Halo 4 multiplayer guide


The Halo series has become accustom to featuring a number of iconic maps in each game. Maps that players call their “go to” map. Haven might just be one of those maps in Halo 4. A two-storied map, Haven offers a variety of gameplay, both out in the open on one story, and closed corridors on the other. It’s also a map where modes like King of the Hill shine bright with hectic gameplay and countless respawns. Sure, it may not feature any vehicles, but it’ll promise to keep you on your toes with every move you make.

Power Weapons

Other Weapons

Random Drop Weapons

Gameplay Tips

Haven is constructed in such a way that it keeps you moving. Doing otherwise will result in agonizing death, trust us. If you’re battling above ground, be aware that grenades will be flying in on the central location in the middle of the map, and it’s also the spot where enemies will be in abundance. Below ground, be aware of enemies attempting to flank you, especially foes falling from the battlegrounds above. There aren’t many places below ground to resort to like there is above, so keep your eye on opportunities to kill enemies who aren’t expecting your arrival.

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