Final Fantasy XI '2008 edition' this month

Square Enix has dated Final Fantasy XI '2008 Edition' a compilation box which will be out on PC and Xbox 360 on May 23.

The 2008 box contains the online Final Fantasy - which people are still playing, apparently- and all four expansion packs; Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urghan and the latest, Wings of the Goddess.

Last year the 2007 edition hit the shelves, with the stand alone game and three expansions.

Square Enix boss John Yamamoto hopes the pack will draw more players to the MMO: "The world of FINAL FANTASY XI continues to grow with both new content and new players," he said.

"FINAL FANTASY XI 2008 Edition allows interested players to join the adventure with the bonus of all the expansion pack content. I hope many more players enjoy and experience the exciting world of Vana'diel and all that FINAL FANTASY XI has to offer."

If you're interested, read our reviews forXbox 360,PCandPS2.

Courtesy of CVG.

May 5, 2008