle

Jumper (Bronze)

Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps

Gotta Have 'Em All (Bronze)

Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through

Master Chef (Bronze)

Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through

Hardest Deck (Bronze)

Beat Teague's hardest Deck

JACKPOT! (Bronze)

Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones

Just a Flesh Wound (Bronze)

Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet

Deliverance (Bronze)

Complete the final round of Strum

Minigamer (Bronze)

Win all Minigames

MVP (Bronze)

Get first place in a public Road RAGE match

Lead Foot (Bronze)

Win a Race in the Campaign

Rage Cup (Gold)

Win all Races in the Campaign

Demolition Man (Bronze)

Destroy 100 Enemy Cars

It's Good! (Bronze)

Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV

Roadkill (Bronze)

Run over 10 Mutants

Ghost Buster (Bronze)

Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign

Waste Management (Bronze)

Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign

Gladiator (Bronze)

Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign

It's Alive! (Bronze)

Complete Dead City in the Campaign

Wellness Plan (Bronze)

Complete The Well in the Campaign

Debunked (Bronze)

Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign

ytiC daeD (Bronze)

Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign

Jail Break (Bronze)

Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign

Vault Assault (Bronze)

Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign

Power Struggle (Bronze)

Complete Power Plant in the Campaign

Decrypted (Bronze)

Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign

Mutie Blues (Bronze)

Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign

Bringin' Home the Bacon (Bronze)

Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign

Mr. Oddjob (Silver)

Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through

Dev Graffiti (Bronze)

Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room

Hey, not too rough (Gold)

Finish the Campaign on any difficulty

Hurt me plenty (Bronze)

Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty

Ultra-violence (Bronze)

Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty

RAGE Nightmare (Bronze)

Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty

Obsessive Compulsive (Gold)

Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign

The Legend Begins... (Bronze)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland

Anthology (Bronze)

Complete all Legends of the Wasteland

A True Legend (Bronze)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty

No Room for Sidekicks (Bronze)

Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated

Fresh Meat (Bronze)

Complete a public Road RAGE match

MVP (Bronze)

Get first place in a public Road RAGE match

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 550 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.