Nathan Fillion just made his own Uncharted fan movie and it's almost perfect!

A few days ago fan fave Nate Drake casting Nathan Fillion started teasing something Uncharted flavoured. Turns out it was an Uncharted movie, just a Fillion fronted fan project instead of a full Hollywood budget thing. 

It means that while the official 'Tom Holland as young Drake' Uncharted movie floats around development hell, we get to see Fillion channel pure Nathan Drake wisecracking, while Avatar and Don't Breath's Stephen Lang backs him up as Sully. 

Okay, this is a low budget job, so lacks the scale of even the game's set pieces, let alone a full movie, but you can kind of feel the love as Fillion does his best impression of the star. The attention to detail is all there, from the ring around his neck to Uncharted 4's red jeep and a mention of Chloe (plus actress Mircea Monroe appearing as Elena). There's even a nod to a third person camera during a shootout and an attempt at the sky punch from a Thief's End when you jump down to attack an enemy. 

Let's just relive that moment...

Okay, this is unlikely to change Hollywood's mind but it's a lovely look at what could have been in another world. Fillion's was always a perfect patch for Nolan North's smart alec performance and this just shows how well he can pull the part off - by his own admission when he posted the film, this is something to "scratch this itch". 

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

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