Pirated Halo 3 hits the web

Sept 20, 2007

The full and final Halo 3 disc has been uploaded to the internet by piracy groups a week before the game's release next Wednesday.

This is hardly surprising since, earlier this week, the game's street date was broken when numerous copies were sold by major UK retailer, Argos (to people who we're very jealous of right now). It was only a matter of time before a copy of the game founds its way into the hands of a pirate.

It's not worth you going on the hunt for it though. A pirated copy of the game won't work on a normal Xbox 360, and if you modify your console you stand the strong risk of being banned for life from Xbox Live, which renders Halo 3's fantastic multiplayer mode useless.

Just wait, guys. There's only a few more days left...

Above: Arrrgh! A pirated copy of the game runs the risk of being as crude as this photo

Courtesy of CVG