Silent Hill composer's new project tease wasn't taken down by Konami

Silent Hill: Homecoming
(Image credit: Konami/Team Silent)

Konami has denied being involved in getting a video taken down from YouTube which featured a Silent Hill composer teasing a new project.

As we reported last week, Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka was speaking on the AI Hub YouTube channel where he teased that a summer project was in the works, claiming it is one that fans are 'hoping to hear about'.

Shortly after the interview went live and outlets covered it, the video was taken offline because AI Hub was "asked to take it down" by another party. In a statement to VGC, Konami has said it was not involved in getting the video taken down, with a spokesperson stating "Konami did not ask Al Hub to take down the interview".

While this project tease could be anything completely removed from Silent Hill, people were using Yamaoka's comments to mean that this was going to be the reveal of a brand-new Silent Hill game or that it was about the oft-rumoured reboot of the franchise.

Yamaoka is the main composer on various Silent Hill games throughout the years, which is why people are so quick to hope that his words are tied to Silent Hill. The most recent game he worked on, an Xbox Series X exclusive The Medium, is heavily influenced by Silent Hill as well, which could indicate that his new projects have something to do with that franchise.

Either way, over the years there's been increasing speculation from credible sources that the Silent Hill franchise was going to come back in a big way after the tragic cancellation of P.T, with insiders claiming that a reboot was in the works as of March 2020.

All of this, however, is simply wild speculation at the moment. Until Yamaoka's comments, there wasn't much to link any of these rumours about a new Silent Hill game to anything concrete, but since the composer has once again started the rumour mill churning, it seems more likely that it is linked to the legendary horror series.

That's not to say there hasn't been anything Silent Hill related coming out over the airwaves, just last year Konami collaborated with Dead by Daylight to bring Pyramid Head to its game, along with Heather Mason and a new map based on Silent Hill's Midwich Elementary School.

What else is heading to PS5 this year? Check in our new games 2021 feature. 

Jack Webb

I'm a freelance reporter for Gamesradar - games and films are my jam, so you'll mostly find me gushing about my undying love of Xenoblade Chronicles, Lord of the Rings, and how Persona 4 Golden changed my life.