M. Night Shyamalans new horror is brought forward

M. Night Shyamalan fans will be pleased to hear that the king of plot twist’s next film, Split is on its way to cinemas earlier than expected. But will it be a classic a la The Sixth Sense or another The Happening? We still don't have any plot details so, it's kind of hard to say, but Variety reports that the film is being pushed forward a week and is now hitting cinemas on January 20 2017.

The director, known for his jaw-dropping twists and eye-popping reveals, has been promoting his latest chiller The Visit, a horror story about two young children who visit their sweet, old grandparents before promptly going insane. And despite its mixed reviews, the film’s gone on to do brilliantly at the box office from a measly $5 million budget. In fact, it’s the highest-grossing horror in the US this year.

In the mean time, the filmmaker has been teasing fans about his mysterious new horror film with juicy details about the cast and... erm, budget.

As well as securing X-Men: Days of Future Past star, James McAvoy as his lead, Shyamalan has also nabbed cinematographer, Mike Gioulakis who worked on arguably this year’s finest horror flick, It Follows.

Split reunites the director with his The Visit producers, but can this new spine-tingler get him back on track after the abysmal After Earth? McAvoy’s inclusion will no doubt make for an interesting film, alongside Anya Taylor-Joy (from this year’s mega-hyped The Witch), veteran Betty Buckley (Carrie), and relative newcomers Jessica Sula and Haley Lu Richardson. Split hits cinemas on January 20 2017.

Mike Williams
Mike scribbles at MTV, Yahoo Movies, BuzzFeed, GoThinkBig and Live for Films. As a huge animation and sci-fi fan, his favourite movies include Spirited Away and District 9.