Madden 15 Ultimate Team tips

Ultimate Team Currency

Madden Ultimate Team has two types of currency - Points and Coins. Coins are earned in game by playing MUT games and selling cards on the Auction House (more on this later). They can be used to buy packs and cards on the Auction House. Points, on the other hand, are purchased with real money, and can only be used to buy Madden Ultimate Team packs and bundles of packs from the store.

If you want to spend money on Madden Points, well, you’re not alone. This year it is estimated that Madden Ultimate Team will generate over nearly $50 million in revenue for EA.

It’s also recommended that, if you do spend money, do so responsibly. There are people that spend hundreds of dollars on Ultimate Team every year. You don’t want to do that--and you don’t need to. Not with this Tips Guide!

PRO TIP - Spending money in MUT is not necessarily “pay to win”. You can get coins and build a great squad without spending a single dollar. Going into the Solo Challenges menu and playing these will net you coins - and some will even get you cards for your team.

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Rich Grisham
Rich Grisham has been writing for GamesRadar since 2006, back when the site was a bulletin board on Prodigy. These days, he’s busy hosting the Press Row Podcast every week and waiting patiently for Valve to make Portal 3. That’s coming soon, right?