You can officially stop whining now. DmC gameplay trailer alone is 74% more thrilling than Devil May Cry 4

I had a horrible nightmare last night. I dreamt that Christopher Nolan grew a beard. It was terrifying. I'm a really big Nolan fan, stretching all the way back to his early work, and honestly, you can't imagine how much that dream freaked me out. Nolan. With a beard! Of course the obvious happened. Within seconds he lost all of his ability to make films, churning nothing but pappy cinematic abortion after pappy cinematic abortion. That one arbitrary personal aesthetic change stripped away all of his talent, ensuring that he could never be involved in anything of worth again. I woke up in tears.

Think my dream was a bit hysterical? Think I'm a bit mad for still being disturbed by it? Yeah? Well you can stop whining about Dante's redesign in Ninja Theory's new Devil May Cry too,then. The first gameplay trailer is in, and it looks like exactly the kick up the arse that tired old franchise so badly needed.


As should be the way with a franchise reboot, everything is the same, but everything is somehow different. The combat looks delicate and almost slightly staccato in its pacing and flow, but also feels more organic and fluid. Dante seems to have a stack more options and a boatload more versatility than the stiff and lumpen DMC 4 provided. It looks like there could even bee some cool action set-pieces in the level design to compliment the combat this time. And that art style, with all of its wirey character designs, sketchy lines and splattery, almost painted colouring? Its one hell of a kinetic shake-up, and onethat seems to provide a perfect visual analogue for the changes the series' gameplay is undergoing.

I am a happy man. Right now, in Ninja Theory I very much trust.

How about you?

June 13, 2011

Think my dream was a bit hysterical? Think I'm a bit mad for still being disturbed by it? Yeah? Well you can stop whining about Dante's redesign in Ninja Theory's new Devil May Cry too,then. The first gameplay trailer is in, and it looks like exactly the kick up the arse that tired old franchise so badly needed.


As should be the way with a franchise reboot, everything is the same, but everything is somehow different. The combat looks delicate and almost slightly staccato in its pacing and flow, but also feels more organic and fluid. Dante seems to have a stack more options and a boatload more versatility than the stiff and lumpen DMC 4 provided. It looks like there could even bee some cool action set-pieces in the level design to compliment the combat this time. And that art style, with all of its wirey character designs, sketchy lines and splattery, almost painted colouring? Its one hell of a kinetic shake-up, and onethat seems to provide a perfect visual analogue for the changes the series' gameplay is undergoing.

I am a happy man. Right now, in Ninja Theory I very much trust.

How about you?

June 13, 2011

David Houghton
Long-time GR+ writer Dave has been gaming with immense dedication ever since he failed dismally at some '80s arcade racer on a childhood day at the seaside (due to being too small to reach the controls without help). These days he's an enigmatic blend of beard-stroking narrative discussion and hard-hitting Psycho Crushers.