New Far Cry 2 images leaked

The first hints of the setting - or settings - that Ubisoft is using as the backdrop for the action in FPS Far Cry 2 have arrived via concept art that's slipped out onto the internet.

And judging by what's on display, the follow-up is going to take us to numerous locations around the globe.

You'll also notice the concept art includes characters or "Buddies," which are surely people who join up and fight alongside you during the adventure, although we imagine they won't do so all at once.

Whether it's indication of a more squad-based direction for Far Cry 2 or these Buddies will be more sidekicks in the vein of Alyx in Half-Life 2, we'll just have to wait and see.

Above:Your "Buddies" Hakim and Warren hanging out in concept art form

To see the rest of the leaked concept art click on theImagestab at the top of the page.

July 23, 2007