Ni No Kuni errands guide

Errands [121-138]

Errand 121

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Glorious Lance, 3500 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. There's a new bounty awaiting you in the Fairy Godmother's stomach.

Errand 122

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Knight's Armor, 3750 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. There's a new bounty awaiting you in the Porcine Palace.

Errand 123

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10 Reward: Diva's Mantle, 4000 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. There's a new bounty awaiting you in Tombstone Trail.

Errand 124

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Ogre King's Axe, 4250 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Go to Skull Mountain to find a red dragon and defeat it.

Errand 125

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Sorceress Robes, 4500 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Go to the Vault of Tears for a new bounty.

Errand 126

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Nix Gnashers, 4750 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Go to the ghost ship near Broken Crown, the Pirate Commodore, to find your next bounty.

Errand 127

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Dragon King's Claws, 5000 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Go to the Glittering Grotto to find your next bounty.

Errand 128

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Enigma Armor, 5500 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 116 through 120 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Find a new bounty in the Miasma Marshes north of Perdida. A Bileheart there is ripe for the taking.

Errand 129

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Celestial Sword, 6000 Guilders

Finish Bounty Hunt 121 through 128 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract. Find a new bounty in Nevermore, Dark Djinn's Castle.

Errand 130

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: N/A

Finish Bounty Hunt 121 through 128 and talk to the quest giver for Errand 131. Go to the Very Swift Solutions shop for a new contract, then head to Ara Memoria (Nazcaa). You'll find a form of the final boss here, but with triple the HP. You're doing this errand in preparation for Errand 131, which you'll need to undertake after this one.

Errand 131

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Philmobile Key

Finish the game and continue playing. Go south of Ding Dong Dell and find a new cave here. Inside is the diary you need for Errand 085. In the same place, there's an NPC by the door who asks you to help him finish off the creatures in Bounty Hunts 116-120. Once you've done this, talk to the creatures to unlock Bounty Hunts 121-128. Clear these ounties and speak to the Conductor again. Take Bounty Hunt 129 out from the Very Simple Solutions shop. Clear out the enemies from Dark Djinn Castle and go take the final task, Bounty Hunt 130. Once you do it, the Conductor will meetup with you to defeat the Guardian of Worlds. Once the battle has been completed, talk to Conductor, go through Motor City, and you'll be warped back to your last location via the Philmobile.

Errand 132

Location: Old SmokyStamps: 10Reward: Blossom of the Bard, Pretty Parasol, 10000 Guilders

Finish the game and continue. Two fairies in the Iron Wyvern need help with their weapons shop. They need some new item ideas, so go to the Fairygrounds and talk to the comedian, then fin some old graffiti, and then go back to the airship. Gateway over to Motor City to grab something from the kitchen in Oliver's house. Go back and then get your reward.

Errand 133

Location: Old SmokyStamps: NoneReward: Glowstone (x3), 5000 Guilders

Finish the game and keep playing. There's a monster awaiting its destruction at the foot of Old Smokey.

Errand 134

Location: Ivory TowerStamps: N/AReward: Nazcaan Longsword, Suit of Nazcaan Armor, Nazcaan Helm, 10000 Guilders

Finish the game and continue. There are some knights who've suddenly appeared at the Ivory Tower. Talk to them. They'll ask you to find the wrecks of magimechs. Four are active, and they can be found at Old Smokey, Tombstone Trail, Glittering Grotto, and Golden Grove. Once you've defeated them, then find the three magimech masters on Nazcaa Island. Before you speak to the knights again save your game to prepare for the impending boss fight: three magimech elites. It's a tough fight, but a great reward.

Errand 135

Location: HamelinStamps: NoneReward: Evil Eye (x3), 5000 Guilders

Finish the game and continue. Head east of the Hamelin to Spindle Island. There's a monster here on the sea. Sail over to it and eliminate it.

Errand 136

Location: Ara MemoriaeStamps: NoneReward: Mirror of Truth, 1000 Guilders, Recips: Sky Tree Wand, Bard's Harp Master Thief's Magnum

Finish off Horace's Riddles and Horace will give you Errand 136 at the same time. The first riddle needs to be answered with "Mornstar." Go to Tombstone Trail afterward and find Horace at the end of the dungeon. The answer to this riddle is AAPEP. Go to the Vault of Tears next and give the answer "White Witch." Afterward, go to the Glittering Grotto to answer the third riddle: "Bring Hope." Go to the Ivory Tower next and answer with "Wizard's Companion."

Errand 137

Location: Ding Dong DellStamps: 10Reward: Troll's Tears (x3), 5000 Guilders

Finish the game and continue. Find an "Ulk" monster north of Ding Dong Dell in the Summerlands -- head to the Giant's Table Tops to find your bounty.

Errand 138

Location: Swan IslandStamps: 10 Reward: Angel Wings (x3), 5000 Guilders

Finish the game and continue. Head north of the Summerlands to Swan Island, where you can find another bounty. Take it out.


Brittany Vincent