Just Cause 3 vintage part locations guide

Carmen Albatross (Insula Striate)

Libeccio #1

Coordinates: 46.373, 33.788

On a mountain in the northwest chunk of Libeccio. Use the coordinates to get there.

Libeccio #2

Coordinates: 46.353, 35.611

This part is buried in the woods by the lake in the northern part of the province.

Libeccio #3

Coordinates: 45.177, 36.476

On a cliff between Sancte Elena and the water. You’ll have to parachute down to it.

Maestrale #1

Coordinates: 48.504, 32.743

There’s a tree-covered hill in the northwestern “hook” of Maestrale. You’ll find a vintage part at the peak.

Maestrale #2

Coordinates: 48.544, 36.301

Atop the mountain in the middle of the province.


Coordinates: 44.027, 42.107

In the woods next to Sancte Federico.

Val De Mar #1

Coordinates: 45.482, 43.594

There are some ruins just northeast of Guardia Val De Mar V. You’ll find a part buried in the woods near them.

Val De Mar #2

Coordinates: 46.521, 42.255

In the hills on the northern side of the eastern of the two lakes in central Val De Mar.

Val De Mar #3

Coordinates: 47.324, 41.983

This part’s buried in the mountains at the northern border of the province. Use the coordinates to get there.

Costa Sud #1

Coordinates: 43.629, 44.982

There are ruins at the southern edge of Costa Sud, and you’ll find a part buried there.

Costa Sud #2

Coordinates: 45.641, 45.886

Head for the water that splits mainland Costa Sud and the peninsula to the east. There’s a sandbar in the canyon there where a part is buried.

Litore Torto #1

Coordinates: 46.939, 44.731

Buried on a hill overlooking the large lake in the southern part of the province.

Litore Torto #2

Coordinates: 47.948, 46.667

This part is buried between the two mountains along the eastern coast.

Litore Torto #3

Coordinates: 48.712, 46.681

At the base of the northern of the same two mountains.

Montana #1

Coordinates: 48.270, 43.625

Montana is just a mountain range, so finding anything here is tricky. Use the coordinates to locate this part buried in a crag.

Montana #2

Coordinates: 48.321, 43.328

Just west of the previous part, higher up on the mountain.

Grande Pastura #1

Coordinates: 48.617, 39.730

Buried on a hill just northwest of Alte Potentia.

Grande Pastura #2

Coordinates: 49.174, 40.667

This part is found in a ravine right on the Grande Pastura/Montana border.

Grande Pastura #3

Coordinates: 50.718, 38.665

Buried on a hill at the northwest edge of the province, by the water.

Grande Pastura #4

Coordinates: 50.804, 41.340

There’s a large set of ruins in the northern pocket of the province. Head there and you’ll find a part buried at the amphitheatre.

Grande Pastura #5

Coordinates: 50.335, 44.348

On a hill right by the Grande Pasture/Litore Torto border.

Grande Pastura #6

Coordinates: 51.409, 43.103

The game’s final vintage part is buried on a peninsula along the northern border of the province.

Congratulations, you've found all of the Just Cause 3 vintage parts!

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for GamesRadar+. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.