Fan filmmakers tackle Mario

Is Mario doomed to a life lived exclusively in pixeldom? In 1993, the answer should have been “yes.” Why 1993? That was the year the Super Mario Bros. movie was unleashed upon the world. We’ve covered this train-wreck of a movie a coupletimes, and it’s tempting to imagine its scriptwriting process involved someone’s assistant taking a dump on a stack of formerly pristine paper and then writing “The End” at the bottom (although the real story’s arguably moreinsane).

Above: Dino Dennis Hopper and some lame mystical meteorite weren’t enough to sink this ship. The good, old-fashioned epic fail of a storyline did that job just fine

So Hollywood dropped a turd and basically frakked up a whole game franchise’s potential for film. Nothing new there. That’s why we’ve turned to YouTube. Can fan-made videos entertain and inspire us, and prove that Mario is ready for reality? Let’s find out.