Ninja Gaiden Sigma guide

Chapter 10: Tairon Under Alert

This chapter is all about backtracking, which at least makes it easier to know where you’re going. Your goal is to get back to the Military Square, but the enemies that lurk here have changed considerably while you were battling the undead army underground.

As soon as the stage gets started, head back inside the ruined Monastery and look around. Lying on the ground is Rachel’s War Hammer. Pick it up and it will be added to your weapon inventory.

Head back out, save your game, and then step into the Monastery Plaza to see just how big a fuss the military’s making over your little visit. The armored soldiers you’ll encounter here will appear throughout this chapter and the next. Combo-oriented weapons like the Lunar aren’t too effective on them due to their strong defenses and ability to block many attacks. Use your Dragon Sword or dual-katanas, or if you’ve given Muramasa enough Scarabs to get the Dabilahro, try giving that a shot.

Remember where you used the Lily Key? Head back there and make that your checkpoint, killing any soldiers that attempt to hurt you. In some of the narrow alleyways, you may be greeted by a helicopter flying overhead that will drop explosives. Hug the wall and wait for it to pass over, and you should come out OK. If you want, you can backtrack to some of the cracked walls you saw before and beat them down with your War Hammer. There will often be treasures waiting inside for you.

Save your game next to the Lily Door, then head back towards the entrance to town through the Dworku Alleyway. You should run across a chest containing a new piece of the stone tablet along the way. You may also recall a door with a skull on it that had been locked before, but with your Skull Key, you can open it. There are two Golden Scarabs in this area, one that’s easy to snag and another that will require a careful sequence of wall runs and wall jumps to get. Take the treasures here, stock up on supplies at the Muramasa statue, then head back out and towards the Military Square.

There’s a welcoming party at the square to greet you, it seems. Towering over all of the heavily-armored troopers with their machine and napalm shooters are two gunners perched near the top of the gate. They’ll keep on firing at you as the foot soldiers swarm, making it necessary to keep moving to dodge all the gunfire. Dispose of all of the ground patrol first, then use projectile attacks to take out the gunners above.

There’s still one more soldier standing in your way, but he’s too much of a coward to fight you man-to-man- instead, he’ll be sniping at you from a window in the building sitting across from the gate. You’ll need to return fire to defeat him. It may take a few tries to get your aim right, and you may also need to dodge at a moment’s notice when he fires back at you. Fortunately, you’ve got an arrow supply nearby. Keep at it until he’s dead. A shiny item will then appear in the middle of the battlefield. Take it to get the Strongbow.

Ah, but you didn’t think you could get out of here without a boss fight, did you? Fortunately, this one’s another repeat encounter. Remember Dynamo from the third stage? He’s back, he’s silver, he’s got one new dashing melee attack, and he follows mostly the same patterns that he did before. If you need a refresher course on this guy, flip back toChapter 3in this guide and make use of the strategies there. Kick this disgusting hambeast to the curb once again to clear the stage.

Chapter 10: Tairon Under Alert

This chapter is all about backtracking, which at least makes it easier to know where you’re going. Your goal is to get back to the Military Square, but the enemies that lurk here have changed considerably while you were battling the undead army underground.

As soon as the stage gets started, head back inside the ruined Monastery and look around. Lying on the ground is Rachel’s War Hammer. Pick it up and it will be added to your weapon inventory.

Head back out, save your game, and then step into the Monastery Plaza to see just how big a fuss the military’s making over your little visit. The armored soldiers you’ll encounter here will appear throughout this chapter and the next. Combo-oriented weapons like the Lunar aren’t too effective on them due to their strong defenses and ability to block many attacks. Use your Dragon Sword or dual-katanas, or if you’ve given Muramasa enough Scarabs to get the Dabilahro, try giving that a shot.

Remember where you used the Lily Key? Head back there and make that your checkpoint, killing any soldiers that attempt to hurt you. In some of the narrow alleyways, you may be greeted by a helicopter flying overhead that will drop explosives. Hug the wall and wait for it to pass over, and you should come out OK. If you want, you can backtrack to some of the cracked walls you saw before and beat them down with your War Hammer. There will often be treasures waiting inside for you.

Save your game next to the Lily Door, then head back towards the entrance to town through the Dworku Alleyway. You should run across a chest containing a new piece of the stone tablet along the way. You may also recall a door with a skull on it that had been locked before, but with your Skull Key, you can open it. There are two Golden Scarabs in this area, one that’s easy to snag and another that will require a careful sequence of wall runs and wall jumps to get. Take the treasures here, stock up on supplies at the Muramasa statue, then head back out and towards the Military Square.

There’s a welcoming party at the square to greet you, it seems. Towering over all of the heavily-armored troopers with their machine and napalm shooters are two gunners perched near the top of the gate. They’ll keep on firing at you as the foot soldiers swarm, making it necessary to keep moving to dodge all the gunfire. Dispose of all of the ground patrol first, then use projectile attacks to take out the gunners above.

There’s still one more soldier standing in your way, but he’s too much of a coward to fight you man-to-man- instead, he’ll be sniping at you from a window in the building sitting across from the gate. You’ll need to return fire to defeat him. It may take a few tries to get your aim right, and you may also need to dodge at a moment’s notice when he fires back at you. Fortunately, you’ve got an arrow supply nearby. Keep at it until he’s dead. A shiny item will then appear in the middle of the battlefield. Take it to get the Strongbow.

Ah, but you didn’t think you could get out of here without a boss fight, did you? Fortunately, this one’s another repeat encounter. Remember Dynamo from the third stage? He’s back, he’s silver, he’s got one new dashing melee attack, and he follows mostly the same patterns that he did before. If you need a refresher course on this guy, flip back toChapter 3in this guide and make use of the strategies there. Kick this disgusting hambeast to the curb once again to clear the stage.