The rudest cheats - Part 2

Gothic II

Apparently, the kids are bored. Really bored. Perhaps playing Gothic II made them bored. There’s nothing too wrong with the game, aside from the awkward controls and dismal interface, but perhaps they just aren’t in to RPGs. What else, besides sheer, mind-numbing boredom could inspire someone to make a nude patch for such a visually mediocre fantasy RPG? We don't know, but regardless of the reason, this patch needed to exist.

Above: Nudity makes this cut scene hundreds of times more fun

A couple of the patches strip the clothing from the game's female NPCs, which reveals little more than some pixelated boob-like shapes. The patch we're dealing with, which is included with the others, changes the player's character into a nude redhead, which not only reveals pixelated boobs, but generates countless hilarious dialogue-taken-out-of-context moments. Just listen to the dialogue in our video on the first page: the gruff male voice juxtaposed with the busty body double is ridiculous. Even better, it works with the demo. Once it’s all installed, sit back and chuckle at gems like:

“His last order was: COME! And they came. All of them. Even the dragons.”

Associate Editor, Digital at PC Gamer