Calling All Cars crashes onto PSP

Aug 16, 2007

David Jaffe's PlayStation Networkmultiplayer riot Calling All Cars will soon be available for transfer and play on the PSP, reveals the latest issue of UK mag, PSP - The Official Guidebook.

The game, in case you haven't given Sony your five bucks yet, is a cartoonish Micro Machines-style multiplayer bout, which has you whizzing about colourful city streets capturing criminals, and attempting to whisk them back to jail before your opponents catch up.

It's arguably one of the best games on the PS3 download service; you can read the reviewright here.

Whether the PSP version will come via a PSN update or a full-on download is yet to be seen.

Unfortunately no one atSony was available to answer our PSP-related queries, but the official PSP mag says we should expect "comprehensive multiplayer modes in both Ad Hoc and Infrastructure," plus word on a firm release date soon.